All Stories

  1. Medicine and management in European hospitals: a comparative overview
  2. User involvement in assisted reproductive technologies: England and Portugal
  3. Patient involvement in Europe – a comparative framework
  4. Electronic information in health and social care – promises and pitfalls
  5. Electronic patient information systems and care pathways: The organisational challenges of implementation and integration
  6. The Translation of Hospital Management Models in European Health Systems: A Framework for Comparison
  7. Leadership in the Public Sector
  8. Managing Professional Identities
  9. The development of medical-manager roles in European hospital systems: a framework for comparison
  10. Using HIT to deliver integrated care for the frail elderly in the UK: current barriers and future challenges
  11. Medicine and user involvement within European healthcare: a typology for European comparative research
  12. The contested terrain of hospital management: Professional projects and healthcare reforms in Denmark
  13. Beliefs, barriers and control: a model for research into social exclusion
  14. Medicine and management in a comparative perspective: the case of Denmark and England
  16. Delivering patient choice in English acute hospital trusts
  17. Patient choice and medicine in health care
  18. Introduction: from New Public Management to the new governance?
  19. Post-New Public Management in public sector hospitals? The UK, Germany and Italy
  20. Archetype Transition in the German Health Service? The Attempted Modernization of Hospitals in a North German State
  21. Gender and the Public Sector
  22. Nurse professionalisation and traditional values in Poland and Greece
  23. Managing Doctors and Saving a Hospital: Irony, Rhetoric and Actor Networks
  24. Remodelling Hospitals and Health Professions in Europe
  25. Professional predicaments: comparing the professionalisation projects of German and Italian nurses
  26. The New National Health Service: A Case of Postmodernism?
  27. Information technology and managerial strategies in the NHS: Computer policies, organizational change and the labour process
  28. Organisation and change in renal work: a study of the impact of a computer system within two hospitals.
  29. Professions and managers