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  1. The article discusses the role of artificial intelligence in advancing sustainable urbanization.
  2. A study of applying nanoparticles bandages for electric burns.
  3. A specific surgical procedure for Glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC) is done.
  4. The study presents the integration of digital technologies CAD/CAM in the field of dentistry.
  5. A fatal error in the use of Chat-GPT is illustrated and found.
  6. The applications of terahertz radiation are presented for oral oncology problems.
  7. A specific surgical procedure to remove apices is done.
  8. The gifted education policies in Syrian Arab Republic is studied.
  9. Large bone tumors operation is done for Syrian patient.
  10. A surgical procedure of fibroma is done.
  11. A specific surgical operation for central giant cell tumors (CGCTs) is done.
  12. A new parameter is defined for multiple superconductors materials.
  13. Surgical removal of bone tumors from the jaws is done.
  14. The study focuses on the output of cancer research in the faculties of medicine and dentistry.
  15. A specific surgical operation is done for frenectomy in the upper lip
  16. Dental implants is done for Syrian patient.
  17. The research focuses on sustainable development in Syrian higher education during the Syrian crisis.
  18. A novel formula for the equilibrium bond distance of diatomic molecules is derived.
  19. The study investigates the relativistic quantum dynamics of spin-0 scalar.
  20. The study uses nanoparticles in the treatment of ulcers and thromboembolic diseases.
  21. The research focuses on sustainable development policies adopted by Damascus University.
  22. Tietz potential four parameters formula is found for spectroscopic fitting.
  23. The herd immunity of human monkeypox disease is found for multiple countries.
  24. The study focuses on sustainability policies at Damascus University via bibliometrics output.
  25. The infection and recovery periods of (MPXD) are found for multiple countries.
  26. The basic reproductive ratio of the 2022 of the monkey pox is found for multiple countries.
  27. The bulk modulus formula is derived based on simple fluids theory.
  28. The study derives a novel formula for the specific bond volume of Morse potential.
  29. The research focuses on deriving an analytical formula for equation of state of Morse oscillator.
  30. The study focuses on finding a formula for the molar specific heat capacity.
  31. The study aimed to assess side effects among Arab communities after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
  32. The study discuses of terahertz radiation in tumor imaging.
  33. The study focuses on deriving an equation of state for the London dispersion potential.
  34. The formula of the bond length of the improved Rosen Morse potential (IRMP) is derived.
  35. The article applies fractional quantum mechanics to systems with electrical screening effects.
  36. The study estimates the incubation period and other predictors of SARS-CoV-2.
  37. The study focuses on estimating basic reproductive ratios of COVID-19 for the Middle East countries.
  38. The study analyzes COVID-19 disease control strategies using (SIQD) model.
  39. The SEIR model is used to simulate and predict the spread of COVID-19 in six countries.
  40. The study focuses on the simulation of force of infection and the specific times of SARS-CoV-2.
  41. The basic reproduction number (R0) is derived for COVID-19.
  42. The paper applies for forecasting and spreading of COVID-19 for Algeria.
  43. An iteration algorithm is proposed for solving the fractional Schrödinger equatin.
  44. The study presents a derivation of analytical formula for compressibility.
  45. Study finds solutions for the fractional Schrödinger equation with a time-independent form.
  46. The paper applies an algorithm to simulate a model for forecasting of COVID-19.
  47. The study focuses on the temperature dependence of the specific volume.
  48. An algorithm for solving the fractional Schrödinger equation for Morse potential is proposed.
  49. The paper discusses an error in new optical soliton solutions for nonlinear systems.
  50. The research presents an analytical formula for heat capacity in soft matter materials.
  51. The research focuses on a numerical method for solving fractional Schrödinger equation.
  52. The paper focuses on deriving analytical solutions for the 2-components static structure factor.