All Stories

  1. Constrained 2D inversion of radiomagnetotelluric and controlled-source audiomagnetotelluric data using high-resolution reflection seismic data: An example in groundwater surveying from Heby, Sweden
  2. Comparing resistivity models from 2D and 1D inversion of frequency domain HEM data over rough terrains: cases study from Iran and Norway
  3. Estimating rock-vector magnetization from coincident measurements of magnetic field and gravity gradient tensor
  4. Integration of controlled-source and radio magnetotellurics, electric resistivity tomography, and reflection seismics to delineate 3D structures of a quick-clay landslide site in southwest of Sweden
  5. Boat-towed radio-magnetotellurics — A new technique and case study from the city of Stockholm
  6. Joint inversion of gravity, magnetic, and petrophysical data — A case study from a gabbro intrusion in Boden, Sweden
  7. Gravity gradient and magnetic terrain effects for airborne applications — A practical fast Fourier transform technique
  8. Integrated 2D modeling and interpretation of geophysical and geotechnical data to delineate quick clays at a landslide site in southwest Sweden
  9. High-resolution 3D reflection seismic investigation over a quick-clay landslide scar in southwest Sweden
  10. 2D joint inversion of RMT and ERT data versus individual 3D inversion of full tensor RMT data: An example from Trecate site in Italy