All Stories

  1. The Chosen One: Consistent Characters in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
  2. Break-A-Scene: Extracting Multiple Concepts from a Single Image
  3. Diffusing Colors: Image Colorization with Text Guided Diffusion
  4. Blended Latent Diffusion
  5. DeepShadow: Neural Shape from Shadow
  6. Dynamic Guidance for Decluttering Photographic Compositions
  7. Iterative Text-Based Editing of Talking-Heads Using Neural Retargeting
  8. Advances in neural rendering
  9. Endless loops
  10. Detecting Deep-Fake Videos from Phoneme-Viseme Mismatches
  11. State of the Art on Neural Rendering
  12. Adaptive Photographic Composition Guidance
  13. Editing self-image
  14. Lifespan Age Transformation Synthesis
  15. Optimizing Portrait Lighting at Capture-Time Using a 360 Camera as a Light Probe
  16. Text-based editing of talking-head video
  17. Unsupervised natural image patch learning
  18. Perceived Facial Distortions in Selfies Are Explained by Viewing Habits—Reply
  19. Nasal Distortion in Short-Distance Photographs: The Selfie Effect
  20. Patch2Vec: Globally Consistent Image Patch Representation
  21. Perspective-aware manipulation of portrait photos
  22. Palette-based photo recoloring
  23. Finding distractors in images
  24. IsoMatch: Creating Informative Grid Layouts