All Stories

  1. Modelling the effects of green finance and renewable energy on environmental sustainability: Fresh insights for BICST economies
  2. Environmental Sustainability Across BRICS Economies: the Dynamics Among the Digital Economy, Education, and CO2 Emissions
  3. Empowering sustainability practices through energy transition: The role of digital economy and technological innovation among BRICS economies
  4. Do green finance and green innovation foster environmental sustainability in China? Evidence from a quantile autoregressive-distributed lag model
  5. Performance-Evaluation Index for Precision Poverty Alleviation in China’s Shaanxi Province
  6. An empirical approach to the nexus between natural resources and environmental pollution: Do economic policy and environmental-related technologies make any difference?
  7. The nexus between renewable energy, income inequality, and consumption‐based CO2 emissions: An empirical investigation
  8. Does energy innovation play a role in achieving sustainable development goals in BRICS countries?
  9. Is nuclear energy a better alternative for mitigating CO2 emissions in BRICS countries? An empirical analysis
  10. Analyzing the relationship between poverty, income inequality, and CO2 emission in Sub-Saharan African countries
  11. Poverty and vulnerability of environmental degradation in Sub-Saharan African countries: what causes what?
  12. Modeling the dynamic linkage between financial development, energy innovation, and environmental quality: Does globalization matter?
  13. Mitigation pathways toward sustainable development: Is there any trade‐off between environmental regulation and carbon emissions reduction?
  14. Analyzing the role of governance in CO2 emissions mitigation: The BRICS experience
  15. Effect of natural resources, renewable energy and economic development on CO2 emissions in BRICS countries
  16. Pharma macro-environmental risks and organizational self-development
  17. Information Systems Capabilities and Customer Capital: A Multiple Mediation Model
  18. Linking economic growth and ecological footprint through human capital and biocapacity
  19. Modeling the non-linear relationship between financial development and energy consumption: statistical experience from OECD countries
  20. The effect of financial development on ecological footprint in BRI countries: evidence from panel data estimation
  21. Financial development, globalization, and CO2 emission in the presence of EKC: evidence from BRICS countries
  22. The effect of ICT, financial development, growth, and trade openness on CO2 emissions: an empirical analysis
  23. Nexus between financial development and CO2 emissions in Saudi Arabia: analyzing the role of globalization
  24. Financial instability and CO2 emissions: the case of Saudi Arabia
  25. The effect of ICT on CO2 emissions in emerging economies: does the level of income matters?
  26. Moderated mediation between IT capability and organizational agility
  27. The nexus between energy consumption and financial development: estimating the role of globalization in Next-11 countries
  28. Modeling the impact of transport energy consumption on CO2 emission in Pakistan: Evidence from ARDL approach
  29. An investigation of the relationship between workplace practices and firm performance: evidence from hotel industry, China
  30. Dynamic linkages between road transport energy consumption, economic growth, and environmental quality: evidence from Pakistan
  31. Dark Triad, Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Moderating Effect of Political Skills
  32. Linkage between remittances and FDI: Evidence from low-income countries
  33. Management practices and performance of mergers and acquisitions in Pakistan: mediating role of psychological contract