All Stories

  1. SensorPublisher: Applying Software Product Lines to the development of IoT dashboards
  2. Development of a PLE Factory Environment with GitLab Integration and following ISO/IEC 26580
  3. How to Retire and Replace a Software Product Line
  4. Adapting the Database to Feature Changes in Software Product Lines
  5. GIS-Publisher
  6. Towards a FAIR Dataset for non-functional requirements
  7. Improving the customization of software product lines through the definition of local features
  8. spl-js-engine
  9. Accessible Routes Integrating Data from Multiple Sources
  10. Correction: Garcia-Gonzalez, D.; Rivero, D.; Fernandez-Blanco, E.; Luaces, M.R. A Public Domain Dataset for Real-Life Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphone Sensors. Sensors 2020, 20, 2200
  11. A Public Domain Dataset for Real-Life Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphone Sensors
  12. An Action Research for Improving the Sustainability Assessment Framework Instruments
  13. Applying Multilevel Modeling to the Development of Geographic Information Systems
  14. Applying Feature-Oriented SoftwareDevelopment in SaaS Systems: RealExperience, Measurements,and Findings
  15. Space- and Time-Efficient Storage of LiDAR Point Clouds
  16. Integrating the common variability language with multilanguage annotations for web engineering
  17. A Case Study on Visualizing Large Spatial Datasets in a Web-Based Map Viewer
  18. Generation of Web-Based GIS Applications Through the Reuse of Software Artefacts
  19. Storing and Clustering Large Spatial Datasets Using Big Data Technologies
  20. Benchmarking real-time vehicle data streaming models for a smart city
  21. Scaffolding and in-browser generation of web-based GIS applications in a SPL tool
  22. Web-based Geographic Information Systems SPLE
  23. Efficiently Querying Vector and Raster Data
  24. Creating Web-Based GIS Applications Using Automatic Code Generation Techniques
  25. Enabling Agile Web Development Through In-Browser Code Generation and Evaluation
  26. Improving GISBuilder with Runtime Product Preview
  27. Semantic Trajectories in Mobile Workforce Management Applications
  28. A Reusable Software Architecture for Geographic Information Systems Based on Software Product Line Engineering
  29. A workflow management system to feed digital libraries: proposal and case study
  30. An inconsistency measure of spatial data sets with respect to topological constraints
  31. Space-efficient representations of rectangle datasets supporting orthogonal range querying
  32. New Discovery Methodologies in GIS
  33. Cognitive Adequacy of Topological Consistency Measures
  34. Using Scrum to guide the execution of software process improvement in small organizations
  35. Exploiting geographic references of documents in a geographical information retrieval system using an ontology-based index
  36. A Fun Application of Compact Data Structures to Indexing Geographic Data
  37. Collecting, Analyzing, and Publishing Massive Data about the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  38. Indexing Dense Nested Metric Spaces for Efficient Similarity Search
  39. Measuring consistency with respect to topological dependency constraints
  40. Range Queries over a Compact Representation of Minimum Bounding Rectangles
  41. DualgridFF
  42. A New Point Access Method Based on Wavelet Trees
  43. A Web-Based Version of a Trivial Game to Promote Galician Culture
  44. An Urban Planning Web Viewer Based on AJAX
  45. A Toponym Resolution Service Following the OGC WPS Standard
  46. An Index Structure To Retrieve Documents With Geographic Information
  47. The Galician virtual library
  48. A systematic review of software process tailoring
  49. Chase of Recursive Queries
  50. Collecting and publishing large multiscale geographic datasets
  51. Definition and Implementation of an Active Web Map Service
  52. Preface
  54. An Ontology-Based Index to Retrieve Documents with Geographic Information
  55. Managing a Geographic Database from Mobile Devices Through OGC Web Services
  56. Improving Accessibility of Web-Based GIS Applications