All Stories

  1. Evaluating “Lead-Free” Brass Performance in Potable Water
  2. Impact of Road Salt on Drinking Water Quality and Infrastructure Corrosion in Private Wells
  3. Evaluating Water Lead Levels During the Flint Water Crisis
  4. Water Chemistry Impact on Autogenous Metallic Pipe Leak Repair in Simulated Potable Water Systems
  5. Impact of Leak Size, Pipe Wall Thickness, Water Pressure, and Leak Orientation on Autogenous Metallic Pipe Leak Repair
  6. In Situ Remediation of Iron Pipe Leaks with Calcium Carbonate, Silica, and Wood Ash Particles in Potable Water Systems
  7. Flint Water Crisis Caused By Interrupted Corrosion Control: Investigating “Ground Zero” Home
  8. Autogenous Metallic Pipe Leak Repair in Potable Water Systems
  9. In situ remediation of leaks in potable water supply systems