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  1. Long-term spatiotemporal variation of benzo[a]pyrene in Japan: Significant decrease in ambient concentrations, human exposure, and health risk
  2. Reply to the letter by Obara S
  3. Association between general anesthesia in early childhood and neurodevelopment up to 4 years of age: the Japan Environment and Children’s Study
  4. Exposure to ambient fine particulate matter components during pregnancy and early childhood and its association with asthma, allergies, and sensitization in school-age children
  5. Association of air pollution exposure during pregnancy and early childhood with children's cognitive performance and behavior at age six
  6. Relationship between growth and food avoidance with food allergy at age 3 years: The Japan Environment and Children's Study (JECS)
  7. Short-term effects of the chemical components of fine particulate matter on pulmonary function: A repeated panel study among adolescents
  8. Changes in the Epidemiology of Rubella: The Influence of Vaccine-Introducing Methods and COVID-19
  9. Association between maternal use of spray formulations and offspring urological anomalies: The Japan Environment and Children's Study
  10. Continuous estimations of daily PM2.5 chemical components from temporally sparse monitoring data using a machine learning approach
  11. Short-term effects of fine particulate matter constituents on pulmonary function among adolescents
  12. Comparison of the Hemagglutination Inhibition Titers against Influenza Vaccine Strains in Japan from the 2017/2018 to 2021/2022 Seasons Using a Single Set of Serum Samples
  13. Predicting Daily PM2.5 Exposure with Spatially Invariant Accuracy Using Co-Existing Pollutant Concentrations as Predictors
  14. Effects of Screen Viewing Time on Sleep Duration and Bedtime in Children Aged 1 and 3 Years: Japan Environment and Children’s Study
  15. Effect of Routine Varicella Immunization on the Epidemiology and Immunogenicity of Varicella and Shingles
  16. Early Developmental Signs in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Results from the Japan Environment and Children’s Study
  17. Association of epidural analgesia during labor with neurodevelopment of children during the first three years: the Japan Environment and Children’s Study
  18. Reduction in Indoor Airborne Endotoxin Concentration by the Use of Air Purifier and Its Relationship with Respiratory Health: A Randomized Crossover Intervention Study
  19. Association between house renovation during pregnancy and wheezing in the first year of life: The Japan environment and children's study
  20. Effects of early‐life exposure to dust mite allergen and endotoxin on the development of asthma and wheezing: The Japan Environment and Children's Study
  21. Feelings about pregnancy and mother-infant bonding as predictors of persistent psychological distress in the perinatal period: The Japan Environment and Children's Study
  22. Changes in Cell-Mediated Immunity (IFN-γ and Granzyme B) Following Influenza Vaccination
  23. Association between the serum insulin‐like growth factor‐1 concentration in the first trimester of pregnancy and postpartum depression
  24. Sensitivity and specificity of different antibody tests for detecting varicella-zoster virus
  25. Association between surgical procedures under general anesthesia in infancy and developmental outcomes at 1 year: the Japan Environment and Children’s Study
  26. Effects of the Use of Air Purifier on Indoor Environment and Respiratory System among Healthy Adults
  27. PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons inside and outside a primary school classroom in Beijing: Concentration, composition, and inhalation cancer risk
  28. The Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Different Emission Source Areas in Shenyang, China
  29. Stronger association between particulate air pollution and pulmonary function among healthy students in fall than in spring
  30. Association between chemical components of PM2.5 and children's primary care night-time visits due to asthma attacks: A case-crossover study
  31. Short-Term Effects of Carbonaceous Components in PM2.5 on Pulmonary Function: A Panel Study of 37 Chinese Healthy Adults
  32. Population‐based cohort study on health effects of asbestos exposure in Japan
  33. Dioxins levels in human blood after implementation of measures against dioxin exposure in Japan
  34. Factors for inhibition of early discharge from the psychiatric emergency ward for elderly patients
  35. Endotoxin Concentrations in Airborne Particulate Matter and House Dust in Homes of Japanese Children
  36. Effects of Particulate Air Pollution on Pulmonary Function among Healthy Students
  37. Spatiotemporal land use random forest model for estimating metropolitan NO2 exposure in Japan
  38. Association of airborne particles, protein, and endotoxin with emergency department visits for asthma in Kyoto, Japan
  39. Relationship between the frequency of influenza vaccination and cell-mediated immunity
  40. Association patterns for size-fractioned indoor particulate matter and black carbon and autonomic function differ between patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and their healthy spouses
  41. The short-term effects of indoor size-fractioned particulate matter and black carbon on cardiac autonomic function in COPD patients
  42. Acute effects of air pollutants on pulmonary function among students: a panel study in an isolated island
  43. Airborne endotoxin concentrations in indoor and outdoor particulate matter and their predictors in an urban city
  44. Chemical properties of significant Asian Dust particles observed at Himeji City from November 2009 to May 2012
  45. Short-term exposure to high ambient air pollution increases airway inflammation and respiratory symptoms in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in Beijing, China
  46. Ambient particulate air pollution and circulating antioxidant enzymes: A repeated-measure study in healthy adults in Beijing, China
  47. Association of chemical constituents and pollution sources of ambient fine particulate air pollution and biomarkers of oxidative stress associated with atherosclerosis: A panel study among young adults in Beijing, China
  48. Short-Term Effects of Fine Particulate Matter and Temperature on Lung Function among Healthy College Students in Wuhan, China
  49. Exposure to air pollution and meteorological factors associated with children's primary care visits at night due to asthma attack: case-crossover design for 3-year pooled patients
  50. Associations between toe grip strength and hallux valgus, toe curl ability, and foot arch height in Japanese adults aged 20 to 79 years: a cross-sectional study
  51. Patterns of Sensitization to Inhalant Allergens in Japanese Lower-Grade Schoolchildren and Related Factors
  52. The Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS): A Preliminary Report on Selected Characteristics of Approximately 10 000 Pregnant Women Recruited During the First Year of the Study
  53. Association of serum hs-CRP and lipids with obesity in school children in a 12-month follow-up study in Japan
  54. Development of a simplified and convenient assay for cell-mediated immunity to the mumps virus
  55. Fine particulate matter, temperature, and lung function in healthy adults: Findings from the HVNR study
  56. Reference values for toe grip strength among Japanese adults aged 20 to 79 years: a cross-sectional study
  57. Decline of ambient air pollution levels due to measures to control automobile emissions and effects on the prevalence of respiratory and allergic disorders among children in Japan
  58. Association between traffic-related air pollution and development of asthma in school children: Cohort study in Japan
  59. Association of Cardiopulmonary Health Effects with Source-Appointed Ambient Fine Particulate in Beijing, China: A Combined Analysis from the Healthy Volunteer Natural Relocation (HVNR) Study
  60. Acute Effects of Summer Air Pollution on Pulmonary Function and Airway Inflammation in Healthy Young Women
  61. Factors Related to Prevalence of Hallux Valgus in Female University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study
  62. Physicochemical characterization and size-resolved source apportionment of airborne particles in Himeji City, Japan
  63. Association between PM2.5 and primary care visits due to asthma attack in Japan: relation to Beijing’s air pollution episode in January 2013
  64. Chemical constituents of fine particulate air pollution and pulmonary function in healthy adults: The Healthy Volunteer Natural Relocation study
  65. Evaluation of VZV-specific cell-mediated immunity in adults infected with HIV-1 by using a simple IFN-γ release assay
  66. Association of ambient air pollution and meteorological factors with primary care visits at night due to asthma attack
  67. Consumption of Seafood, Serum Liver Enzymes, and Blood Levels of PFOS and PFOA in the Japanese Population
  68. Effects of regular exercise and nutritional guidance on body composition, blood pressure, muscle strength and health-related quality of life in community-dwelling Japanese women
  69. Blood Pressure Changes and Chemical Constituents of Particulate Air Pollution: Results from the Healthy Volunteer Natural Relocation (HVNR) Study
  70. Temperature, traffic-related air pollution, and heart rate variability in a panel of healthy adults
  71. Storage conditions for stability of offline measurement of fractional exhaled nitric oxide after collection for epidemiologic research
  72. Association between blood levels of PCDDs/PCDFs/dioxin-like PCBs and history of allergic and other diseases in the Japanese population
  73. Varicella-zoster virus-specific cell-mediated immunity in subjects with herpes zoster
  74. Chemical constituents of ambient particulate air pollution and biomarkers of inflammation, coagulation and homocysteine in healthy adults: A prospective panel study
  75. Personal and Atmospheric Concentrations of Ozone in Southeastern Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
  77. Acute effect of ambient ozone on heart rate variability in healthy elderly subjects
  78. Effect of hourly concentration of particulate matter on peak expiratory flow in hospitalized children: A panel study
  79. Correlations of fish intake and plasma docosahexaenoic acid levels with each congener of PCDDs/PCDFs/dioxin-like PCBs in blood from the Japanese population
  80. Risk Factors for Wheezing, Eczema and Rhinoconjunctivitis in the Previous 12 Months among Six-Year-Old Children in Himeji City, Japan: Food Allergy, Older Siblings, Day-Care Attendance and Parental Allergy History
  81. Assessment of Screening Tests for Sleep Apnea Syndrome in the Workplace
  82. Estimation of human maximum tolerable intake for methylmercury based on two recent studies in monkeys
  83. An Ecological Study of Lung Cancer Mortality and Severe Air Pollution in the 1960s in an Industrial City in Japan
  84. Effects of Airborne Particulate Matter on Respiratory Morbidity in Asthmatic Children
  85. Trial to evaluate effects of ambient particulate matter on health: A preliminary study using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
  86. Air Pollution and Serum C-reactive Protein Concentration in Children
  87. Effects of winter air pollution on pulmonary function of school children in Shenyang, China
  88. Risk factors for arrhythmia and late death in patients with right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit repair—Japanese multicenter study
  89. Predictors of smoking cessation during pregnancy among the women of Yamato and Ayase municipalities in Japan
  90. Effects of repeated ozone exposure on pulmonary function and bronchial responsiveness in mice sensitized with ovalbumin
  91. Long term effects of exposure to automobile exhaust on the pulmonary function of female adults in Tokyo, Japan
  92. Catheter-Related Infections in Continuous Hemodiafiltration in Intensive Care Patients
  93. The significance of tumour markers as an indication for mediastinoscopy in non-small cell lung cancer
  94. Analysis of Natural History of Japanese Cedar Pollinosis
  95. Effects of Air Pollution on the Prevalence and Incidence of Asthma in Children
  96. Effect of air pollution and environmental tobacco smoke on serum hyaluronate concentrations in school children
  97. The Role of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1), Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and Regulated on Activation, Normal T-Cell Expressed and Secreted (RANTES) in the Relationship between Air Pollution and Asthma among Children
  98. Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 gene regulatory region polymorphism and serum levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 in Japanese patients with Kawasaki disease
  99. Effect of outdoor and indoor nitrogen dioxide on respiratory symptoms in schoolchildren
  100. Serum Complement Levels in Children in Communities with Different Levels of Air Pollution in Japan
  101. Analysis of the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction Using Ambulance Records in Japanese Cities
  102. Indoor nitrogen dioxide in homes along trunk roads with heavy traffic
  103. Association of Respiratory Symptoms with Serum Protease Inhibitors and Albumin Levels in Japanese Children
  104. Serum Immunoglobulin E and Hyaluronate Levels in Children Living along Major Roads
  105. Effects of Environmental Tobacco Smoke on Serum Levels of Acute Phase Proteins in Schoolchildren