All Stories

  1. Examining influential factors for acknowledgements classification using supervised learning
  2. A context-based ABC model for literature-based discovery
  3. A data-driven analysis of the knowledge structure of library science with full-text journal articles
  4. Measuring the Impact of Topic Drift in Scholarly Networks
  5. Discovering New Genes in the Pathways of Common Sporadic Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Bioinformatics Approach
  6. DTMBIO 2015
  7. Topic-based content and sentiment analysis of Ebola virus on Twitter and in the news
  8. DTMBIO 2014
  9. Investigating socio-cultural behavior of users reflected in different social channels on K-pop
  10. DTMBIO 2013
  11. Workshop summary for the 2013 international workshop on mining unstructured big data using natural language processing