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  1. Penjanaan Ringkasan Isi Utama Berita Bahasa Melayu berdasarkan Ciri Kata (Generation of News Headline for Malay Language based on Term Features)
  2. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Online and Face-to-Face Weight-loss Interventations in the Workplace: Evidence from Malaysia
  3. Evaluating Engagement Level and Analytical Support of Interactive Visualizations in Virtual Reality Environments
  4. Development and assessment of a web-based for older people
  5. Smartphone Application for Physical Activity Enhancement at Workplace: Would Office Workers Actually Use It?
  6. A Conceptual Framework for Designing Virtual Heritage Environment for Cultural Learning
  7. Penentuan Fitur bagi Pengekstrakan Tajuk Berita Akhbar Bahasa Melayu (Determining Features of News Headline in Malay News Document)
  8. A user study on trust perception in persuasive technology
  9. A Study on Persuasive Technologies. The Relationship between User Emotions, Trust and Persuasion
  10. Mobile Application on Healthy Diet for Elderly based on Persuasive Design
  11. Natural User Interface for Children: From Requirement to Design
  12. MyRedList: Virtual Application for Threatened Plant Species
  13. Technological Intervention for Moral Education Among Teenagers: A Review
  14. Visualization Principles for Facilitating Strategy Development Process in the Organization
  17. Trust perceptions in using persuasive technologies
  18. Designing a persuasive physical activity application for older workers: understanding end-user perceptions
  19. Designing persuasive application to encourage physical activity at workplace among older workers
  20. Interaction and game engagement based on players' background and preferences
  21. Using Socio-ecological Model to Inform the Design of Persuasive Applications
  22. What influence cultural learning in virtual heritage environment
  23. Web-Based Physical Activity Interventions for Older Adults: A Review
  24. Advances in Visual Informatics
  25. Systemic Visual Structures: Design Solution for Complexities of Big Data Interfaces
  26. Understanding the User Perception in Visual Lifelogging: A Pilot Study in Malaysian Context
  27. A study of smartphone usage and barriers among the elderly
  28. Framing the Design of Novel Applications Inspired by Emerging Media Technologies
  29. Designing Interactive Applications with Multimedia Content-based Analysis Techniques
  30. Exploring user experience in game interface: a case study of The Sims 3
  31. A Study on the Naturalness of Gesture-Based Interaction for Children
  32. Engendering Trust through Emotion in Designing Persuasive Application
  33. Designing Interactive Applications to Support Novel Activities
  34. Reflection on Reflection: Daily Review of Lifelog Photos and the Usability of Wearable Digital Camera
  35. Exploring the User Engagement in Interacting with Game Interfaces
  36. Understanding Big Picture and Its Challenges: Experts and Decision Makers Perspectives
  37. Design, Deployment and Assessment of a Movie Archive System for Film Studies - A Case Study
  38. Investigating User Perception in a Development of Crime News Retrieval System
  39. Design of an interactive digital nutritional education package for elderly people
  40. Using moving and static RSVP presentation modes on children's digital flashcard
  41. A conceptual framework for an interactive personal information management system
  42. Designing an Interface for a Digital Movie Browsing System in the Film Studies Domain
  43. Measuring flow experience in gaming devices interactions
  44. Measuring user engagement levels in social networking application
  45. Personal information management systems and interfaces: An overview
  46. Measuring user engagement attributes in social networking application
  47. An Interactive Malaysia Crime News Retrieval System
  48. Measuring flow in gaming platforms
  49. i-JEN: Visual Interactive Malaysia Crime News Retrieval System
  50. Cultural Learning in Virtual Heritage: An Overview
  51. Use of Content Analysis Tools for Visual Interaction Design
  52. A Visual Art Education Tool to Create Logo (APH-Pensil) Based on the Fundamental Design Theory Approach
  53. A Visual Measurement Model on Human Capital and ICT Dimensions of a Knowledge Society (KS) Framework for Malaysia towards an Innovative Digital Economy
  54. An Improved Course Assessment Measurement for Analyzing Learning Outcomes Performance Using Rasch Model
  55. Use of RSVP Techniques on Children’s Digital Flashcards
  56. Developing, Deploying and Assessing Usage of a Movie Archive System among Students of Film Studies
  57. Are Visual Informatics Actually Useful in Practice: A Study in a Film Studies Context