All Stories

  1. Fame-seeking mass shooters choose novel locations and targets to become famous
  2. Beyond the Bristol book: Advances and perspectives in non-smooth dynamics and applications
  3. Spiropyran-functionalized photochromic nylon webbings for long-term ultraviolet light sensing
  4. How adherence to public health measures shapes epidemic spreading: A temporal network model
  5. The transformation of patient-clinician relationships with AI-based medical advice
  6. Modeling multi-sensory feedback control of zebrafish in a flow
  7. Improving on transfer entropy-based network reconstruction using time-delays: Approach and validation
  8. Application of symbolic recurrence to experimental data, from firearm prevalence to fish swimming
  9. Transfer entropy on symbolic recurrences
  10. Producing knowledge by admitting ignorance: Enhancing data quality through an “I don’t know” option in citizen science
  11. Detecting switching leadership in collective motion
  12. An information-theoretic approach to study fluid–structure interactions
  13. Integrating mechatronics in project-based learning of Malaysian high school students and teachers
  14. Zebrafish response to a robotic replica in three dimensions
  15. Voltage attenuation along the electrodes of ionic polymer metal composites
  16. Matching the impedance of ionic polymer metal composites for energy harvesting
  17. Fish and robot dancing together: bluefin killifish females respond differently to the courtship of a robot with varying color morphs
  18. Underwater energy harvesting from a turbine hosting ionic polymer metal composites