All Stories

  1. Designing a variable control chart for a two-stage production process
  2. Bayes Estimator Under Neutrosophic Statistics: A Robust Approach for Handling Uncertainty and Imprecise Data
  3. Monitoring the Blood Levels of Animals using Control Charts
  4. Design of Control Chart Using Gini-Process Capability Index and Resampling
  5. Predictive model for congenital heart disease in children of Pakistan by using structural equation modeling
  6. Testing Normality of Data for Uncertain Level of Significance
  9. The t-test of a regression coefficient for imprecise data
  10. Design of Control Charts Using Repetitive Sampling: A Comparative Study of Conditional Expected Delay
  11. Analysis of Graeco-Latin square designs in the presence of uncertain data
  12. Jonckheere Trend Test under Indeterminacy with Applications
  14. Neutrosophic Regression Modeling with Dummy Variables: Applications and Simulations
  16. Balanced Lattice Designs under Uncertain Environment
  17. Analysis of heavy metal concentrations in breast milk by neutrosophic method in the locate of Lahore, Pakistan
  18. Applying Interval Quadripartitioned Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets to Graphs and Climatic Analysis
  19. Utilizing Repetitive Sampling in the Construction of a Control Chart for Lindley Distribution with Time Truncation
  20. A New Mood’s Median Test for Imprecise Data
  22. Modeling COVID-19 data with a novel neutrosophic Burr-III distribution
  23. Neutrosophic Topp-Leone Distribution for Interval-Valued Data Analysis
  24. Multi-attribute decision-making problem in career determination using single-valued neutrosophic distance measure
  25. Economical Group Chain Sampling Plans for Weibull Distribution Using Bayesian Approach
  26. Emergence of the neutrosophic ratio-type estimators for estimating the population mean evidence: From energy dissipated Okara district Pakistan
  27. Assessment of heavy metals level in chicken with indeterminate analysis in localities of Lahore, Pakistan
  30. Generating Imprecise Data from Log-Normal Distribution
  31. Life truncated multiple dependent state plan for imprecise Weibull distributed data
  32. Birnbaum Saunders distribution for imprecise data: statistical properties, estimation methods, and real life applications
  33. Nonparametric mixed exponentially weighted moving average-moving average control chart
  35. New Concepts on Quadripartitioned Neutrosophic Competition Graph with Application
  37. Pareto Distribution-Based Shewhart Control Chart for Early Detection of Process Mean Shifts
  39. Comparing the efficacy of coefficient of variation control charts using generalized multiple dependent state sampling with various run-rule control charts
  40. Optimized two-stage time-truncated control chart for Weibull distribution
  42. Analysis of imprecise measurement data utilizing z-test for correlation
  43. Neutrosophic geometric distribution: Data generation under uncertainty and practical applications
  44. Algorithmic generation of imprecise data from uniform and Weibull distributions
  45. Simulating chi-square data through algorithms in the presence of uncertainty
  46. A review on control charts based on different sampling schemes
  47. Developing Novel Algorithms for Generating Inexact Data through Triangle Distribution
  48. Awareness of Sustainable Development Goals and Its Relationship to Sustainable Behavior
  49. Develop a Sustainable Behavior Scale for Middle School Students and to Verify Its Psychometric Properties
  50. Testing lifetime of the product using new distribution in group acceptance sampling plan
  51. A variable sampling plan based on the coefficient of variation for lots resubmission
  53. Algorithm for generating neutrosophic data using accept-reject method
  55. Availability and access to Livelihood capital assets for development of sustainable Livelihood strategies of fishermen: A case study of Manchar Lake Pakistan
  58. Optimized repetitive sampling X-bar control chart: performance evaluation and comparison with Shewhart control chart
  59. The run test for two samples in the presence of uncertainty
  60. Uncovering the global ranking of greenhouse gases intensity, efficiency and structural transformation
  62. Chi-square test for imprecise data in consistency table
  63. Robust process capability indices Cpm and Cpmk using Weibull process
  64. A generalized approach to compute neutrosophic k-factor analysis of variance
  65. Use of highly sensitive nickel phthalocyanine based humidity sensor to explore the imprecise data analysis for robot body
  66. Efficient signed-rank based EWMA and HWMA repetitive control charts for monitoring process mean with and without auxiliary information
  67. Cochran’s Q test for analyzing categorical data under uncertainty
  68. Simulating imprecise data: sine–cosine and convolution methods with neutrosophic normal distribution
  69. Efficiency enhancement of the modified EWMA control method with conditional expected delay for change detection in processes
  70. An enhanced design of nonparametric modified EWMA sign control chart using repetitive sampling
  71. Data analysis for vague contingency data
  72. New Statistical Methodology for Capacitor Data Analysis via LCR Meter
  73. Time series data analysis under indeterminacy
  74. Design of Hotelling T2 control chart using various covariance structures
  75. Monitoring and Comparing Air and Green House Gases Emissions of Various Countries
  76. Marshall-Olkin length biased exponential distribution for wind speed analysis alternative to Weibull distribution
  77. Assessment of lead, cadmium, and mercury levels in the breast milk in Pakistani women
  78. Neutrosophic ratio-type exponential estimators for estimation of population mean
  79. Control chart for half normal and half exponential power distributed process
  80. Performance evaluation of DEWMA3 in phase-II for capturing changes in simple linear profiles based on run rule mechanism
  81. Monitoring Air Quality using the Neural Network based Control Chart
  82. Measurement of process capability indices for lower and upper tolerance with fuzzy parameters
  83. Marshall Olkin Exponentiated Dagum Distribution: Properties and Applications
  84. Neutrosophic statistical analysis of split-plot designs
  85. Design of moving average chart and auxiliary information based chart using extended EWMA
  86. Exponential ratio estimator of the median: An alternative to the regression estimator of the median under stratified sampling
  87. DUS-neutrosophic multivariate inverse Weibull distribution: properties and applications
  88. On updating the results of the control chart using a modified EWMA statistic
  89. Data analysis for sequential contingencies under uncertainty
  90. Mixed Exponentially Weighted Moving Average—Moving Average Control Chart with Application to Combined Cycle Power Plant
  91. Efficient class of ratio cum median estimators for estimating the population median
  92. A complex wireless sensors model (CWSM) for real time monitoring of dam temperature
  93. Climate-induced optimal wheat cropping season and mapping districts vulnerabilities in Punjab, Pakistan
  95. A study of human respiration rate through neutrosophic statistics
  96. Neutrosophic linear models for bioinformatics
  97. Use of neutrosophic statistics to analyze the measured data of diabetes
  98. Analysis of changes in blood pressure of women during pregnancy through neutrosophic statistics
  99. Neutrosophic statistics and the medical data: a systematic review
  100. Monitoring COVID-19 cases under uncertainty
  101. Neutrosophic statistical analysis of changes in blood pressure, pulse rate and temperature of human body due to COVID-19
  102. Weibull distribution under indeterminacy with applications
  103. Comparative behavior of systolic blood pressure under indeterminacy
  104. Copyright
  105. Using the four-valued Rasch model in the preparation of neutrosophic form of risk maps for the spread of COVID-19 in Turkey
  106. Neutrosophic regression cum ratio estimators for the population mean: an application in medical science
  107. Neutrosophic test of linearity with application
  108. Various sampling inspection plans for cancer patients using gamma distribution under indeterminacy
  109. Moving average control chart under neutrosophic statistics
  110. Design of double acceptance sampling plan for Weibull distribution under indeterminacy
  111. Uncertainty-based sampling plans for various statistical distributions
  112. Smoking and prevalence of COVID-19: Evidence from studies from January 2020 – May 2020
  113. Prediction of the COVID-19 transmission: a case study of Pakistan
  114. Generalized multiple dependent state sampling plan for quality inspection in ocean dataset
  115. A study on thermal analysis of under-construction concrete dam
  116. Truncated variable algorithm using DUS-neutrosophic Weibull distribution
  117. A new generalization of Lindley distribution for modeling of wind speed data
  118. Exploring the psychological and religious perspectives of cancer patients and their future financial planning: a Q-methodological approach
  119. Assessment of Tolerance, Harmony and Coexistence A Study on University Students in Government College University, Faisalabad
  120. On the Odd Perks Exponential Model: An Application to Quality Control Data
  121. Generalized confidence intervals of quantile-based process capability indices for inverse Gaussian distribution
  122. Effects of dam on temperature, humidity and precipitation of surrounding area: a case study of Gomal Zam Dam in Pakistan
  123. Monitoring Using X-Bar Control Chart Using Neutrosophic-Based Generalized Multiple Dependent State Sampling with Application
  124. Comparison of Entropy Measures for Gompertz and Truncated Gompertz Distribution
  125. Analyzing the imprecise capacitance and resistance data of humidity sensors
  126. Product evaluation using uncertainty-based process capability index
  127. Fabrication and Characterization of a Highly Sensitive and Flexible Tactile Sensor Based on Indium Zinc Oxide (IZO) with Imprecise Data Analysis
  128. Analysis of covariance under neutrosophic statistics
  129. Alloy melting points data analysis using uncertainty-based sequential probability ratio test
  130. Neutrosophic F-Test for Two Counts of Data from the Poisson Distribution with Application in Climatology
  131. Comparing the Performance of Navigation Systems Under Complex Environment
  132. A study on average run length of fuzzy EWMA control chart
  133. Retraction Note: Neutrosophic statistical test for counts in climatology
  134. A resubmission-based variable control chart
  135. Selecting the covariance structure for the seemingly unrelated regression models
  136. A New Test for Ridge Wind Directional Data Under Neutrosophic Statistics
  137. Monitoring largest extreme observations using Frechet distribution based on weighted variance method
  138. A New Way of Investigating the Relationship Between Fasting Blood Sugar Level and Drinking Glucose Solution
  139. Forecasting of Wind Speed Using an Interval-Based Least Square Method
  140. Sampling Inspection Plan to Test Daily COVID-19 Cases Using Gamma Distribution under Indeterminacy Based on Multiple Dependent Scheme
  141. Fuzzy acceptance sampling plan for transmuted Weibull distribution
  142. Analysis and Allocation of Cancer-Related Genes Using Vague DNA Sequence Data
  143. Food Quality Inspection Using Uncertain Rank Data
  144. Design of a new Z-test for the uncertainty of Covid-19 events under Neutrosophic statistics
  145. Response Surface Models Using the Wavelet Technique for Reservoir Inflow Prediction
  146. Analyzing imprecise graphene foam resistance data
  147. Monitoring Betaine Using Interval Time Between Events Control Chart
  148. Inspection of the Production Lot Using Two Successive Occasions Sampling Under Neutrosophy
  149. A new neutrosophic model using DUS-Weibull transformation with application
  150. Dietary Fat and Prostate Cancer Relationship Using Trimmed Regression Under Uncertainty
  151. Power Inverted Nadarajah–Haghighi Distribution: Properties, Estimation, and Applications
  152. A study on factors leading to poor mental health of children in Punjab, Pakistan
  153. Monitoring road accident and injury using indeterminacy based Shewhart control chart using multiple dependent state repetitive sampling
  154. The U Family of Distributions: Properties and Applications
  155. Design of SkSP-R Plan for Popular Statistical Distributions
  156. Product Acceptance Determination Based on EWMA Yield Index Using Repetitive and MDS Sampling Schemes
  157. Fabrication of a graphene-based sensor to detect the humidity and the temperature of a metal body with imprecise data analysis
  158. Fabrication of flexible temperature sensors to explore indeterministic data analysis for robots as an application of Internet of Things
  159. Optimal design of multiple dependent state repetitive group sampling plan for inverse power Lomax distribution
  160. A New Variable-Censoring Control Chart Using Lifetime Performance Index under Exponential and Weibull Distributions
  161. Modeling and forecasting the total number of cases and deaths due to pandemic
  162. Vague data analysis using neutrosophic Jarque–Bera test
  163. An empirical study on quality of life and related factors of Pakistani breast cancer survivors
  164. Neutrosophic statistical analysis of resistance depending on the temperature variance of conducting material
  165. Identification of climate induced optimal rice yield and vulnerable districts rankings of the Punjab, Pakistan
  166. A new generalization of logistic Weibull distribution with theory and practical illustration
  167. A New Neutrosophic Negative Binomial Distribution: Properties and Applications
  168. Reservoir Inflow Prediction by Employing Response Surface-Based Models Conjunction with Wavelet and Bootstrap Techniques
  169. Factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding duration in Pakistan: a population-based cross-sectional study
  170. Aggregative effect on rice production due to climate change using index number under indeterminate environment: a case study from Punjab, Pakistan
  171. Inspection plan for COVID-19 patients for Weibull distribution using repetitive sampling under indeterminacy
  172. Correlated Proportions Test under Indeterminacy
  173. Analysis of COVID-19 data using neutrosophic Kruskal Wallis H test
  174. A New X-bar Control Chart for Multiple Dependent State Sampling Using Neutrosophic Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Statistics with Application to Monitoring Road Accidents and Road Injuries
  175. Uncertainty-Based Trimmed Coefficient of Variation with Application
  176. Chi-square test under indeterminacy: an application using pulse count data
  177. Assessing the Significance of Relationship Between Metrology Variables under Indeterminacy
  178. A study on various pollutants in water and their effect on blood of the consumers
  179. Two-stage sampling exponential and chain ratio type estimators in the presence of measurement error
  180. Statistical Analysis for Food Quality in the Presence of Vague Information
  181. Radar Circular Data Analysis Using a New Watson’s Goodness of Test under Complexity
  182. Neutrosophic statistical test for counts in climatology
  183. Percentile bootstrap control chart for monitoring process variability under non-normal processes
  184. Testing Internal Quality Control of Clinical Laboratory Data Using Paired t -Test under Uncertainty
  185. Neutrosophic entropy measures for the Weibull distribution: theory and applications
  186. A new neutrosophic sign test: An application to COVID-19 data
  187. Sampling plans using extended EWMA statistic with and without auxiliary information
  188. Testing the normality of heart associated variables having neutrosophic numbers
  189. Neutrosophic ratio-type estimators for estimating the population mean
  190. Robust Distribution-Free Hybrid Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Schemes Based on Simple Random Sampling and Ranked Set Sampling Techniques
  191. Comparative Analysis of Climate Variability and Wheat Crop under Neutrosophic Environment
  192. Enhanced statistical tests under indeterminacy with application to earth speed data
  193. Improving the efficiency of various Shewhart control charts
  194. Mixed Weibull distributions for the Bayesian analysis of reliability when failures are progressively censored
  195. Distribution‐free double‐sampling precedence monitoring scheme to detect unknown shifts in the location parameter
  196. A homogeneously weighted moving average control chart for Conway–Maxwell Poisson distribution
  197. An insight into control charts using EWMA
  198. Design of tests for mean and variance under complexity-an application to rock measurement data
  199. Mixed memory control chart based on auxiliary information for simultaneously monitoring of process parameters: An application in glass field
  201. Monitoring Road Accidents and Injuries Using Variance Chart under Resampling and Having Indeterminacy
  202. Mean ranked acceptance sampling plan under exponential distribution
  203. Monitoring Mortality Caused by COVID-19 Using Gamma-Distributed Variables Based on Generalized Multiple Dependent State Sampling
  205. Cost model of variable multiple dependent state sampling plan with rectifying inspection
  206. Clinical laboratory medicine measurements correlation analysis under uncertainty
  207. Statistical Inferences on Odd Fréchet Power Function Distribution
  208. Tracking Temperature Under Uncertainty Using EWMA-MA Control Chart
  209. Testing average wind speed using sampling plan for Weibull distribution under indeterminacy
  210. The use of fast initial response features on the homogeneously weighted moving average chart with estimated parameters under the effect of measurement errors
  211. Weibull-Exponential Distribution and Its Application in Monitoring Industrial Process
  212. Efficient designs of modeling attribute control charts for a Weibull distribution under truncated life tests
  213. Analyzing wind power data using analysis of means under neutrosophic statistics
  214. Moving average EWMA chart for the Weibull distribution
  215. A new sudden death chart for the Weibull distribution under complexity
  216. On Testing Autocorrelation in Metrology Data Under Indeterminacy
  217. Neutrosophic D’Agostino Test of Normality: An Application to Water Data
  218. Refined Double Sampling Scheme with Measures and Application
  219. Process Monitoring for Gamma Distributed Product under Neutrosophic Statistics Using Resampling Scheme
  220. A new CUSUM control chart under uncertainty with applications in petroleum and meteorology
  221. Nanomedicine in treatment of breast cancer – A challenge to conventional therapy
  222. Economic Determination of Modified Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plan under Some Lifetime Distributions
  223. Normality Test of Temperature in Jeddah City Using Cochran’s Test Under Indeterminacy
  224. Monitoring of production of blood components by attribute control chart under indeterminacy
  225. Generalized multiple dependent state sampling plans for coefficient of variation
  226. Single-stage and two-stage total failure-based group-sampling plans for the Weibull distribution under neutrosophic statistics
  228. A study on skewness and kurtosis estimators of wind speed distribution under indeterminacy
  229. Monitoring circuit boards products in the presence of indeterminacy
  230. Radar data analysis in the presence of uncertainty
  231. Performance of a New Time-Truncated Control Chart for Weibull Distribution Under Uncertainty
  232. Control Chart for Monitoring Variation Using Multiple Dependent State Sampling Under Neutrosophic Statistics
  233. Neutrosophic Statistics for Grouped Data: Theory and Applications
  234. Neutrosophic Normal Probability Distribution—A Spine of Parametric Neutrosophic Statistical Tests: Properties and Applications
  235. The New Neutrosophic Double and Triple Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts
  236. A homogenously weighted moving average scheme for observations under the effect of serial dependence and measurement inaccuracy
  237. Fabrication of a surface type humidity sensor based on methyl green thin film, with the analysis of capacitance and resistance through neutrosophic statistics
  238. A Control Chart for Exponentially Distributed Characteristics Using Modified Multiple Dependent State Sampling
  239. Analysing Gray Cast Iron Data using a New Shapiro-Wilks test for Normality under Indeterminacy
  240. Analyzing the Solar Energy Data Using a New Anderson-Darling Test under Indeterminacy
  241. A study on measurement system analysis in the presence of indeterminacy
  242. Socioeconomic and demographic factors determining the underweight prevalence among children under-five in Punjab
  243. Forecasting of the wind speed under uncertainty
  244. Monitoring number of non-conforming items based on multiple dependent state repetitive sampling under truncated life tests
  245. Distribution‐free composite Shewhart‐GWMA Mann‐Whitney charts for monitoring the process location
  246. Control chart for log-logistic using quantile approach
  247. Marshall–Olkin Power Lomax distribution for modeling of wind speed data
  248. Monitoring the road traffic crashes using NEWMA chart and repetitive sampling
  249. A new goodness of fit test in the presence of uncertain parameters
  250. Two successive occasions resubmitted sampling scheme‐based control chart
  251. Multiple Dependent State Repetitive Sampling-Based Control Chart for Birnbaum–Saunders Distribution
  252. Designing of control chart of extended EWMA statistic using repetitive sampling scheme
  253. Evaluating the relationship between climate variability and agricultural crops under indeterminacy
  254. Time between events control charts for gamma distribution
  255. Bayesian reliability estimation for the Topp–Leone distribution under progressively type-II censored samples
  256. Presenting post hoc multiple comparison tests under neutrosophic statistics
  257. Multiple Dependent State Sampling-Based Chart Using Belief Statistic under Neutrosophic Statistics
  258. Type-I heavy tailed family with applications in medicine, engineering and insurance
  259. Shewhart Type Control Charts for Attributes
  260. Introduction to Statistical Process Control
  261. Control Chart for Multiple Dependent State Sampling
  262. Multivariate Control Charts for Attributes
  263. Monitoring the temperature through moving average control under uncertainty environment
  264. A new generalized Burr XII distribution with real life applications
  265. Multivariate Analysis under Indeterminacy: An Application to Chemical Content Data
  266. Product acceptance determinations using new nonparametric sign sampling plan
  267. Analyzing alloy melting points data using a new Mann-Whitney test under indeterminacy
  268. Design of X-bar control chart based on Inverse Rayleigh Distribution under repetitive group sampling
  269. On mixed memory control charts based on auxiliary information for efficient process monitoring
  270. A New Nonparametric Composite Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Sign Control Chart
  271. The Marshall–Olkin Inverted Nadarajah–Haghighi Distribution: Estimation and Applications
  272. Introducing Grubbs’s test for detecting outliers under neutrosophic statistics – An application to medical data
  273. Reliability estimation from Topp Leone smixture distribution using optimal progressive censoring schemes: A Bayesian approach
  274. Test of Association in the Presence of Complex Environment
  275. The W/S Test for Data Having Neutrosophic Numbers: An Application to USA Village Population
  276. Design of NEWMA np control chart for monitoring neutrosophic nonconforming items
  277. Monitoring customer complaints using the repetitive sampling
  278. A new control chart using GINI CPK
  279. On detecting outliers in complex data using Dixon’s test under neutrosophic statistics
  280. The Maxwell paired comparison model under Bayesian paradigm using informative priors
  282. Impact of Different Repetitive Sampling Schemes on the Performance of X-bar Control Chart
  283. Probable daily return on investments in gold
  284. Mixture of transmuted Pareto distribution: Properties, applications and estimation under Bayesian framework
  285. A repetitive sampling plan using decision trees method
  286. Tubulin Proteins in Cancer Resistance: A review
  287. New Diagnosis Test under the Neutrosophic Statistics: An Application to Diabetic Patients
  288. Product Acceptance Determination by Two Suppliers with Linear Profiles
  289. A mixed control chart for monitoring failure times under accelerated hybrid censoring
  290. A control chart for monitoring the lognormal process variation using repetitive sampling
  291. EWMA and DEWMA repetitive control charts under non-normal processes
  292. Product acceptance determination using repetitive sampling based on process loss consideration under neutrosophic numbers
  293. A new sudden death testing using repetitive sampling under a neutrosophic statistical interval system
  294. A Nonparametric Repetitive Sampling DEWMA Control Chart Based on Linear Prediction
  295. Neutrosophic Rayleigh Distribution With Some Basic Properties and Application
  296. Monitoring Non-Conforming Products Using Multiple Dependent State Sampling Under Indeterminacy-An Application to Juice Industry
  297. Generalized Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plans in Presence of Measurement Data
  298. Parameter Estimation Effect of the Homogeneously Weighted Moving Average Chart to Monitor the Mean of Autocorrelated Observations With Measurement Errors
  299. Attribute np Control Charts using Resampling Systems for Monitoring Non-Conforming Items using Exponentiated Half Logistic Distribution
  300. The extention rank ordering criteria weighting methods in fuzzy enviroment
  301. Mixture Modeling of Exponentiated Pareto Distribution in Bayesian Framework With Applications of Wind-Speed and Tensile Strength of Carbon Fiber
  302. Moving Average control charts for Burr X and Inverse Gaussian distributions
  303. Introducing Kolmogorov–Smirnov Tests under Uncertainty: An Application to Radioactive Data
  304. Two-stage sampling plan using process loss index under neutrosophic statistics
  305. Design of hybrid EWMln-S2 control chart
  306. Design of the Bartlett and Hartley tests for homogeneity of variances under indeterminacy environment
  307. A modified-mxEWMA location chart for the improved process monitoring using auxiliary information and its application in wood industry
  308. A successive sampling control chart using multiple dependent state sampling over two successive occasions
  309. Estimation of Reliability in a Multicomponent Stress–Strength System for the Exponentiated Moment-Based Exponential Distribution
  310. Generalized regression cum ratio estimators of population variance in two phase sampling
  311. Monitoring process variation using modified EWMA
  312. Acceptance sampling plans for two-stage process for multiple manufacturing lines under neutrosophic statistics
  313. Mixed EWMA–CUSUM chart for COM-Poisson distribution
  314. A new method to analyze rock joint roughness coefficient based on neutrosophic statistics
  315. Design of SN2-NEWMA Control Chart for Monitoring Process having Indeterminate Production Data
  316. Designing a control chart of extended EWMA statistic based on multiple dependent state sampling
  317. A New X-Bar Control Chart for Using Neutrosophic Exponentially Weighted Moving Average
  318. Bayesian estimation of the mixture of Burr Type-XII distributions using doubly censored data
  319. Time-Truncated Group Plan under a Weibull Distribution based on Neutrosophic Statistics
  320. Classification of the State of Manufacturing Process under Indeterminacy
  321. Analysis of process yield in a cost-effective double acceptance sampling plan
  322. A new nonparametric double exponentially weighted moving average control chart
  323. On the Bayesian Analysis of Two-Component Mixture of Transmuted Weibull Distribution
  324. Correction: Identifying the factors associated with cesarean section modeled with categorical correlation coefficients in partial least squares
  325. Monitoring and assessing pre-labor obstetric practicesc using control charts: cesarean delivery cases
  326. An approach towards decision making and shortest path problems using the concepts of interval‐valued Pythagorean fuzzy information
  327. Identifying the factors associated with cesarean section modeled with categorical correlation coefficients in partial least squares
  328. An efficient double exponentially weighted moving average Benjamini‐Hochberg control chart to control false discovery rate
  329. Design of a Control Chart Based on COM-Poisson Distribution for the Uncertainty Environment
  330. Inspection Plan Based on the Process Capability Index Using the Neutrosophic Statistical Method
  331. Determination of multiple dependent state repetitive group sampling plan based on the process capability index
  332. Determination and economic design of a generalized multiple dependent state sampling plan
  333. Design of variables sampling plans based on lifetime-performance index in presence of hybrid censoring scheme
  334. Modified EWMA control chart for transformed gamma data
  335. Control Charts for Monitoring Process Capability Index Using Median Absolute Deviation for Some Popular Distributions
  336. A variable sampling plan using generalized multiple dependent state based on a one-sided process capability index
  337. Neutrosophic analysis of variance: application to university students
  338. Optimal Bayesian Reliability Estimation from Progressively Censored Multimodal Data
  339. Monitoring the Process Based on Belief Statistic for Neutrosophic Gamma Distributed Product
  340. Application of classification methods to analyze chemicals in drinking water quality
  341. Evaluation of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals Using a New Non-Normal Process Capability Index
  342. Design of a t‐chart using generalized multiple dependent state sampling
  343. A new multiple dependent state sampling plan based on the process capability index
  344. Choosing the best facility layout using the combinatorial method of Gray relation analysis and nonlinear programming
  345. A new variable control chart using neutrosophic interval method-an application to automobile industry
  346. Design of an EWMA adaptive control chart using MDS sampling
  347. Variable batch-size attribute control chart
  348. A Nonparametric HEWMA-p Control Chart for Variance in Monitoring Processes
  349. Application of Neutrosophic Logic to Evaluate Correlation between Prostate Cancer Mortality and Dietary Fat Assumption
  350. On Exponential Negative-Binomial-X Family of Distributions
  351. Some new construction of circular weakly balanced repeated measurements designs in periods of two different sizes
  352. A hybrid EWMA chart using coefficient of variation
  353. Designing of an attribute control chart based on modified multiple dependent state sampling using accelerated life test under Weibull distribution
  354. Inspection Strategy under Indeterminacy Based on Neutrosophic Coefficient of Variation
  355. A mixed double sampling plan based on Cpk
  356. CEV-Hybrid Dewma charts for censored data using Weibull distribution
  357. Design of a sign chart using a new EWMA statistic
  358. A Variable Acceptance Sampling Plan under Neutrosophic Statistical Interval Method
  359. Design of Variable Sampling Plan for Pareto Distribution Using Neutrosophic Statistical Interval Method
  360. EWMA Control Chart Using Repetitive Sampling for Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels in Type-II Diabetes Patients
  361. Shewhart Attribute and Variable Control Charts Using Modified Multiple Dependent State Sampling
  362. A New Failure-Censored Reliability Test Using Neutrosophic Statistical Interval Method
  363. A new attribute sampling plan using neutrosophic statistical interval method
  364. Product Acceptance Determination with Measurement Error Using the Neutrosophic Statistics
  365. A Variable Control Chart Based on Process Capability Index Under Generalized Multiple Dependent State Sampling
  366. Sampling Plan for Big Data
  367. A Multiple Dependent State Repetitive Sampling Plan Based on Performance Index for Lifetime Data with Type II Censoring
  368. Attribute Control Chart Using the Repetitive Sampling Under Neutrosophic System
  369. Control Chart for Variance Using Repetitive Sampling Under Neutrosophic Statistical Interval System
  370. Design of X-Bar Control Chart Using Multiple Dependent State Sampling Under Indeterminacy Environment
  371. Design of X-Bar Control Chart for Resampling Under Uncertainty Environment
  372. Design of a Control Chart for Gamma Distributed Variables Under the Indeterminate Environment
  373. Sampling Plan Using Process Loss Index Using Multiple Dependent State Sampling Under Neutrosophic Statistics
  374. Development of a New Control Chart Based on Ranked Repetitive Sampling
  375. Acceptance Sampling from Truncated Life Tests
  376. Time Truncated Life Tests Using the Generalized Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plans for Various Life Distributions
  377. Skip-Lot Sampling Plans
  378. Testing and Inspection Using Acceptance Sampling Plans
  379. Introduction
  380. Acceptance Sampling Based on Life Tests from Some Specific Distributions
  381. Miscellaneous Acceptance Sampling Plans
  382. Sampling Plans Using Process Capability Index (PCI)
  383. Some Life Distributions
  384. Filter-Based Factor Selection Methods in Partial Least Squares Regression
  385. Plan for Food Inspection for Inflated-Pareto Data Under Uncertainty Environment
  386. Bayesian estimation of the mixture of exponentiated inverted Weibull distribution using noninformative and informative priors
  387. A Control Chart Based on Two-piece Normal Distribution Using Repetitive Sampling
  388. A Family of Bayes Estimators for the Parameters of the Generalized Gamma Distribution
  389. Design of Fuzzy Sampling Plan Using the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution
  390. Design of Sampling Plan Using Regression Estimator under Indeterminacy
  391. An attribute control chart for multivariate Poisson distribution using multiple dependent state repetitive sampling
  392. A Fuzzy EWMA Attribute Control Chart to Monitor Process Mean
  393. Control Chart for Failure-Censored Reliability Tests under Uncertainty Environment
  394. Cubic Transmuted-G Family of Distributions and Its Properties
  395. Design of chart for a Birnbaum Saunders distribution under accelerated hybrid censoring
  396. Design of a New Synthetic Acceptance Sampling Plan
  397. Design of a Control Chart Using Extended EWMA Statistic
  398. Design of a New Variable Shewhart Control Chart Using Multiple Dependent State Repetitive Sampling
  399. Design of a New Attribute Control Chart Under Neutrosophic Statistics
  400. A new variable control chart under generalized multiple dependent state sampling
  401. A new variable control chart under failure-censored reliability tests for Weibull distribution
  402. A New Generalized Range Control Chart for the Weibull Distribution
  403. Monitoring the Variability in the Process Using Neutrosophic Statistical Interval Method
  404. Design of a Quick Switching Sampling System Based on the Coefficient of Variation
  405. CUSUM Charts using Ratio-Type Estimators for Monitoring Process Location
  406. Selecting better process based on difference statistic using double sampling plan
  408. Design of New Sampling Plans for Multiple Manufacturing Lines Under Uncertainty
  409. Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts for the Process Mean Using Exponential Ratio Type Estimator
  410. Designing of repetitive group sampling plan under truncated life test based on generalized inverted exponential distribution
  411. Approximate Bayesian analysis of doubly censored samples from mixture of two Weibull distributions
  412. Testing of Grouped Product for the Weibull Distribution Using Neutrosophic Statistics
  413. A mixed nonparametric control chart for efficient process monitoring
  414. Three-Component Mixture of Rayleigh Model Under Doubly Censored Samples: A Bayesian Look
  415. Bayesian Estimation for 3-Component Mixture of Generalized Exponential Distribution
  416. Design of control charts for multivariate Poisson distribution using generalized multiple dependent state sampling
  417. A New Control Chart for Monitoring the Process Mean Using Successive Sampling and Multiple Dependent State Repetitive Sampling
  418. An EWMA-DiD Control Chart to Capture Small Shifts in the Process Average Using Auxiliary Information
  419. Designing of an attribute control chart for two-stage process
  420. Bayesian Analysis of Heterogeneous Doubly Censored Lifetime Data using the 3-Component Mixture of Rayleigh Distributions: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study
  421. Bayesian Estimation of the Transmuted Fréchet Distribution
  422. A Variable Control Chart under the Truncated Life Test for a Weibull Distribution
  423. An EWMA control chart using two parametric ratio estimator
  424. An attribute control chart using discriminant limits for monitoring process under the Weibull distribution
  425. A New Sampling Plan Using Neutrosophic Process Loss Consideration
  426. CUSUM Control Chart for Variance
  427. Process Monitoring using Successive Sampling and a Repetitive Scheme
  428. Attribute Control Chart for a Lognormal Distribution Under Accelerated Time-Censoring
  429. A EWMA control chart based on an auxiliary variable and repetitive sampling for monitoring process location
  430. Multiple dependent state repetitive sampling plans with or without auxiliary variable
  431. Sampling Plan Using EWMA Statistic of Regression Estimator
  432. A multiple dependent state repetitive sampling plan for linear profiles
  433. Properties of Exponential Ratio Type Estimators in Equal Probability Sampling: A Simulation Study
  434. A New Control Chart using Multiple Dependent State Repetitive Sampling
  435. Design of Control Chart in Presence of Hybrid Censoring Scheme
  436. A Multivariate Control Chart for Monitoring Several Exponential Quality Characteristics Using EWMA
  437. Design of Sampling Plan for Exponential Distribution Under Neutrosophic Statistical Interval Method
  438. Statistical Monitoring of Process Capability Index Having One Sided Specification Under Repetitive Sampling Using an Exact Distribution
  439. How Does Lending from Commercial Banks Impact Performance of Small Enterprises: A Case Study of District Hafizabad, Pakistan
  440. Demystifying Undergraduate Student Perceptions in a Course Feedback Process
  441. Bayesian Estimation of 3-Component Mixture of the Inverse Weibull Distributions
  442. Design of an attribute np control chart for process monitoring based on repetitive group sampling under truncated life tests
  443. Time truncated attribute control chart for the Weibull distribution using multiple dependent state sampling
  444. A HEWMA-CUSUM control chart for the Weibull distribution
  445. Bayesian modeling to paired comparison data via the Pareto distribution
  446. Evaluation of Two Process Yields in Acceptance Sampling Plans
  447. Hybrid Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Chart Using Exponential Distribution
  448. Design of Control Chart for Processes with Multiple Independent Manufacturing Lines
  449. Psychometric study of depression, anxiety and stress among university students
  451. Attribute control chart for some popular distributions
  452. Weighted Erlang and Lomax Distributions
  453. Bayesian estimation of 3-component mixture of Gumbel type-II distributions under non-informative and informative priors
  454. Determination of a new mixed variable lot-size multiple dependent state sampling plan based on the process capability index
  455. Group SkSP-R sampling plan for accelerated life tests
  456. Erratum to: The Efficacy of Process Capability Indices Using Median Absolute Deviation and Their Bootstrap Confidence Intervals
  457. A control chart for COM-Poisson distribution using a modified EWMA statistic
  458. Optimal Designing of an SkSP-R Double Sampling Plan
  459. Bayesian Analysis of the Rayleigh Paired Comparison Model under Loss Functions using Informative Prior
  460. Reliability analysis of 3-component mixture of distributions
  461. Design of Attribute Control Chart Based on Regression Estimator
  462. Bayesian Analysis of the Mixture of Frechet Distribution under Different Loss Functions
  463. The Efficacy of Process Capability Indices Using Median Absolute Deviation and Their Bootstrap Confidence Intervals
  464. A Sampling Plan for the Selection of Supplier using Process Yield Index based on Linear Profiles
  465. A EWMA Control Chart based on Repetitive Sampling to Monitor Process Mean with Geometric Poisson Characteristics
  466. Design of acceptance sampling plan using a modified EWMA statistic
  467. A control chart for monitoring process variation using multiple dependent state sampling
  468. Restricted Repetitive Sampling in Designing of Control Charts
  469. Developing a variable repetitive group sampling plan based on the coefficient of variation
  470. Bootstrap Confidence Intervals of the Modified Process Capability Index for Weibull distribution
  471. Multiple dependent state repetitive sampling plans based on one-sided process capability indices
  472. Time-truncated attribute sampling plans using EWMA for Weibull and Burr type X distributions
  473. A mixed control chart using process capability index
  474. A Control Chart for Gamma Distribution using Multiple Dependent State Sampling
  476. An attribute control chart for a Weibull distribution under accelerated hybrid censoring
  477. A Control Chart for Gamma Distributed Variables Using Repetitive Sampling Scheme
  478. Bayesian Analysis of two Censored Shifted Gompertz Mixture Distributions using Informative and Noninformative Priors
  479. Dependent Mixed and Mixed Repetitive Sampling Plans for Linear Profiles
  481. Bayesian inference for the randomly censored Burr-type XII distribution
  482. Acceptance sampling plan for multiple manufacturing lines using EWMA process capability index
  483. Double moving average control chart for exponential distributed life using EWMA
  484. A New Control Chart for Monitoring Reliability Using Sudden Death Testing Under Weibull Distribution
  485. A New Attribute Control Chart Using Multiple Dependent State Repetitive Sampling
  486. A Time Truncated Moving Average Chart for the Weibull Distribution
  487. Personality Traits as Predictor of Emotional Intelligence among the University Teachers as Advisors
  488. Evaluation of Modified Non-Normal Process Capability Index and Its Bootstrap Confidence Intervals
  489. A Control Chart for Monitoring the Process Mean Using Successive Sampling Over Two Occasions
  490. Bayesian estimation of finite3-component mixture of Burr Type-XII distributions assuming Type-I right censoring scheme
  491. New Sampling Plan for Testing of Multiple Lots
  492. Doubly Censored Data from Two-Component Mixture of Inverse Weibull Distributions: Theory and Applications
  493. Study of the Left Censored Data from the Gumbel Type II Distribution under a Bayesian Approach
  494. Design of a Control Chart Using a Modified EWMA Statistic
  495. Log-logistic distribution for survival data analysis using MCMC
  496. Designing of two mixed variable lot-size sampling plans using repetitive sampling and resampling based on the process capability index
  497. Improving Benchmarking Student Learning Outcomes Using Repetitive Sampling Control Chart
  498. Bayesian analysis of type-I right censored data using the 3-component mixture of Burr distributions
  499. Design and Construction of Plan for Exponential Distribution Using Repetitive Sampling
  500. Double moving average–EWMA control chart for exponentially distributed quality
  501. Estimation of parameters of the 3-component mixture of Pareto distributions using type-I right censoring under Bayesian paradigm
  502. Acceptance sampling plans for linear profiles with one-sided specifications
  503. A hybrid exponentially weighted moving average chart for COM-Poisson distribution
  504. A new generally weighted moving average control chart based on Taguchi’s loss function to monitor process mean and dispersion
  505. Evaluating modified generalized information criterion in presence of multicollinearity
  506. Acceptance Sampling Plan Using Successive Sampling Over Two Successive Occasions
  507. Estimation of reliability in multicomponent stress–strength based on two parameter exponentiated Weibull Distribution
  508. A Study of Cumulative Quantity Control Chart for a Mixture of Rayleigh Model under a Bayesian Framework
  509. Repetitive Acceptance Sampling Plan Based on Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Regression Estimator
  510. Fitting and Analyzing Randomly Censored Geometric Extreme Exponential Distribution
  511. Repetitive Availability Demonstration Testing Procedure
  512. Designing of a control chart using belief statistic for exponential distribution
  513. EWMA np Control Chart for the Weibull Distribution
  514. A new variable sample size control chart using MDS sampling
  515. Design of sampling plan using auxiliary information
  516. SkSP-R sampling plan based on process capability index
  517. A Mixed EWMA-CUSUM Control Chart for Weibull-Distributed Quality Characteristics
  518. A control chart for multivariate Poisson distribution using repetitive sampling
  519. On Selection of A Suitable Prior for the Posterior Analysis of Censored Mixture of Topp Leone Distribution
  520. A new t-chart using process capability index
  521. Developing Sampling Plans Using HEWMA Statistic
  522. Mixed Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plan Using Exponentially Weighted Moving Average
  523. A new sampling plan under the exponential distribution
  524. Developing a variables two-plan sampling system for product acceptance determination
  525. A Control Chart for COM-Poisson Distribution Using Multiple Dependent State Sampling
  526. Mixed sampling plan based on exponentially weighted moving average statistic
  527. A Two Parameter Discrete Lindley Distribution
  528. Capability Indices for Non-Normal Distribution Using Gini’s Mean Difference as Measure of Variability
  529. Mixed Control Charts Using EWMA Statistics
  530. An Attribute Control Chart Based on the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution Using Repetitive Sampling
  531. Dispersion chart for some popular distributions under repetitive sampling
  532. On Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Left Censored Burr Type III Distribution
  533. Burr-XII Distribution Parametric Estimation and Estimation of Reliability of Multicomponent Stress-Strength
  534. Resubmitted lots with single sampling plans by attributes under the conditions of zero-inflated poisson distribution
  535. Three Steps Strategy to Search for Optimum Classification Trees
  536. Monitoring process mean using generally weighted moving average chart for exponentially distributed characteristics
  537. Comparison of Loss Functions for Estimating the Scale Parameter of Log-Normal Distribution using Non-Informative Priors
  538. A control chart for time truncated life tests using Pareto distribution of second kind
  539. Multiple dependent state repetitive group sampling plan for Burr XII distribution
  540. Lindley-Shannon Information for Comparison of Priors Under Paired Comparisons Model
  541. Comparisons of decision tree methods using water data
  542. The Rayleigh Paired Comparison Model with Bayesian Analysis
  543. Design of SkSP-R Variables Sampling Plans
  544. Bayesian Analysis of the 3-Component Mixture of Exponential Distribution Assuming the Non-Informative Priors
  545. A EWMA Control Chart for Exponential Distributed Quality Based on Moving Average Statistics
  546. Improved Acceptance Sampling Plan Based on EWMA Statistic
  547. Two stage group acceptance sampling plan for half normal percentiles
  548. Attribute Control Charts for the Weibull Distribution under Truncated Life Tests
  549. A 3-Component Mixture of Rayleigh Distributions: Properties and Estimation in Bayesian Framework
  550. Acceptance sampling plans based on truncated life tests for weighted exponential distribution
  551. A newS2control chart using repetitive sampling
  552. Bootstrap confidence intervals of CNpkfor inverse Rayleigh and log-logistic distributions
  553. A mixed control chart to monitor the process
  554. Bayes estimation of Gumbel mixture models with industrial applications
  555. On process capability and system availability analysis of the inverse Rayleigh distribution
  556. Acceptance sampling plans for multi-stage process based on time-truncated test for Weibull distribution
  557. A Control Chart for COM-Poisson Distribution Using Resampling and Exponentially Weighted Moving Average
  558. Improved double acceptance sampling plan based on truncated life test for some popular statistical distributions
  559. SkSP-V sampling plan for accelerated life tests
  560. The design of a new repetitive sampling control chart based on process capability index
  561. On the Bayesian analysis of 3-component mixture of Exponential distributions under different loss functions
  562. X-Bar Control Charts for Non-Normal Correlated Data Under Repetitive Sampling
  563. Various repetitive sampling plans using process capability index of multiple quality characteristics
  564. A repetitive group sampling plan by variables inspection for product acceptance determination
  565. On Monitoring Mixture Weibull Processes Using Mixture Quantity Charts
  566. Designing of a hybrid exponentially weighted moving average control chart using repetitive sampling
  567. A control chart using an auxiliary variable and repetitive sampling for monitoring process mean
  568. An Economic Design of a Group Sampling Plan for a Weibull Distribution Using a Bayesian Approach
  569. A New Mixed Variable Lot Size Sampling Plan Based on Process Capability Index
  570. sampling plan
  571. Economic Design of SkSP-R Skip-Lot Sampling Plan
  572. Resubmitted Sampling Inspection Plan for Exponentiated Weibull Distribution
  573. On estimation of two-component mixture inverse Lomax model via Bayesian approach
  574. A new attribute control chart using multiple dependent state sampling
  575. Attribute-variable Inspection Policy for Lots Using Resampling Based on EWMA
  576. Mixed Acceptance Sampling Plans for Product Inspection Using Process Capability Index
  577. A lot inspection sampling plan based on EWMA yield index
  578. A new exponentially weighted moving average sign chart using repetitive sampling
  579. A new control chart for exponential distributed life using EWMA
  580. Time Truncated Testing Strategy using Multiple Testers: Lognormal Distributed Lifetime
  581. A Multiple Dependent State Control Chart Based on Double Control Limits
  582. Designing of a new monitoring t-chart using repetitive sampling
  583. New Attributes and Variables Control Charts under Repetitive Sampling
  584. Capability indices for Birnbaum–Saunders processes applied to electronic and food industries
  585. Repetitive Group Sampling Plan Based on Truncated Tests for Weibull Models
  586. SkSP-V Sampling Plan for the Exponentiated Weibull Distribution
  587. A control chart for an exponential distribution using multiple dependent state sampling
  588. Inspection of Batches Through Skip-R Lot Sampling Plan
  589. Multiple dependent state variable sampling plans with process loss consideration
  590. A New System of Skip-Lot Sampling Plans including Resampling
  591. An Acceptance Sampling Plan under Frechet Distribution Assuring Median Life
  592. A mixed repetitive sampling plan based on process capability index
  593. Repetitive variable acceptance sampling plan for one-sided specification
  594. Multiple states repetitive group sampling plans with process loss consideration
  595. Control Charts for Monitoring Burr Type-X Percentiles
  596. Skip-Lot Sampling Plan of Type SkSP-2 with Two-Stage Group Acceptance Sampling Plan as Reference Plan
  597. Designing of X-bar control charts based on process capability index using repetitive sampling
  598. A new lot inspection procedure based on exponentially weighted moving average
  599. Selection of suitable prior for the Bayesian mixture of a class of lifetime distributions under type-I censored datasets
  600. Developing a variables repetitive group sampling plan based on process capability indexCpkwith unknown mean and variance
  601. Decision Procedure for the Weibull Distribution Based on Run Lengths of Conforming Items
  602. Optimal Design of Skip Lot Group Acceptance Sampling Plans for the Weibull Distribution and the Generalized Exponential Distribution
  603. Two-Stage Group Acceptance Sampling Plan for Burr Type X Percentiles
  604. A new economical design of acceptance sampling models using Bayesian inference
  605. The use of Statistical Methods in Mechanical Engineering
  606. Decision Rule Based on Group Sampling Plan Under the Inverse Gaussian Distribution
  607. Variable sampling inspection for resubmitted lots based on process capability index Cpk for normally distributed items
  608. Repetitive acceptance sampling plans for burr type XII percentiles
  609. Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plan Based on Process Capability Index
  610. Optimal designing of skip-lot sampling plan of type SkSP-2 with group acceptance sampling plan as reference plan under Burr-type XII distribution
  611. Optimal designing of skip-lot sampling plan of type SkSP-2 with group acceptance sampling plan as reference plan under Burr-type XII distribution
  612. Tightened-Normal-Tightened Group Acceptance Sampling Plan for Assuring Percentile Life
  613. Two-Stage Variables Acceptance Sampling Plans Using Process Loss Functions
  614. Designing of Group Sampling Plans Based on Gamma-Poisson Distribution
  615. A new mixed acceptance sampling plan based on sudden death testing under the Weibull distribution
  616. Double acceptance sampling plans for Burr type XII distribution percentiles under the truncated life test
  617. Decision rule of repetitive acceptance sampling plans assuring percentile life
  618. Variables sampling inspection scheme for resubmitted lots based on the process capability index Cpk
  619. Bayesian Estimation in the Proportional Hazards Model of Random Censorship under Asymmetric Loss Functions
  620. A two-stage group sampling plan based on truncated life tests for a general distribution
  621. Group acceptance sampling plans for resubmitted lots under Burr-type XII distributions
  622. Variable repetitive group sampling plans with process loss consideration
  623. Optimal designing of an SkSP-V skip-lot sampling plan with double-sampling plan as the reference plan
  624. Comparison of GASP for Pareto distribution of the 2nd kind using Poisson and weighted Poisson distributions
  625. Improved Group Acceptance Sampling Plan for Dagum Distribution under Percentiles Lifetime
  626. Design of progressively censored group sampling plans for Weibull distributions: An optimization problem
  627. New acceptance sampling plans based on life tests for Birnbaum–Saunders distributions
  628. Time Truncated Group Acceptance Sampling Plans for Generalized Exponential Distribution
  629. Design of a time-truncated double sampling plan for a general life distribution
  630. An Improved Group Sampling Plan Based on Time-Truncated Life Tests
  631. Time truncated acceptance sampling plans for generalized exponential distribution
  632. A Two-Plan Sampling System for Life Testing Under Weibull Distribution
  633. A double acceptance sampling plan for generalized log-logistic distributions with known shape parameters
  634. A Time Truncated Two-Stage Group Sampling Plan for Weibull Distribution
  635. Group Acceptance Sampling Plans for Pareto Distribution of the Second Kind
  636. A group acceptance sampling plan for truncated life test having Weibull distribution