All Stories

  1. Reduplication facilitates early word segmentation
  2. Reduplicated Words Are Easier to Learn
  3. Two-year-olds but not younger children comprehend it in ambiguous contexts: Evidence from preferential looking
  4. Children's speech processing and the Autism-Spectrum Quotient
  5. Input frequency and lexical variability in phonological development: a survival analysis of word-initial cluster production
  6. Revisiting the phonological deficit in dyslexia: Are implicit nonorthographic representations impaired?
  7. The KEY to the ROCK: Near-homophony in nonnative visual word recognition
  8. Lexical effects on speech perception in individuals with “autistic” traits
  9. Children’s Production of Word Accents in Swedish Revisited
  10. EUROSLA Yearbook
  11. The Development of Prosodic Structure in Early Words
  12. The Development of Lexical Pitch Accent Systems: An Autosegmental Analysis
  13. Phonological theory and the development of prosodic structure
  14. Segmentals and Global Foreign Accent: The Japanese Flap in EFL
  15. 17 L1 phonology: phonological development
  16. Bilingual Visual Word Recognition Task
  17. Phonological acquisition
  18. Lexical frequency effects on phonological development: the case of word production in Japanese