All Stories

  1. Is there an Aging Population Kuznets Curve?
  2. Recent developments in spatial econometrics
  3. A suicidal Kuznets curve?
  4. Dynamic connectedness of uncertainty across developed economies: A time-varying approach
  5. The relationship between commodity markets and commodity mutual funds: A wavelet-based analysis
  6. Time-varying correlations between trade balance and stock prices in the United States over the period 1792 to 2013
  7. Oil volatility, oil and gas firms and portfolio diversification
  8. The dynamic connectedness of UK regional property returns
  9. The Tourism and Economic Growth Enigma: Examining an Ambiguous Relationship through Multiple Prisms
  10. Has the correlation of inflation and stock prices changed in the United States over the last two centuries?
  11. Geopolitical risks and the oil-stock nexus over 1899–2016
  12. Oil dependence, quality of political institutions and economic growth: A panel VAR approach
  13. Convergence patterns in sovereign bond yield spreads: Evidence from the Euro Area
  14. Oil shocks and stock markets: Dynamic connectedness under the prism of recent geopolitical and economic unrest
  15. Forecasting accuracy evaluation of tourist arrivals
  16. Energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and economic growth: An ethical dilemma
  17. Dynamic spillover effects in futures markets: UK and US evidence
  18. The time-varying correlation between output and prices in the United States over the period 1800–2014
  19. Tourism and economic growth: Does democracy matter?
  20. Is inflation persistence different in reality?
  21. Dynamic Comovements Between Housing and Oil Markets in the US over 1859 to 2013: a Note
  22. Is Economic Policy Uncertainty Related to Suicide Rates? Evidence from the United States
  23. Dynamic Spillovers in the United States: Stock Market, Housing, Uncertainty, and the Macroeconomy
  24. International business cycle synchronization since the 1870s: Evidence from a novel network approach
  25. Predictability of sustainable investments and the role of uncertainty: evidence from a non-parametric causality-in-quantiles test
  26. Dynamic interdependencies among the housing market, stock market, policy uncertainty and the macroeconomy in the United Kingdom
  27. Economic growth, volatility, and cross-country spillovers: New evidence for the G7 countries
  28. The impact of fiscal austerity on suicide mortality: Evidence across the ‘Eurozone periphery’
  29. Business cycle and financial cycle spillovers in the G7 countries
  30. Robust determinants of OECD FDI in developing countries: Insights from Bayesian model averaging
  31. Dynamic spillovers between commodity and currency markets
  32. Business Cycle Spillovers in the European Union: What is the Message Transmitted to the Core?
  33. Tourism and growth: The times they are a-changing
  34. How strong is the linkage between tourism and economic growth in Europe?
  35. International business cycle spillovers since the 1870s
  36. Dynamic spillovers of oil price shocks and economic policy uncertainty
  37. The impact of fiscal austerity on suicide: On the empirics of a modern Greek tragedy
  38. Does integration and economic policy coordination promote business cycle synchronization in the EU?
  39. Forecasting volatility in developing countries’ nominal exchange returns
  40. Sovereign bond yield spillovers in the Euro zone during the financial and debt crisis
  41. Dynamic co-movements of stock market returns, implied volatility and policy uncertainty
  43. Exchange return co-movements and volatility spillovers before and after the introduction of euro
  44. International Spillovers of Output Growth and Output Growth Volatility: Evidence from the G7
  45. The great synchronization of international trade collapse
  46. Business cycle synchronization during US recessions since the beginning of the 1870s
  47. Has Globalization Improved International Risk Sharing?
  48. The synchronization of GDP growth in the G7 during US recessions
  49. Volatility, Information and Stock Market Crashes
  50. International Business Cycle Synchronization Since the 1870s: Evidence from a Novel Network Approach
  51. Do Shining Precious Metals Overshadow Other Assets? Dynamic Spillovers Between Commodity and Currency Markets