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  1. Influence of phospholipid molecular structures on cell membrane mechanical response under tension
  2. Molecular dynamics simulation of membrane systems in the context of traumatic brain injury
  3. Effect of Force Field Resolution on Membrane Mechanical Response and Mechanoporation Damage under Deformation Simulations
  4. The multiscale nature of the brain and traumatic brain injury
  5. Modeling nanoscale cellular structures using molecular dynamics
  6. A macroscale mechano-physiological internal state variable (MPISV) model for neuronal membrane damage with subscale microstructural effects
  7. Molecular dynamics simulations of phospholipid bilayer mechanoporation under different strain states—a comparison between GROMACS and LAMMPS
  8. A mesoscale finite element modeling approach for understanding brain morphology and material heterogeneity effects in chronic traumatic encephalopathy
  9. A Mesoscale Finite Element Modelling Approach for Understanding Brain Morphology and Material Heterogeneity Effects in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
  10. Compressive Mechanical Properties of Porcine Brain: Experimentation and Modeling of the Tissue Hydration Effects
  11. Damage biomechanics for neuronal membrane mechanoporation
  12. Examining membrane damage due to traumatic brain injury-related deformations
  13. Nanomechanics of phospholipid bilayer failure under strip biaxial stretching using molecular dynamics