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  1. Job Contract and Buying a House
  2. Exploring the spatialisation of the performance of residential REITs investment and direct investment in the housing market
  3. Negative gearing and housing investment decisions.
  4. Urbanisation and housing finance nexus: Evidence from Australia
  5. The Unintended Consequences of COVID-19 Economic Responses on First Home Buyers? Evidence from New South Wales, Australia
  6. Spatial connectivity and house price diffusion: The case of Greater Sydney and the regional cities and centres of new south wales (NSW) in Australia
  7. The determinants of homeownership affordability in Greater Sydney: evidence from a submarket analysis
  8. Housing price bubbles in Greater Sydney: evidence from a submarket analysis
  9. House price diffusion of housing submarkets in Greater Sydney
  10. The differential geography of housing affordability in Sydney: a disaggregated approach