All Stories

  1. Pandemic Politics in Eurasia: Roadmap for a New Research Subfield
  2. Who Cares? Russian Public Opinion during Medvedev’s Presidency on the Importance and Politicization of History
  3. Ideological or Pragmatic? A Data-Driven Analysis of the Russian Presidential Grant Fund
  4. Urban Regimes in Russia’s Northern Cities: Testing a Concept in a New Environment
  5. Arctic cities as an anthropogenic object: a preliminary approach through urban heat islands
  6. Polar Islam: Muslim Communities in Russia’s Arctic Cities
  7. Introduction
  8. Postcolonial polar cities? New indigenous and cosmopolitan urbanness in the Arctic
  9. Kazakhstani public opinion of the United States and Russia: testing variables of (un)favourability
  10. Untangling the puzzle of “Russia’s influence” in Kazakhstan
  11. Commemorating 1917 in Russia: Ambivalent State History Policy and the Church’s Conquest of the History Market
  12. The three waves of Arctic urbanisation. Drivers, evolutions, prospects
  13. Entangled Far Rights
  14. Russian Nationalism
  15. Introduction
  16. Being Muslim in Central Asia
  17. Introduction
  18. La Russie, entre peurs et défis, de Jean Radvanyi et Marlène Laruelle, Paris, Armand Colin, 2016, 240 p.
  19. Biography of a polar city: population flows and urban identity in Norilsk
  20. A truly Arctic city: an introduction to the special issue on the city of Norilsk, Russia
  21. Is Nationalism a Force for Change in Russia?
  22. Central Asia’s Globalized Despots
  23. L’idéologie comme instrument du soft power russe. Succès, échecs et incertitudes
  24. Why No Kazakh Novorossiya? Kazakhstan’s Russian Minority in a Post-Crimea World
  25. Special cluster: “The transformations of far right and far left in Europe”. Introduction
  26. The Izborsky Club, or the New Conservative Avant-Garde in Russia
  27. New Mobilities and Social Changes in Russia’s Arctic Regions
  28. Russia as an anti-liberal European civilisation
  29. The Iuzhinskii Circle: Far-Right Metaphysics in the Soviet Underground and Its Legacy Today
  30. Envisioning a region. The US “Silk Road” as an object of academic enquiry
  31. The US Silk Road: geopolitical imaginary or the repackaging of strategic interests?
  32. New publication: Marlene Laruelle. Russia’s Arctic Strategies and the Future of the Far North. New York. 2013. 251 p.
  33. The three colors of Novorossiya, or the Russian nationalist mythmaking of the Ukrainian crisis
  34. Russia as a “Divided Nation,” from Compatriots to Crimea: A Contribution to the Discussion on Nationalism and Foreign Policy
  35. Russia's Arctic Strategies and the Future of the Far North
  36. Introduction: What Does it Mean to be a Patriot?
  37. Patriotic Youth Clubs in Russia. Professional Niches, Cultural Capital and Narratives of Social Engagement
  38. Mark Bassin, Sergey Glebov and Marlene Laruelle, eds., Between Europe & Asia: The Origins, Theories, and Legacies of Russian Eurasianism
  39. Editorial
  40. Russia's Arctic Strategies and the Future of the Far North, by Marlene Laruelle
  41. Russia’s Arctic Strategies and the Future of the Far North, by Marlene Laruelle
  42. Resource, state reassertion and international recognition: locating the drivers of Russia’s Arctic policy
  43. Assessing Uzbekistan’s and Tajikistan’s Afghan Policy
  44. Alexei Navalny and challenges in reconciling “nationalism” and “liberalism”
  45. Marlène Laruelle and Sèbastien Peyrouse. The Chinese Question in Central Asia: Domestic Order, Social Change, and the Chinese Factor
  46. Migration and Social Upheaval as the Face of Globalization in Central Asia
  47. Central Asia as a Case Study for a Multipolar World
  48. Informalité de l'État et appropriation prédatrice des ressources : le présidentialisme clientélaire en Asie centrale
  49. Introduction
  50. Introduction
  51. Introduction
  52. Kazakhstan: Central Asia’s New Migration Crossroads
  53. Conspiracy and Alternate History in Russia: A Nationalist Equation for Success?
  54. Larger, Higher, Farther North … Geographical Metanarratives of the Nation in Russia
  55. Les Nouveaux Médiateurs Entre Asie Centrale Et Chine : Commerçants, Migrants Et Étudiants *
  56. The paradigm of nationalism in Kyrgyzstan. Evolving narrative, the sovereignty issue, and political agenda
  57. China and India in Central Asia: A New “Great Game”? - Edited by Marlene Laruelle, Jean-Francois Huchet, Sebastien Peyrouse, and Bayram Balci
  58. The United States in Central Asia: Reassessing a Challenging Partnership
  59. La Chine vue d'Asie centrale : le poids des appréhensions culturelles
  60. The Ideological Shift on the Russian Radical Right
  61. National Narrative, Ethnology, and Academia in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
  62. Russia and Central Asia
  63. Les usages pratiques du patriotisme en Russie (Russian Patriotism in Practices)
  64. Russia Facing China and India in Central Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Hesitations
  65. Why Central Asia? The Strategic Rationale of Indian and Chinese Involvement in the Region
  66. Russian Eurasianism: An Ideology of Empire
  67. Russian Nationalism and the National Reassertion of Russia
  68. A Legal Geography of Yugoslavia's Disintegration, Ana S. Trbovich (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), xiv, 522 pp.+maps.
  69. (Neo-)Eurasianists and Politics: "Penetration" of State Structures and Indifference to Public Opinion?
  70. Conclusion
  71. In the Name of the Nation
  72. Introduction
  73. Le paradigme du colonialisme en Asie centrale postsoviétique
  74. Nationalism as Conservative Centrism: United Russia
  75. Nationalism as Opposition: The Extra-parliamentary Camp
  76. Nationalism as Populism: The Protestation Parties
  77. Nationalism as Social Consensus: The Patriotic Brand
  78. Nationalism: A Means of Taking up the Challenges?
  79. Alternative identity, alternative religion? Neo-paganism and the Aryan myth in contemporary Russia
  80. Avant-propos
  81. Recomposition géopolitique sur le vieux continent ?
  82. Les Russes du Kazakhstan: Identités nationales et nouveaux Etats dans l’espace post-soviétique by Marlène Laruelle, Sébastien Peyrouse
  83. MARLÈNE LARUELLE La quête d'une identité impériale : le néo-eurasisme dans la Russie contemporaine Paris, Pétra, 2007, 316 pages.
  84. The Concept of Ethnogenesis in Central Asia: Political Context and Institutional Mediators (1940–50)
  85. Religious revival, nationalism and the ‘invention of tradition’: political Tengrism in Central Asia and Tatarstan
  86. The Return of the Aryan Myth: Tajikistan in Search of a Secularized National Ideology
  87. Le rouge et le noir
  88. La xénophobie et son instrumentalisation politique en Russie. L'exemple des skinheads
  89. Des sciences humaines face au pouvoir politique
  90. Regards sur la réception du racialisme allemand chez les panslavistes et les eurasistes russes
  91. Le nouveau rôle de la Russie en Asie centrale : les migrations de travail des Centre-asiatiques vers la Fédération russe
  92. Ethnologie, question nationale et état dans l’Ouzbékistan contemporain
  93. The Discipline of Culturology: A New ‘Ready-Made Thought’ for Russia
  94. The Two Faces of Contemporary Eurasianism: An Imperial Version of Russian Nationalism
  95. La question du « touranisme » des Russes
  96. La question du « touranisme » des Russes
  97. Existe-t-il des précurseurs au mouvement eurasiste ? L'obsession russe pour l'Asie à la fin du XIXe siècle
  98. Les ambiguïtés de l'idéologie eurasiste kazakhe : ouverture sur le monde russe ou fermeture nationaliste ?
  99. Russie-Asie centrale : regards réciproques. Introduction
  100. Les ideologies de la "Troisieme voie" dans les annees 1920: Le mouvement eurasiste russe
  101. Le néo-eurasisme russe. L’empire après l’empire ?
  102. Alexandre Dugin : esquisse d'un eurasisme d'extrême-droite en Russie post-soviétique
  103. Histoire d'une usurpation intellectuelle : L. N. Gumilev, « le dernier des eurasistes » ? Analyse des oppositions entre L. N. Gumilev et P. N. Savickij
  104. Les idéologies de la « troisième voie » dans les années 1920
  105. L'ideologie eurasiste russe ou comment penser l'Empire
  106. Lev Nikolaevič Gumilev (1912-1992) : biologisme et eurasisme dans la pensée russe
  107. Politique et culture dans l’émigration russe : les débats entre l’eurasisme et ses opposants
  108. Jeux de miroir. L'idéologie eurasiste et les allogènes de l'Empire russe
  110. Chapitre premier. Définir l’objet « nationalisme russe » et sa place dans la Russie contemporaine
  111. Introduction
  112. Introduction
  113. Postface
  114. Russia in Afghanistan
  115. The Challenges of Human Security and Development in Central Asia