All Stories

  1. Elevation of the TP53 isoform Δ133p53β in glioblastomas: an alternative to mutant p53 in promoting tumour development
  2. Methylome meets maternity ward
  3. A clinicopathological study of episomal papillomavirus infection of the human placenta and pregnancy complications
  4. Loss of ATRX and DAXX expression identifies poor prognosis for smooth muscle tumours of uncertain malignant potential and early stage uterine leiomyosarcoma
  5. Alpha-Enolase Is Upregulated on the Cell Surface and Responds to Plasminogen Activation in Mice Expressing a ∆133p53α Mimic
  6. Ascending-dose study of noribogaine in healthy volunteers: Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety, and tolerability
  7. Omeprazole-induced acute interstitial nephritis: A possible Th1-Th17-mediated injury?
  8. Detection of gunshot residues (GSR) on a self-inflicted gunshot wound
  9. Smoking during pregnancy causes double-strand DNA break damage to the placenta
  10. Increased paired box transcription factor 8 has a survival function in Glioma
  11. Epigenetic Profiling of Pre-Eclamptic Placentas
  12. Molecular Markers of Glioblastoma and the Potential for Integration with Imaging: the Future for Assigning Prognosis and Best Treatment Strategy
  13. Telomere Maintenance Mechanisms: Prognostic and Therapeutic Implications for the Pathologist and Oncologist
  14. Variable Expression of GLIPR1 Correlates with Invasive Potential in Melanoma Cells
  15. Telomere Profiling: Toward Glioblastoma Personalized Medicine
  16. Evaluation of Bioequivalence Between Clozapine Suspension and Tablet Formulations
  17. The alternative lengthening of telomeres pathway may operate in non-neoplastic human cells
  18. The CDKN2A G500 Allele Is More Frequent in GBM Patients with No Defined Telomere Maintenance Mechanism Tumors and Is Associated with Poorer Survival
  19. Prognostic Association of YB-1 Expression in Breast Cancers: A Matter of Antibody
  20. Pilocytic Astrocytomas Have Telomere-Associated Promyelocytic Leukemia Bodies without Alternatively Lengthened Telomeres
  21. PCR detectable Y chromosome-specific DNA but no intact Y chromosome-bearing cells in polymyositis biopsies of two women with male offspring
  22. Pelvic Pseudotumor
  23. Accidental human injection of Excenel RTU™: Ceftiofur hydrochloride in cottonseed oil
  24. STIR MRI to Direct Muscle Biopsy in Suspected Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy
  25. Multicentric Carpal-Tarsal Osteolysis With Nephropathy Treated Successfully With Cyclosporine A: A Case Report and Literature Review
  26. Pregnancy-related polymyositis and massive perivillous fibrin deposition in the placenta: Are they pathogenetically related?
  27. Congenital “clear cell sarcoma of the kidney”
  28. Late intramedullary spinal cord metastasis in a patient with lymphoblastic lymphoma: case report
  29. Tuberculosis: still the great pretender!
  30. Hematuria and death secondary to aortoureteric fistula
  31. Gonadoblastoid Testicular Dysplasia in Walker-Warburg Syndrome
  32. Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide Expression Is Altered in Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Cells in Developing Lungs of Rats with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia