All Stories

  1. Book Clubs—Outreach Opportunities for Hospital Libraries
  2. Legal Reference for Librarians: How and Where to Find the Answersby Paul D. Healey
  3. A program of research in a healthcare facility is easier with the support of the hospital librarian
  4. Getting Started with Evaluationby Peter Hernon, Robert E. Dugan, and Joseph R. Matthews
  5. Developing and Managing Electronic Collections: The Essentials.
  6. The Transformed Library: E-Books, Expertise, and Jeannette Woodward
  7. Changing Roles and Contexts for Health Library and Information Professionalsedited by Alison Brettle and Christine Urquhart
  8. The Digital Librarian's Legal Handbookby John N. Gathegi
  9. Getting Started With Cloud Computing: A LITA Guideedited by Edward M. Corrado and Heather Lee Moulaison
  10. Implementing Technology Solutions in Libraries: Techniques, Tools, And Tips from the Trenches. Knox, Karen C
  11. The Frugal Librarian: Thriving in Tough Economic Timesedited by Carol Smallwood
  12. No Shelf Required: E-Books In Librariesedited by Sue Polanka
  13. A Review of: “Medicare. Kronenfeld, Jennie Jacobs.”
  14. A Review of: “The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook: A Guide for the Serious Researcher. 3rd ed. Hock, Randolph.”
  15. Complementary and Alternative Medicine in MedlinePlus