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  1. Prospects of pulsed amperometric detection in flow-based analytical systems - A review
  2. High-throughput deposition of chemical reagents via pen-plotting technique for microfluidic paper-based analytical devices
  3. Short-sweep capillary electrophoresis with a selective zinc fluorescence imaging reagent FluoZin-3 for determination of free and metalothionein-2a-bound Zn 2+ ions
  4. Comparison of cation-exchange capillary columns used for ion chromatographic separation of biogenic amines
  5. High sensitivity deep-UV LED-based z-cell photometric detector for capillary liquid chromatography
  6. Chemometric Approach to the Calibration of Light Emitting Diode Based Optical Gas Sensors Using High-Resolution Transmission Molecular Absorption Data
  7. Separation of superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles by capillary zone electrophoresis using non-complexing and complexing electrolyte anions and tetramethylammonium as dispersing additive
  8. Geometrical Alignment of Multiple Fabrication Steps for Rapid Prototyping of Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices
  9. Isotachophoretic Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization of Intact Bacterial Cells
  10. 3D printed LED based on-capillary detector housing with integrated slit
  11. 7th Advances in Microfluidics & Nanofluidics (AMN)/9th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM)/5th Asia-Pacific Chemical and Biological Microfluidic Conference (APCBM)/8th Australia New Zealand Nano-Microfluidics Symposium (AN...
  12. Miniaturization and microfluidics
  13. A novel highly flexible, simple, rapid and low-cost fabrication tool for paper-based microfluidic devices (μPADs) using technical drawing pens and in-house formulated aqueous inks
  14. Miniaturised medium pressure capillary liquid chromatography system with flexible open platform design using off-the-shelf microfluidic components
  15. Fibre coupled micro-light emitting diode array light source with integrated band-pass filter for fluorescence detection in miniaturised analytical systems
  16. Surface-area expansion with monolithic open tubular columns
  17. Foreword
  18. Analytical isotachophoresis of lactate in human serum using dry film photoresist microfluidic chips compatible with a commercially available field-deployable instrument platform
  19. On-line simultaneous and rapid separation of anions and cations from a single sample using dual-capillary sequential injection-capillary electrophoresis
  20. Editorial
  21. Microfluidic isotachophoresis: A review
  22. Exploring chip-capillary electrophoresis-laser-induced fluorescence field-deployable platform flexibility: Separations of fluorescent dyes by chip-based non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis
  23. Rapid and sensitive microbial analysis by capillary isotachophoresis with continuous electrokinetic injection under field amplified conditions
  24. Porous layer open tubular monolith capillary column: switching-off the reaction kinetics as the governing factor in their preparation by using an immiscible liquid-controlled polymerization
  25. Potential of Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) and Chip-CE with Dual Detection (Capacitively-Coupled Contactless Conductivity Detection (C4D) and Fluorescence Detection) for Monitoring of Nicotine and Cotinine Derivatization
  26. Capillary Electrochromatography
  27. Miniaturization and Microfluidics
  28. Numerical Modelling of Light Propagation for Development of Capillary Electrophoretic and Photochemical Detection Systems
  29. Separation of carboxylic acids in human serum by isotachophoresis using a commercial field-deployable analytical platform combined with in-house glass microfluidic chips
  30. Isotachophoresis on a chip with indirect fluorescence detection as a field deployable system for analysis of carboxylic acids
  31. Inorganic monoliths in separation science: A review
  32. Rapid separations of nile blue stained microorganisms as cationic charged species by chip‐CE with LIF
  33. Numerical model for light propagation and light intensity distribution inside coated fused silica capillaries
  34. Versatile Capillary Column Temperature Control Using a Thermoelectric Array Based Platform
  35. Polymerisation and surface modification of methacrylate monoliths in polyimide channels and polyimide coated capillaries using 660 nm light emitting diodes
  36. Monolithic porous layer open tubular (monoPLOT) columns for low pressure liquid chromatography of proteins
  37. White LEDs as broad spectrum light sources for spectrophotometry: Demonstration in the visible spectrum range in a diode‐array spectrophotometric detector
  38. Chip‐based CE for rapid separation of 8‐aminopyrene‐1,3,6‐trisulfonic acid (APTS) derivatized glycans
  39. Incorporation of Acrylate Based Spiropyran Monoliths in Micro-Fluidic Devices for Photo-Controlled Electroosmotic Flow
  40. Portable capillary-based (non-chip) capillary electrophoresis
  41. Photochromic spiropyran monolithic polymers: Molecular photo-controllable electroosmotic pumps for micro-fluidic devices
  42. Portable capillary-based (non-chip) capillary electrophoresis
  43. Evanescent wave-initiated photopolymerisation as a new way to create monolithic open-tubular capillary columns: use as enzymatic microreactor for on-line protein digestion
  44. The use of scanning contactless conductivity detection for the characterisation of stationary phases in micro-fluidic chips
  45. Photoreversible ion-binding using spiropyran modified silica microbeads
  46. Visible light initiated polymerization of styrenic monolithic stationary phases using 470 nm light emitting diode arrays
  47. Combined Contactless Conductometric, Photometric, and Fluorimetric Single Point Detector for Capillary Separation Methods
  48. Recent significant developments in detection and method development for the determination of inorganic ions by CE
  49. Spiropyran modified micro-fluidic chip channels as photonically controlled self-indicating system for metal ion accumulation and release
  50. Development of Microfluidic Chips for Heterogeneous Receptor−Ligand Interaction Studies
  51. Determination of the surface heat‐transfer coefficient in CE
  52. Deep-UV-LEDs in photometric detection: A 255 nm LED on-capillary detector in capillary electrophoresis
  53. Photoswitchable Stationary Phase Based on Packed Spiropyran Functionalized Silica Microbeads
  54. Deep-UV Detector for HPLC with Light-Emitting Diode
  55. CE study of neuroprotective humanin peptide and its derivatives: Interactions with phosphate, sulphate, alkylsulphonates and sulphated‐β‐CD
  56. UV-LED photopolymerised monoliths
  57. UV-absorbance detector for HPLC based on a light-emitting diode
  58. Photoinitiated polymerisation of monolithic stationary phases in polyimide coated capillaries using visible region LEDs
  59. Polystyrene bead-based system for optical sensing using spiropyran photoswitches
  60. Using coupled monolithic rods for ultra-high peak capacity LC and LC–MS under normal LC operating pressures
  61. Development of a contactless conductivity detector cell for 1.6 mm O.D. (1/16th inch) HPLC tubing and micro-bore columns with on-column detection
  62. Heat Production and Dissipation in Capillary Electrophoresis
  63. Heat Production and Dissipation in Capillary Electrophoresis
  64. Light‐emitting diode‐compatible probes for indirect detection of anions in CE
  65. Fluorinated ethylenepropylene copolymer as a potential capillary material in CE
  66. Reliable electrophoretic mobilities free from Joule heating effects using CE
  67. New Fully Portable Instrument for the Versatile Determination of Cations and Anions by Capillary Electrophoresis with Contactless Conductivity Detection
  68. Identification of Inorganic Improvised Explosive Devices by Analysis of Postblast Residues Using Portable Capillary Electrophoresis Instrumentation and Indirect Photometric Detection with a Light-Emitting Diode
  69. Beads-Based System for Optical Sensing Using Spiropyran Photoswitches
  70. Separation of Nile Blue‐labelled fatty acids by CE with absorbance detection using a red light‐emitting diode
  71. Temperature Profiles and Heat Dissipation in Capillary Electrophoresis
  72. Micro-flow injection analysis system: on-chip sample preconcentration, injection and delivery using coupled monolithic electroosmotic pumps
  73. Evaluation of monolithic and sub 2 µm particle packed columns for the rapid screening for illicit drugs—application to the determination of drug contamination on Irish euro banknotes
  74. Robust monolithic silica-based on-chip electro-osmotic micro-pump
  75. Use of contactless conductivity detection for non-invasive characterisation of monolithic stationary-phase coatings for application in capillary ion chromatography
  76. Non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis with red light emitting diode absorbance detection for the analysis of basic dyes
  77. Simultaneous separation of nitrofuran antibiotics and their metabolites by using micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography
  78. Sensitive determination of carbohydrates labelled with p‐nitroaniline by capillary electrophoresis with photometric detection using a 406 nm light‐emitting diode
  79. Comparison of Different Contactless Conductivity Detectors for the Determination of Small Inorganic Ions by Capillary Electrophoresis
  80. Temperature Profiles and Heat Dissipation in Capillary Electrophoresis
  81. Preparation and characterisation of anion-exchange latex-coated silica monoliths for capillary electrochromatography
  82. Preparation and characterisation of dual‐layer latex‐coated columns for open‐tubular capillary electrochromatographic preconcentration of cations combined in‐line with their separation by capillary electrophoresis
  83. On-line preconcentration of organic anions in capillary electrophoresis by solid-phase extraction using latex-coated monolithic stationary phases
  84. Variation of zeta-potential with temperature in fused-silica capillaries used for capillary electrophoresis
  85. Evaluation of capillary ion exchange stationary phase coating distribution and stability using radial capillary column contactless conductivity detection
  86. Internal electrolyte temperatures for polymer and fused-silica capillaries used in capillary electrophoresis
  87. Contactless conductivity detection of synthetic polymers in non-aqueous size-exclusion electrokinetic chromatography
  89. Enhancement of Separation Capability of Inorganic Ions by Capillary Electrochromatography
  90. Rapid Capillary Electrophoretic Method for Trace Chromium Speciation Using a Zwitterionic Isoelectric Polymer Coated Capillary and Photodiode Array Detection
  91. Latex-Coated Polymeric Monolithic Ion-Exchange Stationary Phases. 1. Anion-Exchange Capillary Electrochromatography and In-Line Sample Preconcentration in Capillary Electrophoresis
  92. Conductivity detection for conventional and miniaturised capillary electrophoresis systems
  93. Isoelectric Buffers for Capillary Electrophoresis. 2. Bismorpholine Derivative of a Carboxylic Acid as a Low Molecular Weight Isoelectric Buffer
  94. Determination of inorganic ions using microfluidic devices
  95. Simultaneous separation of anions and cations by capillary electrophoresis with high magnitude, reversed electroosmotic flow
  96. Simultaneous separation of anions and cations by capillary electrophoresis with high magnitude, reversed electroosmotic flow
  97. Design and performance of a light-emitting diode detector compatible with a commercial capillary electrophoresis instrument
  98. Speciation of arsenic and selenium by capillary electrophoresis
  99. Use of coupled open-tubular capillaries for in-line ion-exchange preconcentration of anions by capillary electrochromatography with elution by a transient isotachophoretic gradient
  100. Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) separation capillaries for capillary electrophoresis
  101. Selectivity control in the separation of aromatic amino acid enantiomers with sulphated β-cyclodextrin
  102. Development of a fully buffered molybdate electrolyte for capillary electrophoresis with indirect detection and its use for analysis of anions in Bayer liquor
  103. Optimisation of selectivity in the separation of aromatic amino acid enantiomers using sulfated ß‐cyclodextrin and dextran sulfate as pseudostationary phases
  104. Miniaturized movable contactless conductivity detection cell for capillary electrophoresis
  105. Capillary electrophoresis determinations of trace concentrations of inorganic ions in large excess of chloride: Soft modelling using artificial neural networks for optimisation of electrolyte composition
  106. Enhancement of detection sensitivity for indirect photometric detection of anions and cations in capillary electrophoresis
  107. Trace determination of arsenic species by capillary electrophoresis with direct UV detection using sensitivity enhancement by counter‐ or co‐electroosmotic flow stacking and a high‐sensitivity cell
  108. Highly sensitive indirect photometric detection of cations by capillary electrophoresis with the cationic dye chrysoidine
  109. Mixed-mode electrokinetic chromatography of aromatic bases with two pseudo-stationary phases and pH control
  110. Sensitive indirect photometric detection of inorganic and small organic anions by capillary electrophoresis using Orange G as a probe ion
  111. Separation of opiate alkaloids by electrokinetic chromatography with sulfated-cyclodextrin as a pseudo-stationary phase
  112. Biopolymer-coated fused silica capillaries for high magnitude cathodic or anodic electro-osmotic flows in capillary electrophoresis
  113. Performance of a simple UV LED light source in the capillary electrophoresis of inorganic anions with indirect detection using a chromate background electrolyte
  114. Separation and determination of vanadium in fertiliser by capillary electrophoresis with a light-emitting diode detector
  115. Modelling and optimization of the electrokinetic chromatographic separation of mixtures of organic anions and cations using poly(diallydimethyl- ammonium chloride) and hexanesulfonate as mixed pseudostationary phases
  116. Separation of organic and inorganic arsenic species by capillary electrophoresis using direct spectrophotometric detection
  117. Capillary electrophoretic study of interactions of metal ions with crown ethers, a sulfated β-cyclodextrin, and zwitterionic buffers present as additives in the background electrolyte
  118. Modelling, optimisation and control of selectivity in the separation of aromatic bases by electrokinetic chromatography using a neutral cyclodextrin as a pseudostationary phase
  119. On-Column Ion-Exchange Preconcentration of Inorganic Anions in Open Tubular Capillary Electrochromatography with Elution Using Transient-Isotachophoretic Gradients. 3. Implementation and Method Development
  120. Simultaneous separation of inorganic anions and cations using capillary electrophoresis with a movable contactless conductivity detector
  121. The use of the Box–Behnken experimental design in the optimisation and robustness testing of a capillary electrophoresis method for the analysis of ethambutol hydrochloride in a pharmaceutical formulation
  122. Electrokinetic Chromatography Utilizing Two Pseudostationary Phases Providing Ion-Exchange and Hydrophobic Interactions
  123. Measurement of thiol-containing amino acids and phytochelatin (PC2) via capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection
  124. Optimisation of probe concentration in indirect photometric detection in capillary electrophoresis using highly absorbing dyes
  125. Speciation of Tin, Lead, Mercury, Arsenic and Selenium Compounds by Capillary Electrophoresis
  126. Modification of the electroosmotic flow and separation selectivity of anions in electrochromatography with pseudo-stationary phases of C14-alkyldimethylammoniopropane sulfonate zwitterionic surfactants by addition of salts to the background electrolyte
  127. Determination of association constants of inorganic ions with C12- and C14-alkyldimethylammoniopropane sulfonate zwitterionic surfactants using capillary electrochromatography
  128. Practical method for evaluation of linearity and effective pathlength of on-capillary photometric detectors in capillary electrophoresis
  129. Determination of inorganic anions by capillary electrochromatography
  130. Separation of niobium(V) and tantalum(V) as ternary complexes with citrate and metallochromic ligands by capillary electrophoresis
  131. Anion-exchange capillary electrochromatography with indirect UV and direct contactless conductivity detection
  132. Modelling of migration behaviour of inorganic anions in ion-exchange capillary electrochromatography
  133. On-Capillary Ion-Exchange Preconcentration of Inorganic Anions in Open-Tubular Capillary Electrochromatography with Elution Using Transient-Isotachophoretic Gradients. 2. Characterization of the Isotachophoretic Gradient
  134. New isoelectric buffers for capillary electrophoresis: N-carboxymethylated polyethyleneimine as a macromolecular isoelectric buffer
  135. Solid-phase trapping of solutes for further chromatographic or electrophoretic analysis
  136. Peak shapes in open tubular ion-exchange capillary electrochromatography of inorganic anions
  137. Indirect spectrophotometric detection of inorganic anions in ion-exchange capillary electrochromatography
  138. Elution mechanism in electrostatic ion chromatography with histidine as an isoelectric ampholytic mobile phase
  139. Indirect photomeric detection of anions in capillary electrophoresis using dyes as probes and electrolytes buffered with an isoelectric ampholyte
  140. ION ANALYSIS | Capillary Electrophoresis
  141. Pulsed potentiometric detection in capillary electrophoresis using platinum electrodes
  142. Open-tubular ion-exchange capillary electrochromatography of inorganic anions
  143. On-capillary ion-exchange preconcentration of inorganic anions using open-tubular capillaries followed by elution with a transient isotachophoretic gradient
  144. Electro-osmotic and pressure-driven flow properties of frits for packed column capillary electrochromatography prepared from functionalised and bare silica packings
  145. Design of background electrolytes for indirect detection of anions by capillary electrophoresis
  146. Developments in sample preparation and separation techniques for the determination of inorganic ions by ion chromatography and capillary electrophoresis
  147. Capillary electrophoresis with end-capillary potentiometric detection using a copper electrode
  148. Capillary electrophoresis with end-capillary potentiometric detection using a copper electrode
  149. Artificial neural networks for computer-aided modelling and optimisation in micellar electrokinetic chromatography
  150. Determination of niobium(V) and tantalum(V) as 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol–citrate ternary complexes in geological materials by ion-interaction reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
  151. Manipulation of separation selectivity for alkali metals and ammonium in ion-exchange capillary electrochromatography using a suspension of cation exchange particles in the electrolyte as a pseudostationary phase
  152. Theoretical Migration Model for Micellar Capillary Electrophoresis and Its Application to the Separation of Anionic Metal Complexes of HEDTC and CDTA
  153. Mixed-mode capillary electrochromatographic separation of anionic analytes
  154. Investigation of solute-wall interactions in separation of uranium(vi) and lanthanides by capillary electrophoresis using on-capillary complexation with arsenazo iii
  155. Factors influencing the choice of buffer in background electrolytes for indirect detection of fast anions by capillary electrophoresis
  156. Use of dyes as indirect detection probes for the high-sensitivity determination of anions by capillary electrophoresis
  157. Separation of uranium(VI) and lanthanides by capillary electrophoresis using on-capillary complexation with arsenazo III
  158. Changes in Electrolyte pH Due to Electrolysis during Capillary Zone Electrophoresis
  159. Separation of dithiocarbamate metal complexes by micellar electrokinetic chromatography
  160. Role of ligand purity in separations of alkaline earth metals as arsenazo I complexes by capillary zone electrophoresis
  161. Determination of calcium and magnesium in water samples by high-performance liquid chromatography on a graphitic stationary phase with a mobile phase containing o-cresolphthalein complexone
  162. Separation of metal ions and metal-containing species by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, including utilisation of metal ions in separations of other species
  163. Determination of barium and strontium by capillary zone electrophoresis using an electrolyte containing sulfonazo III
  164. Determination of metal ions by capillary electrophoresis
  165. System peaks in capillary zone electrophoresis. 3. Practical rules for predicting the existence of system peaks in capillary zone electrophoresis of anions using indirect spectrophotometric detection
  166. Buffered Chromate Electrolytes for Separation and Indirect Absorbance Detection of Inorganic Anions in Capillary Electrophoresis
  167. Separation of Metal Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)dithiocarbamate Complexes by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography
  168. Linearity evaluation in absorbance detection: The use of light‐emitting diodes for on‐capillary detection in capillary electrophoresis
  169. Separation of some metallochromic ligands by capillary zone electrophoresis and micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography
  170. Analysis of silanised polyglycerols by supercritical fluid chromatography
  171. Decomposition of Cisplatin in Aqueous Solutions Containing Chlorides by Ultrasonic Energy and Light
  172. Determination of Acyclovir in Blood Serum and Plasma by Micellar Liquid Chromatography with Fluorimetric Detection
  173. Chromatographic behaviour of some platinum(II) complexes on octadecylsilica dynamically modified with a mixture of a cationic and an anionic amphiphilic modifier
  174. Separation of some platinum(II) complexes by ionic strength gradient on a solvent-generated ion-exchange sorbent
  175. Identification of products formed during UV irradiation of tamoxifen and their use for fluorescence detection in high-performance liquid chromatography
  176. Spectrophotometric study of the complexation equilibria of cadmium ions with 5-bromo and 5-chloro derivatives of 2-(2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol (BrPADAP, ClPADAP)
  177. Spectrophotometric study of the acid-base and optical properties of the 5-bromo and 5-chloro derivatives of 2-(2-pyridylazo)-5-(diethylamino)phenol (BrPADAP, ClPADAP) and their complexation equilibria with zinc(II) ions