All Stories

  1. The Marshall–Olkin Transmuted-G Family of Distributions
  2. A new extended generalized Gompertz distribution with statistical properties and simulations
  3. The odd Nadarajah-Haghighi family of distributions: properties and applications
  4. A new flexible lifetime model with log-location regression modeling, properties and applications
  5. The odd log-logistic gompertz lifetime distribution: Properties and applications
  6. Extended exp-G family of distributions: Properties, applications and simulation
  7. Extended exponentiated Nadarajah-Haghighi model: Mathematical properties, characterizations and applications
  8. The Topp Leone odd Lindley-G family of distributions : Properties and applications
  9. A new useful four-parameter extension of the Gumbel distribution: Properties, regression model and applications using the GAMLSS framework
  10. A new family of distributions with properties, regression models and applications