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  1. Dissociated vestibular test results (caloric and vHIT) in patients with Meniere’s disease are not due to velocity storage malfunction
  2. Air and bone stimulation in vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in patients with unilateral Ménière’s disease and in controls
  3. Comparative study between the caloric vestibular and the video-head impulse tests in unilateral Menière’s disease
  4. Clinical subgroups in unilateral Meniere disease
  5. Diagnostic Bedside Vestibuloocular Reflex Evaluation in the Setting of a False Negative Fistula Test in Cholesteatoma of the Middle Ear
  6. Relapsing Ipsilateral Vestibular Neuritis
  7. Comparison of three diagnostic tests in detecting vestibular deficit in patients with peripheral vestibulopathy
  8. Single intratympanic gentamicin injection in Ménière's disease: VOR change and prognostic usefulness