All Stories

  1. Bioprospecting in the Eighteenth-Century
  2. Asia in the Russian Imagination
  3. Transitions and Departures
  4. Decolonizing Siberian Minds
  5. Editorial
  6. Enterprising Empires
  7. The Rise and Fall of Khoqand: Central Asia in the Global Age, 1709–1876, by Levi, Scott C.
  8. Migration and Disease in the Black Sea Region: Ottoman-Russian Relations in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, by Andrew Robarts
  9. Transitions and Arrivals
  10. An Academy at the Court of the Tsars: Greek Scholars and Jesuit Education in Early Modern Russia, written by Nikolaos A. Chrissidis
  11. Orthodox Communities on Russia’s Frontiers
  12. Tobacco Consumption in Siberia and the North Pacific
  13. Medicinal Rhubarb in Eighteenth-Century Eurasia
  14. Threads of Empire: Loyalty and Tsarist Authority in Bashkiria, 1552–1917, written by Charles Steinwedel
  15. Trade and the Global Economy
  16. Balkan Smoke: Tobacco and the Making of Modern Bulgaria by Mary C. Neuburger
  17. Introduction
  18. Encountering Islam in the Early Modern World
  19. Moscow’s Lost Petition to the Tsar, 2 June 1648
  20. Introduction
  21. Michael KhodarkovskyBitter Choices: Loyalty and Betrayal in the Russian Conquest of the North Caucasus. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2011. xiii, 200 pp. $35.00.
  22. Who Should Smoke? Tobacco and the Humoral Body in Early Modern England
  23. Tobacco in Russian History and Culture
  24. Боярские списки 1645–1667 гг. как истори-ческий источник по М. Р. Белоусов
  25. Indo-Persian Travels in the Age of Discoveries, 1400-1800
  26. Ending Russia's ban on tobacco in the seventeenth century
  27. Ethnicity as social rank: Governance, law, and empire in Muscovite Russia∗
  28. Medieval Central Asia: Polity, Economy and Military Organization (Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries)
  29. Татары о татарском: Бунтующая этничность по Е. О. Хабенская
  30. Controlling the frontier: Monasteries and infrastructure in the Volga region, 1552-1682