All Stories

  1. Progress and perspectives in single-molecule optical spectroscopy
  2. Looking back on 28 years of cryogenic single-molecule experiments
  3. Single‐Molecule Detection and Spectroscopy
  4. Explosive formation and dynamics of vapor nanobubbles around a continuously heated gold nanosphere
  5. Electron Energy Loss of Terrylene Deposited on Au(111): Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy
  6. Enhanced-fluorescence correlation spectroscopy at micro-molar dye concentration around a single gold nanorod
  7. Temperature-cycle microscopy reveals single-molecule conformational heterogeneity
  8. Celebrating optical nanoscopy
  9. Optical tracing of multiple charges in single-electron devices
  10. Single Molecule as a Local Acoustic Detector for Mechanical Oscillators
  11. Probing, Sensing, and Fluorescence Enhancement with Single Gold Nanorods
  12. Stable Single-Molecule Lines of Terrylene in Polycrystallinepara-Dichlorobenzene at 1.5 K
  13. Resonant Plasmonic Enhancement of Single-Molecule Fluorescence by Individual Gold Nanorods
  14. Probing Silver Deposition on Single Gold Nanorods by Their Acoustic Vibrations
  15. Single-molecule photophysics, from cryogenic to ambient conditions
  16. Single-molecule optical spectroscopy
  17. Metal Nanoparticles for Microscopy and Spectroscopy
  18. Temperature Cycles Unravel the Dynamics of Single Biomolecules
  19. Toward Single-Molecule Microscopy on a Smart Phone
  20. Giant Magnetic Susceptibility of Gold Nanorods Detected by Magnetic Alignment
  21. Damping of Acoustic Vibrations of Immobilized Single Gold Nanorods in Different Environments
  22. Optical studies of single metal nanoparticles
  23. Nanoscale probing of charge transport in an organic field-effect transistor at cryogenic temperatures
  24. Individual gold nanorods report on dynamical heterogeneity in supercooled glycerol
  25. A Plasmonic Biosensor with Single-molecule Sensitivity
  26. Thousand-fold Enhancement of Single-Molecule Fluorescence Near a Single Gold Nanorod
  27. Thousand-fold Enhancement of Single-Molecule Fluorescence Near a Single Gold Nanorod
  28. Ein molekularer Blick auf die Heterogenität in Gläsern
  29. Towards a Molecular View of Glass Heterogeneity
  30. Foreword
  31. Correction to Luminescence Quantum Yield of Single Gold Nanorods
  32. Luminescence Quantum Yield of Single Gold Nanorods
  33. Spectral Diffusion of Single Dibenzoterrylene Molecules in 2,3-Dimethylanthracene
  34. Chemical Interface Damping in Single Gold Nanorods and Its Near Elimination by Tip-Specific Functionalization
  35. Optical detection of single non-absorbing molecules using the surface plasmon resonance of a gold nanorod
  36. Damping of Acoustic Vibrations of Single Gold Nanoparticles Optically Trapped in Water
  37. Communication: Crystallite nucleation in supercooled glycerol near the glass transition
  38. Reaction Pathways from Single-Molecule Trajectories
  39. Rotational diffusion and alignment of short gold nanorods in an external electric field
  40. Absorption, Luminescence, and Sizing of Organic Dye Nanoparticles and of Patterns Formed Upon Dewetting
  41. Single metal nanoparticles: optical detection, spectroscopy and applications
  42. Brownian Fluctuations and Heating of an Optically Aligned Gold Nanorod
  43. High-Resolution Single-Molecule Spectroscopy
  44. Toward Far-field Vibrational Spectroscopy of Single Molecules at Room Temperature
  45. Correlated Absorption and Photoluminescence of Single Gold Nanoparticles
  46. Making gold nanoparticles fluorescent for simultaneous absorption and fluorescence detection on the single particle level
  47. Temperature-cycle single-molecule FRET microscopy on polyprolines
  48. Room-Temperature Detection of a Single Molecule's Absorption by Photothermal Contrast
  49. Frequency jitter of a nano-emitter
  50. Aging and Solidification of Supercooled Glycerol
  51. Probing the acoustic vibrations of single metal nanoparticles by ultrashort laser pulses
  52. ChemInform Abstract: Single Molecules as Optical Nanoprobes for Soft and Complex Matter
  53. Chemical and physical aspects of charge transfer in the fluorescence intermittency of single molecules and quantum dots
  54. Einzelmoleküle als optische Nanosonden für weiche und komplexe Materie
  55. Single Molecules as Optical Nanoprobes for Soft and Complex Matter
  56. Detection limits in photothermal microscopy
  57. Micron-Sized Structure in a Thin Glycerol Film Revealed by Fluorescent Probes
  58. From Langmuir–Blodgett films to single molecules
  59. Single Molecules as Optical Probes for Structure and Dynamics
  60. Steady Light from Quantum Dots, at Last. But How?
  61. Introductory Address for the Special Issue ofMolecular Physics
  62. Photothermal Correlation Spectroscopy of Gold Nanoparticles in Solution †
  63. Photons pushed together
  64. Single molecules detect ultra-slow oscillators in a molecular crystal excited by ac voltages
  65. Acoustic and Optical Modes of Single Dumbbells of Gold Nanoparticles
  66. Anthracene-Based Organic Field-Effect Transistor: Temperature Dependence of the Current-Voltage Characteristics
  67. Acoustic Oscillations and Elastic Moduli of Single Gold Nanorods
  68. Theory and Evaluation of Single-Molecule Signals
  69. Photothermal Detection of Individual Gold Nanoparticles: Perspectives for High-Throughput Screening
  70. Soft glassy rheology of supercooled molecular liquids
  71. 2-methylterrylene in hexadecane: Do we see single rotational quantum jumps of methyl groups?
  72. Theory and Evaluation of Single-Molecule Signals
  73. Single Biomolecules at Cryogenic Temperatures: From Structure to Dynamics
  74. Spectral Jumps of Single Molecules
  75. Power-law intermittency of single emitters
  76. Nano-optics: Quantum light switch
  77. Single Dibenzoterrylene Molecules in an Anthracene Crystal: Main Insertion Sites
  78. Single-molecule electron spin resonance
  79. Terrylene in hexadecane revisited: A hole burning study
  80. Local viscosity of supercooled glycerol near T g probed by rotational diffusion of ensembles and single dye molecules
  81. Cover Picture: Single Dibenzoterrylene Molecules in an Anthracene Crystal: Spectroscopy and Photophysics (ChemPhysChem 8/2007)
  82. Single Dibenzoterrylene Molecules in an Anthracene Crystal: Spectroscopy and Photophysics
  83. Surface and Bulk Spectroscopy of A Molecular Crystal: Effect of Relaxation and Thermal or Static Disorder
  84. Fluorescence as the Choice Method for Single-Molecule Detection
  85. A common-path interferometer for time-resolved and shot-noise-limited detection of single nanoparticles
  86. Four-Level Optical Line Shape of a Single Molecule Coupled to a Single Tunneling Two-Level System †
  87. Intermolecular intersystem crossing in single-molecule spectroscopy: Terrylene in anthracene crystal
  88. Laser-Driven Microsecond Temperature Cycles Analyzed by Fluorescence Polarization Microscopy
  89. Absorption and scattering microscopy of single metal nanoparticles
  90. Detection of Acoustic Oscillations of Single Gold Nanospheres by Time-Resolved Interferometry
  91. Towards nanoprobes for conduction in molecular crystals: Dibenzoterrylene in anthracene crystals
  92. Far-Field Optical Microscopy of Single Metal Nanoparticles
  93. Far-Field Optical Microscopy of Single Metal Nanoparticles
  94. Statistical Evaluation of Single Nano-Object Fluorescence
  95. Single-photon sources
  96. Third-Harmonic Generation from Single Gold Nanoparticles
  97. Environment-dependent blinking of single semiconductor nanocrystals and statistical aging of ensembles
  98. A Microscopic Model for the Fluctuations of Local Field and Spontaneous Emission of Single Molecules in Disordered Media
  100. In Memory of Roman I. Personov
  101. Photobleaching of Rhodamine 6G in Poly(vinyl alcohol) at the Ensemble and Single-Molecule Levels
  102. CHEMISTRY: The Motions of an Enzyme Soloist
  103. Photoblinking of Rhodamine 6G in Poly(vinyl alcohol):  Radical Dark State Formed through the Triplet
  104. Photon statistics in the fluorescence of single molecules and nanocrystals: Correlation functions versus distributions of on- and off-times
  105. Imaging single metal-nanoparticles in cells by photothermal interference contrast
  106. Imaging single metal nanoparticles in scattering media by photothermal interference contrast
  107. Single-molecule spectroscopy: The road ahead
  108. Book Review: Single Molecule Spectroscopy: Nobel Conference Lectures (Springer Series in Chemical Physics, vol. 67). Edited by Rudolf Rigler, Michel Orrit, and Thomas Basché
  109. Simple model for the power-law blinking of single semiconductor nanocrystals
  110. Photon Statistics in Single Molecule Experiments
  111. Non-exponential Kinetics of Photoblinking and Photobleaching of Rhodamine 6G in Polyvinylalcohol
  112. SINGLE MOLECULES: Molecular Entanglements
  113. Investigations of local currents in a semiconductor by single-molecule spectroscopy
  114. Book Review: Single Molecule Spectroscopy Springer 2001. By Rudolf Rigler, Michel Orrit and Thomas Basche eds.
  115. Book Review: Single Molecule Spectroscopy Springer 2001. By Rudolf Rigler, Michel Orrit and Thomas Basche eds.
  116. Editorial: Les Houches Spring School on: Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Single Objects
  117. Probing local currents in semiconductors with single molecules
  118. Intersystem crossing of single pentacene molecules in Shpol'skii matrices
  119. ChemInform Abstract: Spectroscopy of Single Molecules in Solid Matrices at Cryogenic Temperatures
  120. Single Molecule Spectroscopy
  121. Triggered Emission of Single Photons by a Single Molecule
  122. The anomalous Stark effect of single terrylene molecules in p-terphenyl crystals
  123. A Hole-Burning Study of the Zero-Field Splitting of the Triplet Ground and Excited States of 2,2-Dinaphthylcarbene in n -Heptane and n -Hexane at 1.7 K
  124. Une source déclenchée de photons uniques basée sur le contrôle de la fluorescence de molécules individuelles
  125. Optical spectroscopy of single molecules: application to nonlinear and quantum optics
  126. Hole burning on a triplet–triplet transition: 2,2-dinaphthylcarbene in n-hexane at 1.7K
  127. Ten Years of Single-Molecule Spectroscopy
  128. Triggered Source of Single Photons based on Controlled Single Molecule Fluorescence
  129. Are the spectral trails of single molecules consistent with the standard two-level system model of glasses at low temperatures?
  130. PHOTOSYNTHESIS:Coherent Excitation in the Antenna Complex
  131. Non-linear optical response of single molecules
  132. Spectroscopic characteristics of single dibenzanthanthrene molecules isolated in a low-temperature naphthalene matrix
  133. Stark Effect on Single Molecules of Dibenzanthanthrene in a Naphthalene Crystal and in a n -Hexadecane Shpol'skii Matrix
  134. Zero-Field Splitting of the Electronic Ground and Lowest Excited Triplet States of 2,2-Dinaphthylcarbene in n -Hexane at 1.7 K
  135. New design of a cryostat-mounted scanning near-field optical microscope for single molecule spectroscopy
  136. Rabi Resonances of a Single Molecule Driven by rf and Laser Fields
  137. Single-Molecule Optical Detection, Imaging and Spectroscopy Edited by T. Basche, W. E. Moerner, M. Orrit, and U. P. Wild. Wiley/VCH:  New York. 1997. $198.00. xiv + 250 pp. ISBN 3-527-29316-7.
  138. Perylene in biphenyl and anthracene crystals: an example of the influence of the host on single-molecule signals
  139. Einzelne Moleküle sehen: Single Molecule Optical Detection. Imaging and Spectroscopy. Hrsg. von T. Basché. W.E. Moevner. M. Orrit und U.P. Wild. WILEY-VCH. Weinheim. 1997. 250. S. geb. 198.-DM. ISBN 3-527-29316-7.
  140. Non-linear optical spectroscopy of single molecules in solids at low temperatures
  141. Optical Detection and Spectroscopy of Single Molecules
  142. Driving the Bloch vector of a single molecule: towards a triggered single photon source
  143. Pump–probe spectroscopy and photophysical properties of single di-benzanthanthrene molecules in a naphthalene crystal
  144. Single Molecules Driven by Strong Resonant Fields: Hyper-Raman and Subharmonic Resonances
  145. Optical Detection and Spectroscopy of Single Molecules
  146. Single-Molecule Optical Detection, Imaging and Spectroscopy
  147. Dibenzanthanthrene in N-Hexadecane, Dibenzoterrylene in Naphthalene: Two New Systems for Single Molecule Spectroscopy
  148. Single molecules of dibenzanthanthrene in n‐hexadecane
  149. Single Molecule Spectra of an Impurity Found in N-Hexadecane and Polyethylene
  150. Hole-Burning Studies on Triplet-Triplet Fluorescence Excitation Spectrum of 2-Naphthylphenylcarbene
  151. Non Linear Spectroscopy of Single Molecules in Low Temperature Solids
  152. II Optical Spectroscopy of Single Molecules in Solids
  153. Dibenzoterrylene in Naphthalene:  A New Crystalline System for Single Molecule Spectroscopy in the Near Infrared
  154. Zero-field splitting of the ground and excited triplet states of 2-naphthylphenylcarbene studied by hole-burning on triplet-triplet fluorescence excitation spectra
  155. Hahn echo experiments on a single triplet electron spin
  156. Pump-Probe Experiments with a Single Molecule: ac-Stark Effect and Nonlinear Optical Response
  157. Fluorescence spectra of single pentacene molecules in p-terphenyl at 1.7 K
  158. Detection of a single electron spin
  159. Hole-Burning Spectroscopy of Dye-Doped Langmuir-Blodgett Films
  160. Single molecule lines and spectral hole burning of terrylene in different matrices
  161. Some Recent Results in Single Molecule Spectroscopy
  162. Kinetics of optically detected magnetic resonance of single molecules
  163. Single molecule fluorescence: From excitation spectra to time correlation
  164. Magnetische Resonanz an einzelnen Spins
  165. Optically detected spin coherence of single molecules
  166. High-resolution spectroscopy of organic molecules in solids: from fluorescence line narrowing and hole burning to single molecule spectroscopy
  167. Optical Detection of Single Molecules in Solids
  168. Spectral diffusion and individual two-level systems probed by fluorescence of single terrylene molecules in a polyethylene matrix
  169. Excitation spectroscopy on single molecules in solids at low temperatures
  170. Probing individual two-level systems in a polymer by correlation of single molecule fluorescence
  171. Photon bunching in the fluorescence from single molecules: A probe for intersystem crossing
  172. Photon antibunching in the fluorescence of a single dye molecule trapped in a solid
  173. Stark effect in hole-burning spectra of dye-doped Langmuir-Blodgett films
  174. Stark effect on single molecules in a polymer matrix
  175. Single molecule spectroscopy in a solid
  176. Fluorescence excitation of single molecules
  177. High-resolution optical spectroscopy of Langmuir-Blodgett films
  178. Characterization of Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers using polarization modulated FTIR spectroscopy
  180. Stark effect in Langmuir—Blodgett films studied by hore-burning
  181. High Resolution Spectroscopy of Langmuir-Blodgett Films
  182. Single pentacene molecules detected by fluorescence excitation in a p -terphenyl crystal
  183. Model for burning kinetics and shape of fluence-saturated spectral holes
  184. Hole-burning of ionic dyes in Langmuir-Blodgett films. Comparison between a monolayer and a thick assembly
  185. Coherent surface fluorescence versus thermally activated energy transfer to the bulk in the anthracene crystal: Model calculations and some experimental results
  186. Hole burning on an ionic dye in a Langmuir-Blodgett monolayer
  187. Hole burning on porphyrin centers in langmuir-blodgett films
  188. Reflection and transmission of light by dye monolayers
  189. Quantum-mechanical-model calculations of radiative properties of a molecular crystal. II. A transition to coherence in the spontaneous emission from disordered two-dimensional excitons
  190. Photochemical Reactions at the Air-Water Interface Investigated with the Reflection Method
  191. Mean-field theory and numerical calculations of the density of states and the absorption of a diagonally disordered mixed crystal
  192. Orientation of chromophores in monolayers determined from the reflection or transmission of polarized light
  193. Exciton-phonon coupling parameters from Kramers-Kronig analysis of anthracene reflectivity spectra at low temperatures
  194. Fission vibron-2 particules et profils d'absorption optique des cristaux moléculaires
  196. Pure electronic, vibronic, and two‐particle surface excitons on the anthracene crystal. II. Experimental study and analysis of the (0,1) region
  197. Pure electronic, vibronic, and two‐particle surface excitons on the anthracene crystal. I. General theoretical basis, experimental study, and analysis of the (0,0) region
  198. Surface Raman spectroscopy and lineshape analysis of monolayer surface phonons of the anthracene crystals
  199. Quantum-mechanical-model calculations of radiative properties of a molecular crystal. I. Polaritons and abnormal decays of excitons in one- and two-dimensional systems
  200. Excitation and Radiative Properties of Surface Exciton States in Organic Molecular Crystal: Experimental Evidences and Quantum Mechanical Interpretation
  201. Nonlinear Optics on Single Molecules
  202. Nonlinear optics with single molecules
  203. Perspectives for variable-temperature investigations of single-protein dynamics