All Stories

  1. Probabilistic Rule Learning Systems
  2. Tumor attention networks: Better feature selection, better tumor segmentation
  3. A Survey on Session-based Recommender Systems
  4. A Graph-Based Fault-Tolerant Approach to Modeling QoS for IoT-Based Surveillance Applications
  5. A secure barrier coverage scheduling framework for WSN-based IoT applications
  6. QoS-Aware Energy Management and Node Scheduling Schemes for Sensor Network-Based Surveillance Applications
  7. A dynamic deep trust prediction approach for online social networks
  8. Novel quantum key distribution with shift operations based on Fibonacci and Lucas valued orbital angular momentum entangled states
  9. Intention2Basket: A Neural Intention-driven Approach for Dynamic Next-basket Planning
  10. Weakly supervised learning for image keypoint matching using graph convolutional networks
  11. Intention Nets: Psychology-Inspired User Choice Behavior Modeling for Next-Basket Prediction
  12. A topic-sensitive trust evaluation approach for users in online communities
  13. High-capacity (2,3) threshold quantum secret sharing based on asymmetric quantum lossy channels
  14. CTumorGAN: a unified framework for automatic computed tomography tumor segmentation
  15. Fine-grained tumor segmentation on computed tomography slices by leveraging bottom-up and top-down strategies
  16. Preface to the Special Issue on Graph Data Management in Online Social Networks
  17. Towards a Deep Attention-Based Sequential Recommender System
  18. Guest editorial: special issue on trust, privacy, and security in crowdsourcing computing
  19. A Survey on Trust Prediction in Online Social Networks
  20. Correlation Matters: Multi-scale Fine-Grained Contextual Information Extraction for Hepatic Tumor Segmentation
  21. Modelling Local and Global Dependencies for Next-Item Recommendations
  22. DCAT
  23. Joint Power Control and Resource Allocation Mode Selection for Safety-Related V2X Communication
  24. Sequential Recommender Systems: Challenges, Progress and Prospects
  25. Modeling Multi-Purpose Sessions for Next-Item Recommendations via Mixture-Channel Purpose Routing Networks
  26. Using Bayesian networks with hidden variables for identifying trustworthy users in social networks
  27. Finger-to-Heart (F2H): Authentication for Wireless Implantable Medical Devices
  28. Energy-Efficient Military Surveillance: Coverage Meets Connectivity
  29. A Proof-of-Trust Consensus Protocol for Enhancing Accountability in Crowdsourcing Services
  30. Real-time event detection from the Twitter data stream using the TwitterNews+ Framework
  31. Efficient quantum private queries based on quantum key distribution with pulse-position modulation
  32. A Critical Analysis of ECG-Based Key Distribution for Securing Wearable and Implantable Medical Devices
  33. Incremental Graph Pattern based Node Matching with Multiple Updates
  34. Answering Why-Questions Using Probabilistic Logic Programming
  35. N2TM: A New Node to Trust Matrix Method for Spam Worker Defense in Crowdsourcing Environments
  36. SETTRUST: Social Exchange Theory Based Context-Aware Trust Prediction in Online Social Networks
  37. Fast and Accurate Lung Tumor Spotting and Segmentation for Boundary Delineation on CT Slices in a Coarse-to-Fine Framework
  38. Joint Distributed and Centralized Resource Scheduling for D2D-Based V2X Communication
  39. A Quantum Secret Sharing Scheme Using Orbital Angular Momentum onto Multiple Spin States Based on Fibonacci Compression Encoding
  40. An Engagement Model Based on User Interest and QoS in Video Streaming Systems
  41. Round-robin-differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution based on wavelength division multiplexing
  42. Tunable multi-party high-capacity quantum key distribution based on m-generalized Fibonacci sequences using golden coding
  43. A novel fused convolutional neural network for biomedical image classification
  44. Secure sensors data acquisition and communication protection in eHealthcare: Review on the state of the art
  45. Resource Allocation for Underlay D2D Communication With Proportional Fairness
  46. A Deep Framework for Cross-Domain and Cross-System Recommendations
  47. Joint Autonomous Resource Selection and Scheduled Resource Allocation for D2D-Based V2X Communication
  48. Efficient quantum key distribution using Fibonacci-number coding with a biased basis choice
  49. A large-alphabet three-party quantum key distribution protocol based on orbital and spin angular momenta hybrid entanglement
  50. High-rate and high-capacity measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with Fibonacci matrix coding in free space
  51. A novel biomedical image indexing and retrieval system via deep preference learning
  52. Incremental Graph Pattern Based Node Matching
  53. Privacy Preservation in e-Healthcare Environments: State of the Art and Future Directions
  54. A Critical Analysis of Mobility Management Related Issues of Wireless Sensor Networks in Cyber Physical Systems
  55. Risk Analysis of Cloud Sourcing in Healthcare and Public Health Industry
  56. Social Context-Aware Trust Prediction: Methods for Identifying Fake News
  57. Context-Aware Trustworthy Service Evaluation in Social Internet of Things
  58. A bio-inspired secure IPv6 communication protocol for Internet of Things
  59. Joint mode selection and proportional fair scheduling for D2D communication
  60. An improved coding method of quantum key distribution protocols based on Fibonacci-valued OAM entangled states
  61. From WannaCry to WannaDie: Security trade-offs and design for implantable medical devices
  62. A Hybrid Quantum Key Distribution Protocol for Tele-care Medicine Information Systems
  63. An efficient quantum blind digital signature scheme
  64. Cybersecurity and privacy issues for socially integrated mobile healthcare applications operating in a multi-cloud environment
  65. Leveraging deep preference learning for indexing and retrieval of biomedical images
  66. Multiple ECG Fiducial Points-Based Random Binary Sequence Generation for Securing Wireless Body Area Networks
  67. Fast and simple high-capacity quantum cryptography with error detection
  68. A survey on real-time event detection from the Twitter data stream
  69. A novel end-to-end classifier using domain transferred deep convolutional neural networks for biomedical images
  70. Ideas and Challenges for Securing Wireless Implantable Medical Devices: A Review
  71. Design and deployment challenges in immersive and wearable technologies
  72. A Survey of Authentication Schemes in Telecare Medicine Information Systems
  73. Empirical Studies of ECG Multiple Fiducial-Points Based Binary Sequence Generation (MFBSG) Algorithm in E-Health Sensor Platform
  74. Large-Capacity Three-Party Quantum Digital Secret Sharing Using Three Particular Matrices Coding
  75. A learning ontology with metadata and user profiles for enhancing accessibility of resources
  76. Behavior analysis in social networks: Challenges, technologies, and trends
  77. Survey on cybersecurity issues in wireless mesh networks based eHealthcare
  78. High-capacity quantum key distribution using Chebyshev-map values corresponding to Lucas numbers coding
  79. Hybrid threshold adaptable quantum secret sharing scheme with reverse Huffman-Fibonacci-tree coding
  80. Leveraging adjusted user behavior in the detection and prevention of outgoing malicious SMSs in Android devices
  81. A Dispute Arbitration Protocol Based on a Peer-to-Peer Service Contract Management Scheme
  82. Strong Social Component-Aware Trust Sub-network Extraction in Contextual Social Networks
  83. Classifying high dimensional data by interactive visual analysis
  84. Special issue on Information Visualization in Machine Learning and Applications
  85. Cost-Effective Encryption-Based Autonomous Routing Protocol for Efficient and Secure Wireless Sensor Networks
  86. OWL 2 learn profile: an ontology sublanguage for the learning domain
  87. Truthful Channel Sharing for Self Coexistence of Overlapping Medical Body Area Networks
  88. A Robust Approach to Finding Trustworthy Influencer in Trust-Oriented E-Commerce Environments
  89. An Uncertain Assessment Compatible Incentive Mechanism for Eliciting Continual and Truthful Assessments of Cloud Services
  90. Fundamental Issues in Mobile Healthcare Information Systems
  91. TwitterNews+: A Framework for Real Time Event Detection from the Twitter Data Stream
  92. An Improved Binary Sequence Generation for Securing Wireless Body Area Networks
  93. Offer acceptance prediction of academic placement
  94. Analyzing ant colony optimization based routing protocol against the hole problem for enhancing user’s connectivity experience
  95. Secure transfer of environmental data to enhance human decision accuracy
  96. Controllable quantum private queries using an entangled Fibonacci-sequence spiral source
  97. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks
  98. Contextual Sub-network Extraction in Contextual Social Networks
  99. A comparison of key distribution schemes using fuzzy commitment and fuzzy vault within wireless body area networks
  100. Modeling Accountable Cloud Services Based on Dynamic Logic for Accountability
  101. BiNet: Trust Sub-network Extraction Using Binary Ant Colony Algorithm in Contextual Social Networks
  102. Editorial: Special issue on security of information and networks
  103. Special issue on trust and security in wireless sensor networks
  104. CCCloud: Context-Aware and Credible Cloud Service Selection Based on Subjective Assessment and Objective Assessment
  105. Analysis of the Scalability and Stability of an ACO Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
  106. Dynamic (2, 3) Threshold Quantum Secret Sharing of Secure Direct Communication
  107. Multi-Constrained Graph Pattern Matching in large-scale contextual social graphs
  108. A Review of Secure Routing Approaches for Current and Next-Generation Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
  109. Encryption for Implantable Medical Devices Using Modified One-Time Pads
  110. A hybrid quantum key distribution protocol based on extended unitary operations and fountain codes
  111. An ECG-based Secret Data Sharing scheme supporting emergency treatment of Implantable Medical Devices
  112. Securing wireless medical implants using an ECG-based secret data sharing scheme
  113. The Impact of Discrimination on the Spread of Infectious Diseases in Complex Networks
  114. Towards an OWL 2 Profile for Defining Learning Ontologies
  115. Message from the Workshop Organizers - ESAS 2014
  116. Modeling Accountable Cloud Services
  117. A non-key based security scheme supporting emergency treatment of wireless implants
  118. Context-Aware Cloud Service Selection Based on Comparison and Aggregation of User Subjective Assessment and Objective Performance Assessment
  119. Dual compressible hybrid quantum secret sharing schemes based on extended unitary operations
  120. Provably secure three-party key agreement protocol using Chebyshev chaotic maps in the standard model
  121. Fault-tolerant high-capacity quantum key distribution over a collective-noise channel using extended unitary operations
  122. Social Context-Aware Trust Prediction in Social Networks
  123. Subset Selection Classifier (SSC): A Training Set Reduction Method
  124. Quantum direct secret sharing with efficient eavesdropping-check and authentication based on distributed fountain codes
  125. An adaptive learning system using plug and play ontologies
  126. Efficient Random Key Based Encryption System for Data Packet Confidentiality in WSNs
  127. Introduction to the special issue on Next Generation Network Architectures, Protocols, Theory, Systems and Applications
  128. ESAS 2013: Message from the Workshop Organizers
  129. Cloud Service Selection Based on the Aggregation of User Feedback and Quantitative Performance Assessment
  130. Modeling the Dynamic Trust of Online Service Providers Using HMM
  131. Finding the Optimal Social Trust Path for the Selection of Trustworthy Service Providers in Complex Social Networks
  132. Theory and Practice of Cryptography Solutions for Secure Information Systems
  133. KPMCF: A Learning Model for Measuring Social Relationship Strength
  134. Optimization of XML Queries by Using Semantics in XML Schemas and the Document Structure
  135. Representing and Reasoning about Utilization of Cloud Computing as Bayesian Games with Epistemic Logic
  136. Software Clustering Using Automated Feature Subset Selection
  137. Interactive Visual Classification of Multivariate Data
  138. Special Issue on the Design and Engineering of Cryptographic Solutions for Secure Information Systems
  139. BRINK: Initial theory on bounded rationality and inconsistent knowledge
  140. The impact of human activity patterns on asymptomatic infectious processes in complex networks
  141. ESAS 2012: The Seventh IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems
  142. Discovering Trust Networks for the Selection of Trustworthy Service Providers in Complex Contextual Social Networks
  143. The Reactive-Causal Architecture: Radar Task Simulation
  144. A Dynamic Authentication Scheme for Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks
  145. A Visual Approach for Classification Based on Data Projection
  146. Modelling Bayesian attacker detection game in wireless networks with epistemic logic
  147. An analytic tableau calculus for a temporalised belief logic
  148. Special issue on logics for intelligent agents and multi-agent systems
  149. Introduction to the special issue on engineering semantic agent systems
  150. Finding K Optimal Social Trust Paths for the Selection of Trustworthy Service Providers in Complex Social Networks
  151. ESAS 2011 - The Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems
  152. Three Approaches to Iterated Belief Contraction
  153. A Tabu–Harmony Search-Based Approach to Fuzzy Linear Regression
  154. The prediction of trust rating based on the quality of services using fuzzy linear regression
  155. Hybrid optimization with improved tabu search
  156. A scalable approach for inferring transcriptional regulation in the yeast cell cycle
  157. Efficiently querying dynamic XML documents stored in relational database systems
  158. Semantic Agent Systems
  159. A Dynamic Trust Establishment and Management Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks
  160. A least square approach for the detection and removal of outliers for fuzzy linear regressions
  161. A trust management architecture for hierarchical wireless sensor networks
  162. An Improved Wavelet Analysis Method for Detecting DDoS Attacks
  163. A Heuristic Algorithm for Trust-Oriented Service Provider Selection in Complex Social Networks
  164. ESAS 2010 - The Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems
  166. The Reactive-Causal Cognitive Agent Architecture
  167. A Stratified Model for Short-Term Prediction of Time Series
  168. A Top-Down Approach for Hierarchical Cluster Exploration by Visualization
  169. An Application of Element Oriented Analysis Based Credit Scoring
  170. Analysis of microarray data to infer transcription regulation in the yeast cell cycle
  171. Belief Erasure Using Partial Imaging
  172. Efficiently Querying XML Documents Stored in RDBMS in the Presence of Dewey-Based Labeling Scheme
  173. Failed-tuple triggered blocking strategy for managing near real-time spatial data replication
  174. Geospatial editing over a federated cloud geodatabase for the state of NSW
  175. Optimizing XML twig queries in relational systems
  176. Temporal Belief-Change: κ-functions Approach
  177. The Discovery of Hierarchical Cluster Structures Assisted by a Visualization Technique
  178. Securing Session Initiation Protocol in Voice over IP Domain
  179. A 2-Stage Approach for Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
  180. Analysis of Authentication Protocols in Agent-Based Systems Using Labeled Tableaux
  181. Critical issues in trust management for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
  182. Trust Inference in Complex Trust-Oriented Social Networks
  183. A Visual Method for High-Dimensional Data Cluster Exploration
  184. Context-Aware Trust Management for Peer-to-Peer Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
  185. ESAS 2009 Message
  186. Solving Fuzzy Linear Regression with Hybrid Optimization
  187. Temporalised Epistemic Logic for Reasoning about Agent-Based Systems
  188. Theories of Trust for Communication Protocols
  189. Two Approaches to Iterated Belief Contraction
  190. Using dynamic bayesian networks to infer gene regulatory networks from expression profiles
  191. Analytic Tableaux for Verifying Agent Beliefs
  192. In Honour of Bill Wadge
  193. Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Integration Using Temporal Logic with Clocks
  194. Querying Historical Data Over Multiple Time-Lines
  195. The reactive-causal architecture: Combining intentional notion and theories of needs
  196. Introduction to the special issue on advances in ontologies
  197. A Multi-Versioning Scheme for Intention Preservation in Collaborative Editing Systems*
  198. Dynamic Theories of Trust for Secure Agent-Based Systems
  199. Modal tableaux for verifying stream authentication protocols
  200. Towards Context Sensitive Defeasible Rules
  201. Formalising theories of trust for authentication protocols
  202. An Adaptive Labeling Method for Dynamic XML Documents
  203. Intelligent Agents and P2P Semantic Web
  204. Specifying Agent Beliefs for Authentication Systems
  205. A Visual Approach for External Cluster Validation
  206. AI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence
  207. From Predefined Consistency to User-Centered Emergent Consistency in Real-Time Collaborative Editing Systems
  208. Unsupervised Learning Aided by Hierarchical Analysis in Knowledge Exploration
  209. Reasoning about Dynamics of Trust and Agent Beliefs
  210. Representation and Integration of Knowledge based on Multiple Granularity of Time using Temporal Logic
  211. Supporting Distributed Collaborative Work with Multi-versioning
  212. Trust management and trust theory revision
  213. Analysing Stream Authentication Protocols in Autonomous Agent-Based Systems
  214. Hypothesis oriented cluster analysis in data mining by visualization
  215. Labeling XML Nodes in RDBMS
  216. Taking Levi Identity Seriously: A Plea for Iterated Belief Contraction
  217. The interpreted system model of knowledge, belief, desire and intention
  218. XMask: An Enabled XML Management System
  219. Locking without requesting a lock: A consistency maintenance mechanism in Internet-based real-time group editors
  220. A Fibred Belief Logic for Multi-agent Systems
  221. Managing Theories of Trust in Agent Based Systems
  222. Separating XHTML content from navigation clutter using DOM-structure block analysis
  223. Structural Pattern Discovery in Time Series Databases
  224. Modelling and manipulating multidimensional data in semistructured databases
  225. Temporal Data Mining Using Hidden Markov-Local Polynomial Models
  226. Temporal Data Mining Using Hidden Periodicity Analysis
  227. Temporal Data Mining Using Multilevel-Local Polynomial Models
  228. Towards a Logical Basis for Modelling and Querying Multi-dimensional Databases
  229. Modelling and reasoning about multi-dimensional information
  230. Multi-dimensional logic programming: theoretical foundations
  231. A constraint mechanism for knowledge specification of simulation systems based on temporal logic
  232. Dealing with Multiple Granularity of Time in Temporal Logic Programming
  233. Executing specifications of distributed computations with Chronolog(MC)
  234. Foundations of linear-time logic programming
  235. Temporal and modal logic programming
  236. Extending Temporal Logic Programming with Choice Predicates Non-determinism
  237. A reverse-engineering approach to subsystem structure identification
  238. Towards a unified theory of intensional logic programming
  239. A reverse engineering environment based on spatial and visual software interconnection models
  240. An overview of temporal and modal logic programming
  241. A secure transaction environment for workflows in distributed systems
  242. The Reactive-Causal Architecture: Towards Development of Believable Agents
  243. An exclusive version locking scheme in Internet-based real-time group editors
  244. Editing any version at any time: a consistency maintenance mechanism in Internet-based collaborative environments
  245. ADDROL: a method for on-line reorganization in a multisystem DBMS with shared disks
  246. A temporal relational algebra based on multiple time-lines
  247. Embedding a timing system in TLC
  248. VERSANT architecture: supporting high-performance object databases
  249. A recursive temporal algebra and temporal completeness
  250. A framework for exploiting parallelism in Chronolog
  251. Chronolog(Z): linear-time logic programming