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  1. Comparative serum lipid and immunohematological values among adult pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculosis lymphadenitis cases and their association with sputum bacilli load and time to culture positivity in Northwestern Ethiopia
  2. Maternal serum uric acid, creatinine and blood urea levels in the prediction of pre-eclampsia among pregnant women attending ANC and delivery services at Bahir Dar city public hospitals, northwest Ethiopia: A case-control study
  3. Evaluation of the postal service for referral of specimen of drug resistance tuberculosis in Amhara region, Ethiopia; mixed method
  4. Prevalence of active tuberculosis disease among healthcare workers and support staff in healthcare settings of the Amhara region, Ethiopia
  5. Prevalence of Bacteriuria and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns among Diabetic and Nondiabetic Patients Attending at Debre Tabor Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia
  6. Factors Affecting Utilization of Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing Services among Teachers in Awi Zone, Northwest Ethiopia
  7. Two thirds of hookworm infected children were anemic at the outpatient department in Jimma Health Center, Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia
  8. HIV infection rates in kombolcha
  9. Longer lead time of tuberculosis laboratory commodities in Amhara region, Ethiopia
  10. Distribution and Availability of Essential Tuberculosis Diagnostic Items in Amhara Region, Ethiopia
  11. Poor symptomatic tuberculosis screening practices in a quarter of health centres in Amhara Region, Ethiopia