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  1. Individual and contextual determinants of adoption of online media services in the 2017 lower house election campaign in Japan
  2. Artificial Intelligence in the Dutch Press: An Analysis of Topics and Trends
  3. Football Players’ Popularity on Twitter Explained: Performance on the Pitch or Performance on Twitter?
  4. Incorrect, fake, and false. Journalists’ perceived online source credibility and verification behavior
  5. social media research in journalism and political communcation
  6. The success of viral ads: Social and attitudinal predictors of consumer pass-on behavior on social network sites
  7. Voicing Discontent in South Korea
  8. Live audience responses to live televised election debates: time series analysis of issue salience and party salience on audience behavior
  9. Twitter and Political Campaigning
  10. Peers and Sources as Social Capital in the Production of News
  11. Campaigning on Twitter: Microblogging and Online Social Networking as Campaign Tools in the 2010 General Elections in the Netherlands
  12. Introduction to Webometrics: Quantitative Web Research for the Social Sciences
  13. Book reviews
  14. Politics, elections and online campaigning: Past, present . . . and a peek into the future
  15. Web campaigning in the 2009 European Parliament elections: A cross-national comparative analysis
  16. Personalization in e-campaigning: A cross-national comparison of personalization strategies used on candidate websites of 17 countries in EP elections 2009
  17. Evolving global communications policy agendas and ‘North-South’ relations: the internet and telecommunications
  18. Mediated relations: new methods to study online social capital
  19. Is the voter only a tweet away? Micro blogging during the 2009 European Parliament election campaign in the Netherlands
  20. Online social networks and micro-blogging in political campaigning
  21. Weather conditions and daily television use in the Netherlands, 1996–2005
  22. Internet in the Daily Life of Journalists: Explaining the use of the Internet by Work-Related Characteristics and Professional Opinions
  23. Consequences of media and Internet use for offline and online network capital and well-being. A causal model approach
  24. Televisiekijken, online en offline netwerkkapitaal en eenzaamheid
  25. Journalistiek en internet in de Lage Landen. Een vergelijkende studie naar het internetgebruik van Nederlandse en Vlaamse journalisten
  26. Internet adoption in the newsroom: Journalists' use of the Internet explained by attitudes and perceived functions
  27. Tijdsbesteding aan televisie in Europese landen: crossnationale vergelijkingen en verklaringen
  28. Analysing Online Political Discussions
  30. Media Diversity
  31. Exposure to Newspapers and Attitudes toward Ethnic Minorities: A Longitudinal Analysis
  32. Access in the Age of Commercialisation of Information: The Case of Local Radio in the Netherlands