All Stories

  1. A space for feminist mentoring: the role of Geographic Perspectives on Women (GPOW) specialty group in higher education
  2. Early-career women in geography. Practical pathways to advancement in the neoliberal university
  3. Mentoring early career women geographers in the neoliberal academy: dialogue, reflexivity, and ethics of care
  4. “Who can play this game?” The lived experiences of doctoral candidates and early career women in the neoliberal university
  5. Lake extent changes in Basotu, Tanzania: a mixed-methods approach to understanding the impacts of anthropogenic influence and climate variability
  6. A life course approach to the field and fieldwork
  7. Leaving the field: (de-)linked lives of the researcher and research assistant
  8. Kerio Valley, 1973–2013: A case study of Kenyan smallholder agriculture
  9. Striving beyond Epistemic Authority: Results Dissemination in Smallholder Irrigation Farming Research
  10. "Lo que me hizo continuar fue la cabezonería": Perspectivas de las mujeres suecas al inicio de su carrera académica en Geografía
  11. Conflating Privilege and Vulnerability: A Reflexive Analysis of Emotions and Positionality in Postgraduate Fieldwork
  12. “Women in groups can help each and learn from each other”: The role of homosocial practices within women’s social networks in building local gender contracts
  13. Feminist participatory methodologies in geography: creating spaces of inclusion
  14. Member checking: A feminist participatory analysis of the use of preliminary results pamphlets in cross-cultural, cross-language research
  15. Managing variability and scarcity. An analysis of Engaruka: A Maasai smallholder irrigation farming community
  16. Re-Thinking the Boundaries of the Focus Group: A Reflexive Analysis on the Use and Legitimacy of Group Methodologies in Qualitative Research
  17. “¿La revolución tiene cara de campesina?” Un caso de estudio de la participación activa de las mujeres en el riego del páramo venezolano
  18. Situated knowledge in cross-cultural, cross-language research: a collaborative reflexive analysis of researcher, assistant and participant subjectivities
  19. “Credit plus” microcredit schemes: a key to women's adaptive capacity
  20. Local gender contract and adaptive capacity in smallholder irrigation farming: a case study from the Kenyan drylands