All Stories

  1. Antimicrobial resistance: Threat to the world
  2. Know-do gap for sick child care and drivers of knowledge and practice among health extension workers in four regions of Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
  3. Client retention in the continuum of maternal health services in Ethiopia
  4. The socio-economic inequity in child nutritional status in Low- and Middle-income countries
  5. Spatial patterns and inequalities in skilled birth attendance and caesarean delivery in sub-Saharan Africa
  6. Quality of sick child management by health extension workers: role of a complex improvement intervention
  7. Escalating spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection after school reopening among students in hotspot districts of Oromia Region in Ethiopia: Longitudinal study
  8. Assessment of Implementation Outcome Measures for Positive Deviance Approach as a New Strategy to Promote Exclusive Breastfeeding: A Psychometric Follow-Up Study
  9. Ignoring Clustering and Nesting in Cluster Randomized Trials Renders Conclusions Unverifiable [Response to Letter]
  10. End-Users Satisfaction with Positive Deviance Approach as an Intervention to Promote Exclusive Breastfeeding in Jimma, Ethiopia: A Multi-Level Analysis
  11. Child vaccination in sub-Saharan Africa: Increasing coverage addresses inequalities
  12. Spatial patterns and inequalities in skilled birth attendance and caesarean delivery in sub-Saharan Africa
  13. Towards Sustainable Community-Based Systems for Infectious Disease and Disaster Response; Lessons from Local Initiatives in Four African Countries
  14. Effectiveness of Positive Deviance Approach to Promote Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
  15. Patient volume and quality of primary care in Ethiopia: findings from the routine health information system and the 2014 Service Provision Assessment survey
  16. Erratum to: poor coverage and quality for poor women: inequalities in quality antenatal care in nine East African countries
  17. Poor coverage and quality for poor women: Inequalities in quality antenatal care in nine East African countries
  18. Epidemiology Coronavirus disease-19 in Oromia Region of Ethiopia
  19. Significant inefficiency in running community health systems: The case of health posts in Southwest Ethiopia
  20. Expanding Maternity Waiting Homes as an Approach to Improve Institutional Delivery in Southwest Ethiopia: A Community-Based Case-Control Study
  21. Inequitable Utilization of Neonatal Health Services in Southwest Ethiopia: The Effects of Socioeconomic Disparities
  22. Invalid measles vaccine dose administration and vaccine effectiveness in Ethiopia
  23. Informal Care and Community Volunteer Work in Global Health
  24. <p>Inequities in the Uptake of Reproductive and Maternal Health Services in the Biggest Regional State of Ethiopia: Too Far from “Leaving No One Behind”</p>
  25. Quality of clinical assessment and management of sick children by Health Extension Workers in four regions of Ethiopia: A cross-sectional survey
  26. The effect of Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccination in preventing severe infectious respiratory diseases other than TB: Implications for the COVID-19 pandemic
  27. <p>Areas of Potential Improvement for Hospitals’ Patient-Safety Culture in Western Ethiopia</p>
  28. Utilization of routine health information and associated factors among health workers in Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia
  29. Perceived organizational culture and its relationship with job satisfaction in primary hospitals of Jimma zone and Jimma town administration, correlational study
  30. Identification of relevant performance indicators for district healthcare systems in Ethiopia: a systematic review and expert opinion
  31. Informal Care and Community Volunteer Work in Global Health
  32. Epidemiology of COVID-19 Outbreak in Oromia Region of Ethiopia: The First Six Months Surveillance – 13 March 2020 to 13 September 2020
  33. Poor nutrition for under-five children from poor households in Ethiopia: Evidence from 2016 Demographic and Health Survey
  34. How Effective are Mentoring Programs for Improving Health Worker Competence and Institutional Performance in Africa? A Systematic Review of Quantitative Evidence
  35. Technical efficiency of neonatal health services in primary health care facilities of Southwest Ethiopia: a two-stage data envelopment analysis
  36. Birth outcomes of singleton term breech deliveries in Jimma University Medical Center, Southwest Ethiopia
  37. Disrespect and abuse during childbirth in Western Ethiopia: Should women continue to tolerate?
  38. Time for action: Intimate partner violence troubles one third of Ethiopian women
  39. Exploration of facilitators and barriers to the implementation of a guideline to reduce HIV-related stigma and discrimination in the Ethiopian healthcare settings: A descriptive qualitative study
  40. Reducing HIV-related stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings: A systematic review of quantitative evidence
  41. Technical Efficiency of Maternal and Reproductive Health Services in Public Hospitals of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
  42. Community health volunteers could help improve access to and use of essential health services by communities in LMICs: an umbrella review
  43. Are we too far from being client centered?
  44. Reducing HIV-related stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings: a systematic review of guidelines, tools, standards of practice, best practices, consensus statements and systematic reviews
  45. Evaluation of a guideline developed to reduce stigma and discrimination related to HIV
  46. Technical efficiency of public health centers in three districts in Ethiopia: two-stage data envelopment analysis
  47. Evaluation of a guideline developed to reduce HIV-related stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings and establishing consensus
  48. Client-Centeredness of Family Planning Services in a Resource Limited Setting
  49. Inequities in utilization of reproductive and maternal health services in Ethiopia
  50. Significant association between perceived HIV related stigma and late presentation for HIV/AIDS care in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  51. Urban Health Extension Services Utilization in Bishoftu Town, Oromia Regional State, Central Ethiopia
  52. Determinants of Quality of Work Life among Nurses Working in Hawassa Town Public Health Facilities, South Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study
  53. The Utilization of Health Services among Poor Households with User Fee Payment Waiver Certificate in Gamo Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia
  54. Readiness of health centers and primary hospitals for the implementation of proposed health insurance schemes in Southwest Ethiopia
  55. Perceived Nurse—Physician Communication in Patient Care and Associated Factors in Public Hospitals of Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia: Cross Sectional Study
  56. Motivation of health workers and associated factors in public hospitals of West Amhara, Northwest Ethiopia
  57. Community home based care for people living with HIV: an overview of client needs, actors and services provided in Ethiopia
  58. Coverage of child health services in rural districts of Ethiopia with the health services extension program
  59. Perceived patient satisfaction with in-patient services at Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia
  60. Predictors of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive use among Married Women Visiting Health Facilities in Jimma Town
  61. Diabetic Complications among Adult Diabetic Patients of a Tertiary Hospital in Northeast Ethiopia
  62. Reasons for admission and mortalities following admissions in the intensive care unit of a specialized hospital, in Ethiopia
  63. The Death of the Mother and Her Child Keeps on Bothering Developing Nations
  64. Postoperative Pain Management among Surgically Treated Patients in an Ethiopian Hospital
  65. Birth in a Health Facility –Inequalities among the Ethiopian Women: Results from Repeated National Surveys
  66. Efficacy of narrative exposure therapy in the treatment of children and adolescent patients with posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review protocol
  67. Retrospective analysis of mortalities in a tertiary care hospital in Northeast Ethiopia
  68. Medication prescribing errors and associated factors at the pediatric wards of Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia
  69. Khat chewing and risky sexual behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review protocol
  70. Quality of Family Planning Services in Primary Health Centers of Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia
  71. Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation versus electroconvulsive therapy in the treatment of medication resistant major depressive disorder: a systematic review protocol
  72. Quality of antenatal care services at public health facilities of Bahir-Dar special zone, Northwest Ethiopia
  73. Predictors of Mortality among Tuberculosis/HIV-Coinfected Persons in Southwest Ethiopia
  74. Structural barriers to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) adherence: a systematic review protocol
  75. Predictors of institutional delivery in Sodo town, Southern Ethiopia
  76. Stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV by healthcare providers, Southwest Ethiopia
  77. Feeding styles of caregivers of children 6-23 months of age in Derashe special district, Southern Ethiopia
  78. Validation of an HIV-related stigma scale among health care providers in a resource-poor Ethiopian setting
  79. Determinants of patient satisfaction with outpatient health services at public and private hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  80. Predictors of perceived empathy among patients visiting primary health-care centers in central Ethiopia
  81. Medication administration errors in an intensive care unit in Ethiopia
  82. Khat as risk factor for hypertension: A systematic review
  83. Risk factors for Tuberculosis after highly active anti retro viral treatment (HAART) initiation: A systematic review
  84. Effectiveness of training on standard precautions to prevent needle stick injuries among health professionals: A Systematic Review
  85. Determinants of non-compliance to Antiretroviral Therapy among adults living with HIV/AIDS: A Systematic Review
  86. Patient safety practices and medical errors: Perception of health care providers at Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia
  87. Medication prescribing errors in the intensive care unit of Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia
  88. Factors Influencing Antenatal Care Service Utilization in Hadiya Zone
  89. Reasons and Outcomes of Admissions to the Medical Wards of Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia
  90. Immunologic and clinical outcomes of children on HAART: A retrospective cohort analysis at Jimma University Specialized Hospital
  91. Determinants of patient enablement at primary health care centres in central Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
  92. Determinants of patient enablement at primary health care centres in central Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
  93. Determinants of satisfaction with health care provider interactions at health centres in central Ethiopia: a cross sectional study
  94. Predictors of defaulting from completion of child immunization in south Ethiopia, May 2008 – A case control study
  95. An assessment of the free health care provision system in Jimma town, Southwest Ethiopia
  96. Level and Factors Associated with Professional Commitment of Health Professionals Providing Institutional Delivery Services in Public Health Facilities, Southwest Ethiopia