All Stories

  1. Prevalence of oral hygiene tools amongst hospitalised elders: A cross‐sectional survey
  2. Effect of advanced age and/or systemic medical conditions on dental implant survival: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  3. Clinical performance of LOCATOR® attachments: A retrospective study with 1-8 years of follow-up
  4. Masticatory efficiency of implant-supported removable partial dental prostheses in patients with free fibula flap reconstructed mandibles: A split-mouth, observational study
  5. Implant survival in 1- versus 2-implant mandibular overdentures: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  6. Dental Appearance and Personality Trait Judgment of Elderly Persons
  7. Loading Protocols for Implant-Supported Overdentures in the Edentulous Jaw: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  8. High-fluoride toothpaste: a multicenter randomized controlled trial in adults
  9. Effects ofin vitrocyclic dislodging on retentive force and removal torque of three overdenture attachment systems
  10. Survival rates of short (6 mm) micro-rough surface implants: a review of literature and meta-analysis
  11. Effect of lingual plates on generating intra-oral pressure during swallowing: an experimental study in healthy subjects
  12. Dental appearance and personality trait judgment of elderly persons.
  13. A microbiological evaluation of the use of denture cleansers in combination with an oral rinse in complete denture patients
  14. Efficacy and predictability of short dental implants