All Stories

  1. Mary Magdalene and the Dangers of White Feminism
  2. Jews have been in Britain since the Roman times. Erasing their presence plays into white supremacy.
  3. Jewish and Christian Women in the Ancient Mediterranean
  4. The Cup of God’s Wrath: Libation and Early Christian Meal Practice in Revelation
  5. “When the Christ Appears, Will He Do More Signs Than This Man Has Done?” (John 7:31): Signs and the Messiah in the Gospel of John
  6. Tasting the Little Scroll: A Sensory Analysis of Divine Interaction in Revelation 10.8-101
  7. Taste and the Ancient Senses
  8. Human and Divine Justice in the Testament of Abraham
  9. Teaching with Technology: Using Digital Humanities to Engage Student Learning
  10. ‘My heart poured forth understanding’