All Stories

  1. Hyperspectral unmixing for Raman spectroscopy via physics-constrained autoencoders
  2. Algorithm 1044: PyGenStability, a Multiscale Community Detection with Generalized Markov Stability
  3. Learning spatiotemporal signals using a recurrent spiking network that discretizes time
  4. Graph-based data clustering via multiscale community detection
  5. Unsupervised Graph-Based Learning Predicts Mutations That Alter Protein Dynamics
  6. An edge-based formulation of elastic network models
  7. Data-driven unsupervised clustering of online learner behaviour
  8. Beyond local gradient-sensing: memory effects in bacterial chemotactic navigation
  9. Bounding the stationary distributions of the chemical master equation via mathematical programming
  10. Precision identification of high-risk phenotypes and progression pathways in severe malaria without requiring longitudinal data
  11. Learning spatiotemporal signals using a recurrent spiking network that discretizes time
  12. Stochastic modelling reveals mechanisms of metabolic heterogeneity
  13. The Exit Time Finite State Projection Scheme: Bounding Exit Distributions and Occupation Measures of Continuous-Time Markov Chains
  14. Guiding interoperable electronic health records through patient-sharing networks
  15. Collective search with finite perception: transient dynamics and search efficiency
  16. Flux-dependent graphs for metabolic networks
  17. Allostery and cooperativity in multimeric proteins: bond-to-bond propensities in ATCase
  18. Computational Re-design of Synthetic Genetic Oscillators for Independent Amplitude and Frequency Modulation
  19. Flux-dependent graphs for metabolic networks
  20. Modelling the Dynamics of Biological Systems with the Geometric Hidden Markov Model
  21. Computational Re-Design of Synthetic Genetic Oscillators for Independent Amplitude and Frequency Modulation
  22. Geometric multiscale community detection: Markov stability and vector partitioning
  23. Kinetic Analysis Reveals the Identity of Aβ-Metal Complex Responsible for the Initial Aggregation of Aβ in the Synapse
  24. GlnK Facilitates the Dynamic Regulation of Bacterial Nitrogen Assimilation
  25. GlnK facilitates the dynamic regulation of bacterial nitrogen assimilation
  26. SC3: consensus clustering of single-cell RNA-seq data
  27. Toward Precision Healthcare: Context and Mathematical Challenges
  28. The ‘who’ and ‘what’ of #diabetes on Twitter
  29. Stochastic models of gene transcription with upstream drives: exact solution and sample path characterization
  30. Graph partitions and cluster synchronization in networks of oscillators
  31. Prediction of allosteric sites and mediating interactions through bond-to-bond propensities
  32. Flow-Based Network Analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans Connectome
  33. Linear models of activation cascades: analytical solutions and coarse-graining of delayed signal transduction
  34. Community detection and role identification in directed networks: Understanding the Twitter network of the debate
  35. Window functions and sigmoidal behaviour of memristive systems
  36. Bounding Stationary Averages of Polynomial Diffusions via Semidefinite Programming
  37. Great cities look small
  38. Emergence of Slow-Switching Assemblies in Structured Neuronal Networks
  39. PDGFRα demarcates the cardiogenic clonogenic Sca1+ stem/progenitor cell in adult murine myocardium
  40. Amplification of small molecule-inducible gene expression via tuning of intracellular receptor densities
  41. Dynamics of Cluster Synchronisation in Modular Networks: Implications for Structural and Functional Networks
  42. Secondary Metal Binding to Amyloid-Beta Monomer is Insignificant under Synaptic Conditions
  43. Introduction of a Fluorescent Probe to Amyloid-β to Reveal Kinetic Insights into Its Interactions with Copper(II)
  44. On memristor ideality and reciprocity
  45. Interest communities and flow roles in directed networks: the Twitter network of the UK riots
  46. Revealing cell assemblies at multiple levels of granularity
  47. Engineering modular and tunable genetic amplifiers for scaling transcriptional signals in cascaded gene networks
  48. Random Walks, Markov Processes and the Multiscale Modular Organization of Complex Networks
  49. P595PDGFRalpha demarcates the cardiogenic and clonogenic Sca-1+ stem cell
  50. HhexandCer1Mediate the Sox17 Pathway for Cardiac Mesoderm Formation in Embryonic Stem Cells
  51. Structure of complex networks: Quantifying edge-to-edge relations by failure-induced flow redistribution
  52. Uncovering allosteric pathways in caspase-1 using Markov transient analysis and multiscale community detection
  53. Finding role communities in directed networks using Role-Based Similarity, Markov Stability and the Relaxed Minimum Spanning Tree
  54. Ideal memristors as reciprocal elements
  55. On periodic reference tracking using batch-mode reinforcement learning with application to gene regulatory network control
  56. Nitrogen and Carbon Status Are Integrated at the Transcriptional Level by the Nitrogen Regulator NtrC In Vivo
  57. Observability and coarse graining of consensus dynamics through the external equitable partition
  58. Rewiring cell signalling through chimaeric regulatory protein engineering
  59. Tuning the dials of Synthetic Biology
  60. Decentralised minimum-time consensus
  61. Risk factor-dependent dynamics of atopic dermatitis: modelling multi-scale regulation of epithelium homeostasis
  62. A modular cell-based biosensor using engineered genetic logic circuits to detect and integrate multiple environmental signals
  63. Communities in Evolving Networks: Definitions, Detection, and Analysis Techniques
  64. Robustness of random graphs based on graph spectra
  65. Combinatorial stresses kill pathogenic Candida species
  66. Encoding dynamics for multiscale community detection: Markov time sweeping for the map equation
  67. Engineering and ethical perspectives in synthetic biology
  68. Device Properties of Bernoulli Memristors
  69. Sensory experience modifies spontaneous state dynamics in a large-scale barrel cortical model
  70. Quantitative measure of hysteresis for memristors through explicit dynamics
  71. Markov Dynamics as a Zooming Lens for Multiscale Community Detection: Non Clique-Like Communities and the Field-of-View Limit
  72. Squeeze-and-breathe evolutionary Monte Carlo optimization with local search acceleration and its application to parameter fitting
  73. Compound stress response in stomatal closure: a mathematical model of ABA and ethylene interaction in guard cells
  74. Stochastic oscillatory dynamics of generalized repressilators
  75. Decentralised minimal-time consensus
  76. Spectral Measure of Structural Robustness in Complex Networks
  77. Protein multi-scale organization through graph partitioning and robustness analysis: application to the myosin–myosin light chain interaction
  78. Flow graphs: Interweaving dynamics and structure
  79. Robustness of regular ring lattices based on natural connectivity
  80. Transient dynamics around unstable periodic orbits in the generalized repressilator model
  81. Obtaining certificates for complete synchronisation of coupled oscillators
  82. Natural Connectivity of Complex Networks
  83. Stability of graph communities across time scales
  84. Crowding-Induced Anisotropic Transport Modulates Reaction Kinetics in Nanoscale Porous Media
  85. The Effect of Spatially Inhomogeneous Extracellular Electric Fields on Neurons
  86. Switchable genetic oscillator operating in quasi-stable mode
  87. Solutions of weakly reversible chemical reaction networks are bounded and persistent*
  88. Interplay between spontaneous and sensory activities in barrel cortex: a computational study
  89. An analysis of the Map Seeking Circuit and Monte Carlo extensions
  90. X-ray diffraction measurement of the monolayer spontaneous curvature of dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol
  91. A Dominated Coupling From The Past algorithm for the stochastic simulation of networks of biochemical reactions
  92. Transcriptome-wide noise controls lineage choice in mammalian progenitor cells
  93. Biophysical Regulation of Lipid Biosynthesis in the Plasma Membrane
  94. Chemistry across scales: from molecules to cells
  95. Full analogue electronic realisation of the Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal dynamics in weak-inversion CMOS
  96. Perfect Sampling of the Master Equation for Gene Regulatory Networks
  97. Noise characteristics of interlocked repressilators
  98. A Dynamical Model of Lipoprotein Metabolism
  99. Stochastic Kinetics of Viral Capsid Assembly Based on Detailed Protein Structures
  100. Synchronization in Small-World Systems
  101. Self-Assembled, Deterministic Carbon Nanotube Wiring Networks This work was funded by the Office of Naval Research, DARPA, and an NSF-FRG grant.
  102. A new bound of the /spl Lscr//sub 2/[0, T]-induced norm and applications to model reduction
  103. Titration of chaos with added noise
  104. Pinned states in Josephson arrays: A general stability theorem
  105. Erratum: Superconducting states and depinning transitions of Josephson ladders [Phys. Rev. B57, 1181 (1998)]
  106. Dynamics of one-dimensional Josephson-junction arrays
  107. Row-switched states in two-dimensional underdamped Josephson-junction arrays
  108. Superconducting states and depinning transitions of Josephson ladders
  109. Intrinsic phase-locked state in two-dimensional Nb Josephson arrays
  110. Resonances of dynamical checkerboard states in Josephson arrays with self-inductance
  111. Detection of nonlinear dynamics in short, noisy time series
  112. Ba2(RE)Cu3O7−δ(RE=La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd): Crystal growth, structure and magnetic properties
  113. Ba2PrCu3O7: Crystal growth, structure and magnetic properties
  114. Ba2Pr.34+Pr.73+Cu.73+Cu2.32+O7 : Crystal growth, structure and magnetic properties
  115. The rare-earth H.T.S.C. family Ba2(RE)Cu3O7; structural, electrical and magnetic studies (RE=Y,Nd,Sm,Eu,Gd,Dy,Ho,Er,Tm)
  116. REBa2Cu3O7−δ (RE = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd): Crystal growth, structure and magnetism
  117. Superconducting energy gap and phonon spectra in MBa2Cu3O7−x type materials
  118. Infrared and Raman spectra of the new superconducting cuprate perovskites MBa2Cu3O7, M =Nd, Dy, Er, Tm
  119. Superconducting energy gap inMBa2Cu3O7−δ-type materials