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  1. Bovine endometrium responds to sperm via TLR2/4 pathway
  2. Age-related changes in the bovine corpus luteum function and progesterone secretion
  3. Relationship of vaginal discharge characteristics evaluated by Metricheck device to metabolic status in postpartum dairy cows
  4. Changes of leukocyte counts and expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in peripheral leukocytes in periparturient dairy cows with retained fetal membranes
  5. A proinflammatory response of bovine endometrial epithelial cells to active sperm in vitro
  6. Angiotensin II increases sperm phagocytosis by neutrophils in vitro: A possible physiological role in the bovine oviduct
  7. Feed-derived volatile basic nitrogen increases reactive oxygen species production of blood leukocytes in lactating dairy cows
  8. Possible role of interferon tau on the bovine corpus luteum and neutrophils during the early pregnancy
  9. Evidence for a novel, local acute-phase response in the bovine oviduct: Progesterone and lipopolysaccharide up-regulate alpha 1-acid-glycoprotein expression in epithelial cells in vitro
  10. Bovine oviduct epithelial cells downregulate phagocytosis of sperm by neutrophils: prostaglandin E2 as a major physiological regulator