All Stories

  1. Psychometric Testing of the CHAMPS Questionnaire in French Canadians with COPD
  2. Association between cognitive reserve and cognitive performance in people with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  3. Where have all the pilot studies gone? A follow-up on 30 years of pilot studies in Clinical Rehabilitation
  4. How have research questions and methods used in clinical trials published in Clinical Rehabilitation changed over the last 30 years?
  5. Stroke Rehabilitation at Home
  6. Considering Material Culture in Assessing Assistive Devices: “Breaking up the Rhythm”
  7. Falls Count and Counting Falls: Making Sense of Data About Falls
  8. What pilot studies tell us!
  9. Toward Patient-Centered Care
  10. A Probabilistic Case-finding Algorithm for Chronic Disease Surveillance
  11. Fitness intervention trial post-stroke (FITS): Enhancing walking endurance using home rehabilitation programs
  12. Clinician's Commentary on Dang et al.
  13. Geriatric Rapid Adaptive Cognitive Estimate
  14. Response to Donaldson’s Commentary
  15. In Reply:
  16. Upper-limb function and recovery in the acute phase poststroke
  17. The Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement (STREAM): A Comparison With Other Measures Used to Evaluate Effects of Stroke and Rehabilitation
  18. The Authors Reply
  19. Disablement following stroke
  20. Letters to the Editor
  21. The Effect of a Home Visit on Parental Compliance with a Home Program
  22. Hopelessness Predicts Stroke in Women Only