All Stories

  1. Marketing via Shangbangs (Chinese business networks)
  2. The principal–agent problem and its mitigation: a critical historical analysis
  3. Softly enhancing political legitimacy via Red Tourism
  4. The Ethics and Politics of Academic Knowledge Production: Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics
  5. Mitigation versus adaptation: climate-change-related appeals and pondering the future
  6. Guest editorial: Impact of artificial intelligence on business strategy in emerging markets: a conceptual framework and future research directions
  7. Gain-probability diagrams in consumer research
  8. True Consumer Autonomy: A Formalization and Implications
  9. Constructing Core-Course In-class Sessions From Students’ Presubmitted Questions
  10. Positive Psychology’s Mindset Precursors of Attitude-toward-Advertising-in-General
  11. Are structural equation models theories and does it matter?
  12. Ethical issues in the application of new and emergent technologies of marketing
  13. An Aspirational Definition of Marketing: An Abstract
  14. Historical research with Chinese multilateral historical marketing sources
  15. Political and community logics jointly affect ‘social distancing’ compliance
  16. How Can We Minimize Visual Stereotypes in Ads?
  17. Securing higher-quality data from self-administered questionnaires
  18. Contextual influences on marketing and consumerism: an East Asian perspective
  19. Self-Customizable Online Courses: One Size Does Not Fit All
  20. A Macromarketing Prescription for Covid-19: Solidarity and Care Ethics
  21. The harmful effect of null hypothesis significance testing on marketing research: An example
  22. Disruptive Events and Associated Discontinuities: A Macromarketing Prescription
  23. Direct and indirect effects of fear‐of‐missing‐out appeals on purchase likelihood
  24. Nationalistic appeals and consumer boycotts in China, 1900-1949
  25. Why Consumers’ ‘New Power’ Will Change Marketing
  27. Protection motivation theory and brick-and-mortar salespeople
  28. ‘Fear of missing out’: antecedents and influence on purchase likelihood
  29. The (im)precision of scholarly consumer behavior research
  30. Use of Surveytainment Elements in Knowledge-Assessment Tests: An Abstract
  31. Emerging masculinities in Chinese luxury social media marketing
  32. Cross-culture product hybridization in pre-communist China (1912–1949)
  33. Guest editorial
  34. ‘Freedom Through Marketing’ Is Not Doublespeak
  35. Children’s influence on consumption-related decisions in single-mother families: Research review and Agenda
  36. Pawnbroking in pre-1949 China: soft strategies for overcoming a negative image
  37. Using surveytainment to counter declining survey data quality
  38. Determinants and outcomes of superstitious beliefs: a multi-study approach
  39. Critical historical research method and marketing scholarship
  40. Marketing Theory And Big Data
  41. Modeling specialty store customers’ buy/no-buy decisions
  42. Examining Online Chinese Buyer-Seller Relationships, Understanding E-Guanxi: An Abstract
  43. Nostalgia and Astrometry as Precursors of Superstitious Beliefs: An Abstract
  44. Can “Results Blind Manuscript Evaluation” Assuage “Publication Bias”?
  45. Intrinsic Religiosity and Attitude toward Finales as Precursors of Superstitious Beliefs: A Cross-Cultural Investigation
  46. When Old Meets New: How China’s ‘Double-Eleven’ Day Challenges Confucianism
  47. Teaching ethics to marketing and logistics majors: A transformative learning experiment
  48. Measuring Systems of Virtues Development
  49. A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Intrinsic Religiosity and Attitude Toward Endings as Precursors of Superstitious Beliefs: An Abstract
  50. Superstition, Astrometry, and Suspension of Disbelief: An Explanatory Model of Risk-Seeking Tendencies—An Abstract
  51. How China’s “Double-Eleven” Day Challenges Confucianism: An Abstract
  52. Book review
  53. Book review
  54. Antecedents and consequences of extrinsic superstitious beliefs: a cross-cultural investigation
  55. Qualitative Research Methods in Consumer Psychology
  56. Measuring Systems of Virtues Development
  57. Efficacy of Ads with Short Message Service (SMS) Copy
  58. On Defining and Measuring Store Image
  59. Unintended Consequences of the U.S. Television Ratings System
  60. Anti-child-abuse ads: believability and willingness-to-act
  61. Ads by 527 Groups and the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election
  62. Deconstructing Subtle Racist Imagery in Television Ads
  63. Anthropomorphic responses to new-to-market logos
  64. Efficacy of sporting event ads with textese (SMS-type copy)
  65. Common practices in destination website design
  66. Ethnic Identity in Advertising: A Review and Meta-Analysis
  67. Candidate-Sponsored TV Ads for the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election: A Content Analysis
  68. Adjusting self-reported attitudinal data for mischievous respondents
  69. Handbook of Research on Teaching Ethics in Business and Management Education
  70. Outlet mall shoppers' intentions to purchase apparel: A dual-process perspective
  71. A Review of Ethnic Identity in Advertising
  72. Motivators and enablers of SCOURing: A study of online piracy in the US and UK
  73. Idolizing sport celebrities: a gateway to psychopathology?
  74. Inactivity and the dynamics of relationship development: a proposed model
  75. Improving the Student Experience: Allowing Students Enrolled in a Required Course to Select Online or Face-to-Face Instruction
  76. Review of literature – Future research suggestions: Private label brands: Benefits, success factors and future research
  77. Confucian/Chopsticks Marketing
  78. Using a Model's Apparent Ethnicity to Influence Viewer Responses to Print Ads: A Social Identity Theory Perspective
  79. In Search of Value: A Model of Wagering Intentions
  80. Anti-consumption: An overview and research agenda
  81. International Business Research: A Retrospective~!2008-08-29~!2008-11-08~!2008-12-03~!
  82. Responsible Ads: A Workable Ideal
  83. Hedonic/Functional Congruity Between Stores and Private Label Brands
  84. Ethical Antecedents of Cheating Intentions: Evidence of Mediation
  85. A Multiple Stakeholder Perspective on Responsibility in Advertising
  86. An exploratory study of desired hotel attributes for American tourists vacationing in China and Ireland
  87. The Relationship between task complexity and information search: The role of self‐efficacy
  88. A Dual-Process Model of Cheating Intentions
  89. Assessing Faculty Beliefs About the Importance of Various Marketing Job Skills
  90. Retrospective and Prospective Views on the Marketing/Finance Interface
  91. The antitrust implications of relationship marketing
  92. Antecedents and consequences of trust in a service provider
  93. Revising the structural framework for marketing management
  94. Violent Commercials in Television Programs for Children
  95. Designing Vignette Studies in Marketing
  96. International marketing serials: a retrospective
  97. An Improved Scale for Assessing Patients' Trust in Their Physician
  98. Reviews of books
  99. Program‐Length Commercials and Host Selling by the WWF
  100. Exchange-Specific Self-Disclosure, Social Self-Disclosure, and Personal Selling
  101. Mail Surveys of Faculty and Acquaintances-of-the-Researcher Bias
  102. An Advertising Test of the Work Ethic in the U.K. and the U.S.
  103. A provider-cost/patron-effort schema for classifying products
  104. On Foundations Research in the Social Sciences
  105. A Provider-Cost Patron-Effort Schema for Classifying Products
  106. Research on Advertising Ethics: Past, Present, and Future
  107. Dependency Theory and the Effects of Advertising by Foreign-Based Multinational Corporations in Latin America
  108. On measuring ethical judgments
  109. Advertising: Questioning Common Complaints
  110. Ethical Codes and the Advocacy Advertisements of World War II
  111. Book Review: Antitrust Economics on Trial: A Dialogue on the New Laissez-Faire
  112. Ethical Judgments about Wartime Ads Depicting Combat
  113. A Piecewise-Regression Test of Riesman's Theory of Social Character
  114. Public Relations, Advocacy Ads, and the Campaign Against Absenteeism During World War II
  115. A Rapprochement between the Advertising Community and the Jungians
  116. Cultural Themes in Brazilian and U.S. Auto Ads: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
  117. Marketing and Logical Deduction
  118. Ethical codes are not enough
  119. The ethics of psychoactive ads
  120. Deception in Advertising: A Proposed Complex of Definitions for Researchers, Lawyers, and Regulators
  121. The timeliness problem in the application of bass-type new product-growth models to durable sales forecasting
  122. Evaluating and Improving Argument-Centered Works in Marketing
  123. Evaluating and Improving Argument-Centered Works in Marketing
  124. Reducing reluctance to transfer