All Stories

  1. The Bounded Limitlessness of Digital Gender–Sexual Violations: The Implications for Women and Gender–Sexual Relations
  2. Digital Gender-Sexual Violations and Social Marketing Campaigns
  3. The Spread of Digital Intimate Partner Violence: Ethical Challenges for Business, Workplaces, Employers and Management
  4. Image-Based Sexual Abuse: Online Gender-Sexual Violations
  5. Situating digital gender-sexual violations
  6. Some further forms of digital gender-sexual violations
  7. Introduction
  8. Afterword
  9. Revenge pornography
  10. Upskirting, homosociality, and craftmanship
  11. From physical violence to online violation: Forms, structures and effects: A comparison of the cases of ‘domestic violence’ and ‘revenge pornography’
  12. Men Talking, Writing, and Imaging Violence against Women: (Dis)continuities Offline and Online
  13. “Upskirting,” Homosociality, and Craftmanship: A Thematic Analysis of Perpetrator and Viewer Interactions
  14. Chemically Modified Minds
  15. Afterword
  16. Being Limitless: A Discursive Analysis of Online Accounts of Modafinil Use
  17. Introduction
  18. ‘This is my cheating ex’: Gender and sexuality in revenge porn
  19. Revenge pornography and manhood acts: a discourse analysis of perpetrators’ accounts
  20. Research considerations when investigating psychological factors and health-related issues in online contexts
  21. ‘I’ve got a very dichotomous difference in the way that I perceive myself’: Positive and negative constructions of body image following cancer treatment
  22. Online interactions
  23. Responses
  24. Introduction
  25. Future interventions
  26. Discussion
  27. Revenge Pornography
  28. A discursive approach to revenge porn
  29. Situating revenge porn
  30. Mapping the terrain
  31. ‘…Cheater! liar! thief!’
  32. ‘She took my kids, ruined my life’
  33. ‘Just wants to use you for sex’
  34. Marginalized Masculinities: Contexts, Continuities and Change
  35. Exploring aging masculinities: the body, sexuality and social lives
  36. Disability, discourse and desire: Analyzing online talk by people with disabilities
  37. The man problem: destructive masculinity in Western culture
  38. Bodybuilders’ accounts of synthol use: The construction of lay expertise online
  39. Introduction
  40. Bodybuilders’ Accounts of Synthol Use: The Construction of Lay Expertise
  41. Introduction
  42. Chemically Modified Bodies
  43. ‘When there’s no underbrush the tree looks taller’: A discourse analysis of men’s online groin shaving talk
  44. Understanding families over time
  45. ‘It is safe to use if you are healthy’: A discursive analysis of men’s online accounts of ephedrine use
  46. Metrosexual Masculinities through the Lens of Discursive Approaches
  47. Masculinities: Before and After
  48. Metrosexual Masculinities
  49. The Final Frontier: Endorsing Cosmetics
  50. Who Am I?: Mapping Boundaries
  51. Look More Chiselled: Masculinity and Cosmetics
  52. Square Peg in a Round Hole: Locating Metrosexuality
  53. What Does It All Mean?
  54. The moral panics of sexuality Breanne Fahs, Mary L Dudy and Sarah Stage (eds.)
  55. Working with Risk: Skills for Contemporary Social Work
  56. Straight Guys Do Wear Make-Up: Contemporary Masculinities and Investment in Appearance
  57. Purity, presumed displeasure and piety in the ‘big three’: a critical analysis of magazine discourse on young women's sexuality
  58. Stake Management in Men's Online Cosmetics Testimonials
  59. "I'm METRO, NOT Gay!": A Discursive Analysis of Men's Accounts of Makeup Use on YouTube
  60. Momin Rahman and Stevi Jackson, Gender and sexuality: Sociological approaches
  61. On-line constructions of metrosexuality and masculinities: A membership categorization analysis
  62. Magazine and reader constructions of ‘metrosexuality’ and masculinity: a membership categorisation analysis
  63. Masculinities
  64. Metrosexual Masculinities through the Lens of Discursive Approaches
  65. Introduction
  66. Body Image
  67. Who Am I?
  68. Look More Chiselled
  69. Square Peg in a Round Hole
  70. The Final Frontier
  71. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
  72. I Cyber Surf Therefore I Am
  73. It’s What Women Want
  74. What Does It All Mean?
  75. It’s for Serious Men
  76. Straight Guys Do Wear Make-Up