All Stories

  1. Brändit ja kulutus lasten kasvuympäristöissä
  2. Stepping Up—Leaning Back: Young Adults Constructing Financial Agency in the Verge of Financial Independence
  3. Sustainable Living: Young Adults Prolonging the Material Life Cycle of Objects Through the Appreciation of Used Furniture, Interiors, and Building Design
  4. The transformative potential of textbooks
  5. Am I Entitled to Help? Building Confidence Through Financial Inclusion
  6. Kuluttajanäkökulmia luonnonvärivaatteiden kestävään estetiikkaan: jännitteitä ekologisuuden ja visuaalisuuden välillä
  7. “It probably could've done with less plastic” - Consumers' cyclical and uneasy relationship with food packaging
  8. Transforming Foodways
  9. Co-developing sustainability – a consumer-inclusive approach to wooden housing business in Finland
  10. Oivaltavaa ja maukasta historiaa ruoka-aineista, ruuasta ja syömisestä
  11. Esipuhe – ruokakulttuurin professoria juhlien
  12. Perusopetuksen opettajat ruokakasvattajina – kohti kestävää ruokakäyttäytymistä edistäviä opetusmenetelmiä
  13. ”Koko ruoanvalmistusprosessi on täynnä ilmastotekoja!”
  14. Pathways to a forest-based bioeconomy in 2060 within policy targets on climate change mitigation and biodiversity protection
  15. Development of a forest-based bioeconomy in Finland: Insights on three value networks through expert views
  16. Bringing ecosystem thinking to sustainability-driven wooden construction business
  17. Arkilähtöinen kotitalousneuvonta ja -kasvatus nuorten siirtymävaiheiden tukena
  18. A consumer-driven bioeconomy in housing? Combining consumption style with students' perceptions of the use of wood in multi-storey buildings
  19. A home made of wood: Consumer experiences of wooden building materials
  20. Sustainability-Driven New Business Models in Wood Construction Towards 2030
  21. Fluidity of places in everyday food consumption: Introducing snackscapes
  22. Bringing farm animal welfare to the consumer’s plate
  23. Young and Recognized in Service Interaction? Re-positioning Youth and Adulthood with Performance Tactics and Strategic Laughter
  24. Pedagogics in Home Economics Meet Everyday Life
  25. Young consumer identity in a restrictive school environment — Addictive substances, symbolic goods and consumer skills
  26. co-consumption between consumers and their pets
  27. Young Finnish and German consumers’ furniture acquisition - wooden, inherited or just low price?
  28. Nostalgia
  29. Consuming nostalgia? The appreciation of authenticity in local food production
  30. Consumers purchasing new homes - trust and taste building through e-service and competence in the housing market
  31. Consumer ethoses in Finnish consumer life stories - agrarianism, economism and green consumerism
  32. The use of small instant loans among young adults - a gateway to a consumer insolvency?
  33. Narratives of ‘green’ consumers - the antihero, the environmental hero and the anarchist
  34. Coverage of Behavioral and Experimental Economics in Undergraduate Microeconomics Textbooks
  35. The morality of spending in Finnish youth consumer culture
  36. Young people in knowledge society: possibilities to fulfil ecological goals
  37. Finnish young people's narrative construction of consumer identity
  38. Nostalgia