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  1. Flynn effect and its reversal are both environmentally caused
  2. Cannabis and opioid overdoses: time to move on and examine potential mechanisms
  3. Prohibition, regulation or laissez faire: The policy trade-offs of cannabis policy
  4. A new approach to formulating and appraising drug policy: A multi-criterion decision analysis applied to alcohol and cannabis regulation
  5. Assessing the effect of public health information by incentivised risk estimation: An example on Swedish snus
  6. Healthy minds 0–100 years: Optimising the use of European brain imaging cohorts (“Lifebrain”)
  7. Correction to: ‘The effects of cannabis intoxication on motor vehicle collision revisited and revised’ (2016)
  8. Childhood socioeconomic status does not explain the IQ-mortality gradient
  9. Response to Li et al . (2017): Cannabis use and crash risk in drivers
  10. Response: Cannabis intoxication, recent use and road traffic crash risks
  11. The effects of cannabis intoxication on motor vehicle collision revisited and revised
  12. Functional connectivity change across multiple cortical networks relates to episodic memory changes in aging
  13. Buying the right to do wrong – An experimental test of moral objections to trading emission permits
  14. Representing Others in a Public Good Game
  15. Drug policy, values and the public health approach –four lessons from drug policy reform movements
  16. Drug policy, public health and values revisited
  17. The changing of the guards
  18. Reply to Moffitt et al.: Causal inference from observational data remains difficult
  19. Correlations between cannabis use and IQ change in the Dunedin cohort are consistent with confounding from socioeconomic status
  20. Addiction: Choice or Compulsion?
  21. What Explains Willingness to Pay for Smoking-Cessation Treatments – Addiction Level, Quit-Rate Effectiveness or the Opening Bid?
  22. What Explains Willingness to Pay for Smoking-Cessation Treatments —Addiction Level, Quit-Rate Effectiveness or the Opening Bid?
  23. Sykefravær rundt større livshendelser
  24. Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies in the European Power Market
  25. The anatomy of absenteeism
  26. Acceptance of unsupported claims about reality: a blind spot in economics
  27. Rational Addiction Theory: A Survey of Opinions
  28. Properties of the Cigarette Dependence Scale and the Fagerström Test of Nicotine Dependence in a representative sample of smokers in Norway
  29. A defence of absurd theories in economics
  30. Smoking, health, risk, and perception
  31. Taking Absurd Theories Seriously: Economics and the Case of Rational Addiction Theories*
  32. Preferences, Rationality and Welfare in Becker's Extended Utility Approach
  33. Smoking and Health Investments: Impacts of Health Adaptation and Damage Reversibility