All Stories

  1. Performance optimization for an optimal operating condition for a shell and heat exchanger using a multi-objective genetic algorithm approach
  2. Smart Contract-Enabled Secure Sharing of Health Data for a Mobile Cloud-Based E-Health System
  3. Design and Development of a Data Structure Visualisation System Using the Ant Colony Algorithm
  4. Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Multi-Criteria Clustering and Optimal Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Routing
  5. A deep learning approach for facial emotions recognition using principal component analysis and neural network techniques
  6. Rating-Based Recommender System Based on Textual Reviews Using IoT Smart Devices
  7. Clustering Based Optimal Cluster Head Selection Using Bio-Inspired Neural Network in Energy Optimization of 6LowPAN
  8. A MapReduce Clustering Approach for Sentiment Analysis Using Big Data
  9. A secure framework for IoT-based smart climate agriculture system: Toward blockchain and edge computing
  10. Face recognition algorithm based on stack denoising and self-encoding LBP
  11. Smart and Effective Environment Monitoring Using Internet of Things
  12. Quantum Cryptography
  13. Big Data and Social Media Analytics- A Challenging Approach in Processing of Big Data
  14. Using Web Log Files the Comparative Study of Big Data with Map Reduce Technique
  15. Multi-criteria software quality model selection based on divergence measure and score function
  16. Big data approach for sentiment analysis of twitter data using Hadoop framework and deep learning
  17. Enhancement in Teaching Quality Methodology by Predicting Attendance Using Machine Learning Technique
  18. Challenges and Uses of Big Data Analytics for Social Media
  19. Map Reduce clustering in Incremental Big Data processing
  20. Routing Protocols for Constraint Devices Internet of Things Network