All Stories

  1. Methods, availability, and applications of PM2.5 exposure estimates derived from ground measurements, satellite, and atmospheric models
  2. Cloud Phase and Relative Humidity Distributions over the Southern Ocean in Austral Summer Based on In Situ Observations and CAM5 Simulations
  3. Direct comparisons of ice cloud macro- and microphysical properties simulated by the Community Atmosphere Model version 5 with HIPPO aircraft observations
  4. Dynamical conditions of ice supersaturation and ice nucleation in convective systems: A comparative analysis between in situ aircraft observations and WRF simulations
  5. Direct comparisons of ice cloud macro- and microphysical properties simulated by the Community Atmosphere Model version 5 with HIPPO aircraft observations
  6. An assessment of the radiative effects of ice supersaturation based on in situ observations
  7. Distributions of ice supersaturation and ice crystals from airborne observations in relation to upper tropospheric dynamical boundaries
  8. Hemispheric comparison of cirrus cloud evolution using in situ measurements in HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations
  9. Cloud-scale ice-supersaturated regions spatially correlate with high water vapor heterogeneities
  10. Evolution of ice crystal regions on the microscale based on in situ observations
  11. Validation of AIRS/AMSU‐A water vapor and temperature data with in situ aircraft observations from the surface to UT/LS from 87°N–67°S
  12. Clarifying the Dominant Sources and Mechanisms of Cirrus Cloud Formation
  13. Cirrus cloud formation and the role of heterogeneous ice nuclei
  14. Atmospheric observations of Arctic Ocean methane emissions up to 82° north
  15. HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO): fine-grained, global-scale measurements of climatically important atmospheric gases and aerosols
  16. Calibration of the Total Carbon Column Observing Network using aircraft profile data
  17. Use of zero-valent iron nanoparticles in inactivating microbes