All Stories

  1. Modelling the effects of 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate for the management of factor Xa-associated bleeding
  2. Analytical Validation and Quality Control/Quality Assurance Practices for Improved Rigor and Reproducibility of Biochemical Assays in Orthopaedic Research
  3. A commentary on “A rapid, sensitive and specific assay to measure TF activity based on chromogenic determination of thrombin generation”
  4. Thrombosis and novel hemophilia therapies: the fine line between clotting and bleeding
  5. Cell-Mediated Hemostasis
  6. EPCR knockout: inflaming the discussion
  7. A unique protein kinase C-dependent pathway for tissue factor downregulation in pericytes
  8. Regulation of Hemostasis and Thrombosis
  9. The impact of prothrombin complex concentrates when treating DOAC-associated bleeding: a review
  10. The next best thing in factor VIIa
  11. Human platelets express endothelial protein C receptor, which can be utilized to enhance localization of factor VIIa activity
  12. The Tissue Factor Pathway and Wound Healing
  13. Differentiating between cold agglutinins and rouleaux: a case series of seven patients
  14. Impact of Non–Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants From a Basic Science PerspectiveHighlights
  15. Abnormal joint and bone wound healing in hemophilia mice is improved by extending factor IX activity after hemarthrosis
  16. No association between donor age and recipient outcomes: transfusion of plasma in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery
  17. An activated factor VII variant with enhanced tissue factor-independent activity speeds wound healing in a mouse hemophilia B model
  18. Reversal of Dabigatran Effects in Models of Thrombin Generation and Hemostasis by Factor VIIa and Prothrombin Complex Concentrate
  19. Cell-Mediated Hemostasis
  20. Coated platelet assay: a feasible approach to a complicated science
  21. Coated platelets and severe haemophilia A bleeding phenotype: Is there a connection?
  22. Coagulation in Liver Disease
  23. Novel oral anticoagulants and reversal agents: Considerations for clinical development
  24. Reversal of Dabigatran Effects in Models of Thrombin Generation and Hemostasis by Factor VIIa and Prothrombin Complex Concentrate
  25. Fibrinogen-Coated Nanospheres Prevent Thrombocytopenia-Related Bleeding
  26. 161: Effect of antifibrinolytic drugs on in vitro clot formation among peripartum women
  27. Reversing targeted oral anticoagulants
  28. Hemostasis: Old System, New Players, New Directions
  29. A mouse bleeding model to study oral anticoagulants
  30. Engineering a new generation of hemostatic agents: highlights of the Scientific Session on Hemostasis at the 2013 meeting of the American Society of Hematology
  31. Theories of Blood Coagulation: Basic Concepts and Recent Updates
  32. Reversing the new oral anticoagulants with prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs): what is the evidence?
  33. Progressive improvement in wound healing with increased therapy in haemophilia B mice
  34. Superactivated Platelets: Thrombus Regulators, Thrombin Generators, and Potential Clinical Targets
  35. Bleeding risk in warfarinized patients with a therapeutic international normalized ratio: the effect of low factor IX levels
  36. Practical coagulation for the blood banker
  37. Low intensity laser therapy speeds wound healing in hemophilia by enhancing platelet procoagulant activity
  38. Mechanisms and monitoring of bypassing agent therapy
  39. The clotting system - a major player in wound healing
  40. Consequences of intra-articular bleeding in haemophilia: science to clinical practice and beyond
  41. Hemostatic properties of the FVIIa analog NN1731
  42. The multiple roles of tissue factor in wound healing
  43. Hypothesis: Hyperhomocysteinemia is an indicator of oxidant stress
  44. Homocysteinylated fibrinogen forms disulfide-linked complexes with albumin
  45. Platelet binding and activity of a factor VIIa variant with enhanced tissue factor independent activity
  46. Prophylactic correction of the international normalized ratio in neurosurgery: a brief review of a brief literature
  47. Editorial: International normalized ratio
  48. Inflammation does not predispose to bleeding in hemophilia
  49. Heparins: Clinical Use and Laboratory Monitoring
  50. Wound healing in haemophilia - breaking the vicious cycle
  51. Wound healing in hemophilia B mice and low tissue factor mice
  52. Platelet binding and activity of recombinant factor VIIa
  53. Regulation of Hemostasis and Thrombosis
  54. Contributors
  55. Heparin cofactor II in atherosclerotic lesions from the Pathobiological Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth (PDAY) study
  56. The Influence of Hemophilia on Wound Healing.
  57. Platelet functions beyond hemostasis
  58. Synergistic effect of aptamers that inhibit exosites 1 and 2 on thrombin
  59. A rationally designed heparin, M118, has anticoagulant activity similar to unfractionated heparin and different from Lovenox in a cell-based model of thrombin generation
  60. Tissue Factor in Brain Is Not Saturated With Factor VIIa: Implications for Factor VIIa Dosing in Intracerebral Hemorrhage
  61. Celecoxib does not delay cutaneous wound healing in haemophilia B mice
  62. The Coagulation Cascade in Cirrhosis
  63. Dysregulation of Hemostasis by Cancer
  64. FVIIa: you've come a long way, baby!
  65. Animal models of bleeding and tissue repair
  66. Alterations of Fibrinogen Structure in Human Disease
  67. Some things I thought I knew about tissue factor that turn out to be wrong
  68. Perivascular tissue factor is down-regulated following cutaneous wounding: implications for bleeding in hemophilia
  69. Hypercoagulation and thrombophilia in liver disease
  70. Restoring hemostatic thrombin generation at the time of cutaneous wounding does not normalize healing in hemophilia B
  71. Tissue factor around dermal vessels has bound factor VII in the absence of injury
  72. Review article: the prothrombin time test as a measure of bleeding risk and prognosis in liver disease
  73. Elevated prothrombin level and shortened clotting times in subjects with type 2 diabetes
  74. Coagulation 2006: A Modern View of Hemostasis
  75. Pro-thrombotic and pro-oxidant effects of diet-induced hyperhomocysteinemia
  76. Fathers of modern coagulation
  77. Cutaneous wound healing is impaired in hemophilia B
  78. Circulating tissue factor accumulates in thrombi, but not in hemostatic plugs
  79. Manipulation of prothrombin concentration improves response to high-dose factor VIIa in a cell-based model of haemophilia
  80. A Cell-Based Model of Thrombin Generation
  81. Modification of Fibrinogen by Homocysteine Thiolactone Increases Resistance to Fibrinolysis:  A Potential Mechanism of the Thrombotic Tendency in Hyperhomocysteinemia †
  82. Why Are Young College Women Not Using Condoms? Their Perceived Risk, Drug Use, and Developmental Vulnerability May Provide Important Clues to Sexual Risk
  83. What Does It Take to Make the Perfect Clot?
  84. Coagulation disorders and hemostasis in liver disease: Pathophysiology and critical assessment of current management
  85. High dose factor VIIa improves clot structure and stability in a model of haemophilia B
  86. Protein C inhibitor (plasminogen activator inhibitor-3) expression in the CWR22 prostate cancer xenograft
  87. Platelet Heterogeneity: Variation in Coagulation Complexes on Platelet Subpopulations
  88. One more way that mice and men are different
  89. Rethinking the Coagulation Cascade
  90. The Cellular Basis of Traumatic Bleeding
  91. New Concepts in Managing Catastrophic Bleeding: A Combat Perspective
  92. A Systematic Evaluation of the Effect of Temperature on Coagulation Enzyme Activity and Platelet Function
  94. Impact of procoagulant concentration on rate, peak and total thrombin generation in a model system
  95. Differences in the metabolic response to exogenous homocysteine in juvenile and adult rabbits
  96. Safety profile of recombinant factor VIIa
  97. The Potential Role of Factor VIIa in Transfusion Medicine
  98. Laboratory Monitoring of High-Dose Factor VIIa Therapy
  99. The Effect of Temperature and pH on the Activity of Factor VIIa: Implications for the Efficacy of High-Dose Factor VIIa in Hypothermic and Acidotic Patients
  100. Localization of heparin cofactor II in injured human skin: a potential role in wound healing
  101. A cell-based model of coagulation and the role of factor VIIa
  102. Remodeling the Blood Coagulation Cascade
  103. Protease-Activated Receptor-2 Signaling Triggers Dendritic Cell Development
  104. New Insights into the Coagulation System and Implications for New Therapeutic Options with Recombinant Factor VIIa
  105. Elevated prothrombin results in clots with an altered fiber structure: a possible mechanism of the increased thrombotic risk
  106. Expanding uses of high-dose factor VIIa
  107. Elevated plasma homocysteine leads to alterations in fibrin clot structure and stability: implications for the mechanism of thrombosis in hyperhomocysteinemia
  108. The action of high-dose factor Vlla (FVIIa) in a cell-based model of hemostasis
  109. The action of high-dose factor VIIa (FVIIa) in a cell-based model of hemostasis
  110. The action of high-dose factor VIIa (FVIIa) in a cell-based model of hemostasis
  111. Analyzing fibrin clot structure using a microplate reader
  112. Platelets and Thrombin Generation
  113. Activated protein C cleaves factor Va more efficiently on endothelium than on platelet surfaces
  114. FLT3 internal tandem duplication mutations are rare in agnogenic myeloid metaplasia
  115. Circulating and binding characteristics of wild-type factor IX and certain Gla domain mutants in vivo
  116. Coagulation Factor Interaction with Platelets
  117. Generation of Species Cross-reactive Aptamers Using “Toggle” SELEX
  118. Exposure of Mice to Topical Bovine Thrombin Induces Systemic Autoimmunity
  119. The action of high-dose factor VIIa (FVIIa) in a cell-based model of hemostasis
  120. High-dose factor VIIa increases initial thrombin generation and mediates faster platelet activation in thrombocytopenia-like conditions in a cell-based model system
  121. Hemophilia Care in the New Millennium
  122. Inhibition of human and pig thrombin by a high-affinity nuclease-resistant RNA aptamer
  123. Coagulation factor XI is a contaminant in intravenous immunoglobulin preparations
  124. Deencryption of Cellular Tissue Factor Is Independent of Its Cytoplasmic Domain
  125. Platelets induce sinusoidal endothelial cell apoptosis upon reperfusion of the cold ischemic rat liver
  126. The Factor VII-Platelet Interplay: Effectiveness of Recombinant Factor VIIa in the Treatment of Bleeding in Severe Thrombocytopathia
  127. Links Between the Immune and Coagulation Systems: How Do "Antiphospholipid Antibodies" Cause Thrombosis?
  128. Coagulation factor XI is a contaminant in intravenous immunoglobulin preparations
  129. Platelets from Thrombocytopenic Ponies Acutely Infected with Equine Infectious Anemia Virus Are Activated in Vivo and Hypofunctional
  130. Chemistry and Biology of Serpins Edited by Frank C. Church, Dennis D. Cunningham, David Ginsburg, Maureane Hoffman, Stuart R. Stone, and Douglas M. Tollefsen. Plenum Press:  New York. 1997. xvii + 358 pp. $95.00. ISBN 0-306-45698-2.
  131. A randomized trial of recombinant human interleukin-11 following autologous bone marrow transplantation with peripheral blood progenitor cell support in patients with breast cancer
  132. Platelet activity of high-dose factor VIIa is independent of tissue factor
  133. From antiphospholipid syndrome to antibody-mediated thrombosis
  134. Chemistry and Biology of Serpins
  135. Variability in platelet procoagulant activity in healthy volunteers
  136. Culturing unactivated monocytes
  137. Cellular Interactions in Hemostasis
  138. Thrombin Enhances Monocyte Secretion of Tumor Necrosis Factor and Interleukin-1 Beta By Two Distinct Mechanisms
  139. The Monocyte Monolayer Assay: A Noninvasive Technique for Predicting the Severity of in Utero Hemolysis
  140. Platelet procoagulant complex assembly in a tissue factor-initiated system
  141. Reticulated platelet counts in patients undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation: An aid in assessing marrow recovery
  142. Heparin cofactor II and thrombin
  143. Platelets contain releasable coagulation factor IX antigen
  144. Platelets contain releasable coagulation factor IX antigen
  145. Platelet activation in patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
  146. A Rapid Method to Isolate Platelets from Human Blood by Density Gradient Centrifugation
  147. The effects of heparin cofactor II-derived chemotaxins on neutrophil actin conformation and cyclic AMP levels
  148. Antibody-Coated Erythrocytes Induce Secretion of Tumor Necrosis Factor by Human Monocytes: A Mechanism for the Production of Fever by Incompatible Transfusions
  149. The Effect of Alpha2Macroglobulin-Proteinase Complexes on Macrophage IA Expression in Vivo
  150. PDGF-stimulated fibroblast proliferation is enhanced synergistically by receptor-recognized ?2-Macroglobulin
  151. Variability in the Fibrinogen and Von Willebrand Factor Content of Cryoprecipitate: Implications for Reducing Donor Exposure
  152. Effect of interferon-γ and human α2-macroglobulin on peritoneal macrophage morphology and Ia antigen expression
  153. Production of chemotactic peptides by neutrophil degradation of heparin cofactor II
  154. Comparison of the effects of IL-1α and TNF-α on phagocyte accumulation and murine antibacterial immunity
  155. Alpha-Macroglobulin Secreted by Alveolar Macrophages Serves as a Binding Protein for a Macrophage-derived Homologue of Platelet-derived Growth Factor
  156. α 2Macroglobulin-proteinase complexes stimulate prostaglandin E2 synthesis by peritoneal macrophages
  157. Reduced trypsin-binding capacity of α2-macroglobulin in the peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis: possible relevance to alterations in macrophase function**Supported by the Career Development Program of the Veterans Administration (M.H.); the J...
  158. The Effect of Fibrin Polymerization Inhibitors on Quantitative Measurements of Plasma Fibrinogen
  159. The macrophage-mediated regulation of hepatocyte synthesis of antithrombin III and α1-proteinase inhibitor
  160. α2-macroglobulin ‘fast’ forms inhibit superoxide production by activated macrophages
  161. Effect of cyclooxygenase inhibitors and protease inhibitors on phorbol-induced stimulation of oxygen consumption and superoxide production by rat pulmonary macrophages
  162. Production of superoxide anion by an nadph-oxidase from rat pulmonary macrophages
  163. Changes in Oxygen Consumption and Phagocytosis in Rat Pulmonary Macrophages Related to Animal Maturation
  164. Adaptation to hyperoxia in the neonatal rat: Kinetic parameters of the oxygen-mediated induction of lung superoxide dismutases, catalase and glutathione peroxidase