All Stories

  1. Experimental Testing and Analysis of a Very Flexible Wing Model
  2. NATO AVT-350 Task Group: Comparison of Experimental and CFD Results of Forebody Blowing on the Bristol-ICE Model
  3. Computational and Experimental Study of Deep Stall in a Generic T-Tail Transport Aircraft
  4. Flight dynamics of aircraft incorporating the semi-aeroelastic hinge
  5. Design and Experimental Investigation of a Benchmark Aeroelastic Wing Model
  6. Experimental and numerical analysis of the bifurcation behaviour of a very flexible wing
  7. Airliner upset — improving our understanding through sub-scale flight testing
  8. Development of a Pressurised Wind Tunnel Mount for Testing Novel Flow Controls for AVT-350-RTG
  9. Wind Tunnel Investigations of a Pitch-Free Flexible High Aspect Ratio Aircraft Model
  10. Aeroelastic scaling of a high aspect ratio wing incorporating semi aeroelastic hinge
  11. Isola in a linear one‐degree‐of‐freedom feedback system with actuator rate saturation
  12. A Graphical Approach to Examining Classical Extremum Seeking Using Bifurcation Analysis
  13. Off‐setting climate change through formation flying of aircraft, a feasibility study reliant on high fidelity gas‐phase chemical kinetic data
  14. Numerical Investigations of Subscale Flexible High Aspect Ratio Aircraft on a Dynamic Wind Tunnel Rig
  15. Modeling Flexible Multi-Body Systems Within the Udwadia–Kalaba Framework, a Lumped Parameter Approach
  16. The Emissions of Water Vapour and NOx from Modelled Hydrogen-Fuelled Aircraft and the Impact of NOx Reduction on Climate Compared with Kerosene-Fuelled Aircraft
  17. Assessing Performance of an Extremum Seeking Controller Using Continuation Methods
  18. Aircraft Emissions, Their Plume-Scale Effects, and the Spatio-Temporal Sensitivity of the Atmospheric Response: A Review
  19. Evaluating Longitudinal Unsteady Aerodynamic Effects in Stall for a T-Tail Transport Model
  20. Derivation of control inputs for deep stall recovery using nonlinear frequency analysis
  21. Analysing dynamic deep stall recovery using a nonlinear frequency approach
  22. Capturing nonlinear time-dependent aircraft dynamics using a wind tunnel manoeuvre rig
  23. Evaluation of Unsteady Aerodynamic Effects in Stall Region for a T-Tail Transport Model
  24. A Frequency-Domain Approach to Analysing Dynamic Deep Stall Recovery
  25. Design and Assessment of Subscale Flexible High Aspect Ratio Cantilever Wings
  26. Low-order Aeroelastic Modelling of a High Aspect Ratio Wing Aircraft Under Constrained Motion
  27. Folding Wingtips for Improved Roll Performance
  28. Abundance of NO3 Derived Organo-Nitrates and Their Importance in the Atmosphere
  29. Transient Dynamics Assessment of a Gain-Scheduled Aircraft Controller Using Nonlinear Frequency Approach
  30. Identifying limits of linear control design validity in nonlinear systems: a continuation-based approach
  31. Effect of Actuator Saturation on Pilot-Induced Oscillation: A Nonlinear Bifurcation Analysis
  32. Eigenvector similarity metrics for the identification and quantitative study of aircraft dynamic modes
  33. Towards development of a nonlinear and flexible multi-body helicopter inceptor model: a resonant frequency tuning study.
  34. Folding Wingtips for Improved Roll Performance
  35. Flying qualities assessment using nonlinear frequency response analysis
  36. On the effect of model uncertainty on the Hopf bifurcation of aeroelastic systems
  37. An extension of the structured singular value to nonlinear systems with application to robust flutter analysis
  38. Real-Time Hybrid Testing of Strut-Braced Wing Under Aerodynamic Loading Using an Electrodynamic Actuator
  39. Frequency-Domain Bifurcation Analysis of a Nonlinear Flight Dynamics Model
  40. Nonlinear Frequency Response Analysis to Inform Aircraft Control Law Design
  41. Industrially Inspired Gust Loads Analysis of Various-Aspect-Ratio Wings Featuring Geometric Nonlinearity
  42. Computation of Bifurcation Margins Based on Robust Control Concepts
  43. Nonlinear Blade Stability for a Scaled Autogyro Rotor at High Advance Ratios
  44. Enhanced Evolutionary-Based Optimization Techniques Applied to a Nonlinear Landing Gear Design Problem
  45. Sizing High-Aspect-Ratio Wings with a Geometrically Nonlinear Beam Model
  46. Efficient aeroelastic beam modelling and the selection of a structural shape basis
  47. Robust estimations of the Region of Attraction using invariant sets
  48. Nonlinear Robust Approaches to Study Stability and Postcritical Behavior of an Aeroelastic Plant
  49. Minimally Constrained Flight Simulation in Wind Tunnel
  50. Experimental Investigation of Aerodynamic Hysteresis Using a Five-Degree-of-Freedom Wind-Tunnel Maneuver Rig
  51. Flight control design for a highly flexible flutter demonstrator
  52. Identifying the Mode and Impact of Technological Substitutions
  53. Slender-Wing Beam Reduction Method for Gradient-Based Aeroelastic Design Optimization
  54. Algorithms for the estimation of the region of attraction with positively invariant sets
  55. On the geometrically exact low-order modelling of a flexible beam: formulation and numerical tests
  56. Numerical Continuation of Limit Cycle Oscillations and Bifurcations in High-Aspect-Ratio Wings
  57. Study of Flexible Aircraft Body Freedom Flutter with Robustness Tools
  58. Flight Performance and Stability Analysis of Impaired Aircraft Using Constrained Bifurcation and Continuation Method
  59. Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Bifurcation Loci Characterizing Nonlinear Landing-Gear Dynamics
  60. Estimating the region of attraction of uncertain systems with invariant sets
  61. Limit Cycle Oscillation Amplitude Tailorng Based on Describing Functions and $$\mu $$ Analysis
  62. Nonlinear stability and post-critical analysis of an uncertain plant with describing functions and integral quadratic constraints
  63. Aeroelastic modeling and stability analysis: A robust approach to the flutter problem
  64. Worst Case Gust Prediction of Highly Flexible Wings
  65. Optimization of Aerospace Structures under Uncertainty using an Iterative Distribution Evolutionary Algorithm
  66. Modeling and robust Body Freedom Flutter Analysis of flexible aircraft configurations
  67. The impact of global aviation NOx emissions on tropospheric composition changes from 2005 to 2011
  68. Substructurability: the effect of interface location on a real-time dynamic substructuring test
  69. A mitigation strategy for commercial aviation impact on NOx‐related O3 change
  70. Investigation into the Interaction of Nose Landing Gear and Fuselage Dynamics
  71. A Commercial Aircraft Fuel Burn and Emissions Inventory for 2005–2011
  72. A cloned linguistic decision tree controller for real-time path planning in hostile environments
  73. Impact of Controller Delays on the Nonlinear Dynamics of Remotely Piloted Aircraft
  74. Wind Tunnel Manoeuvre Rig: A Multi-DOF Test Platform for Model Aircraft
  75. Aircraft Loads Prediction using Enhanced Simulation (ALPES)
  76. Bifurcation Analysis of a Nose Landing Gear System
  77. Aeroelastic Modelling of Highly Flexible Wings
  78. Dynamical Systems Methods for Evaluating Aircraft Ground Manoeuvres
  79. Comparison of Aeroelastic Modeling and Robust Flutter Analysis of a Typical Section**This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 636307, project FLEXOP
  80. Nonlinear Dynamics of Aircraft Controller Characteristics Outside the Standard Flight Envelope
  81. Prediction and uncertainty propagation of correlated time-varying quantities using surrogate models
  82. Numerical continuation and bifurcation analysis in aircraft design: an industrial perspective
  83. On the nonlinear dynamics of a rotor in autorotation: a combined experimental and numerical approach
  84. Wind Tunnel Wall Interference Effects on an Oscillating Aerofoil in the Stall Regime
  85. An aircraft performance model implementation for the estimation of global and regional commercial aviation fuel burn and emissions
  86. Evaluation of Aircraft Model Upset Behaviour Using Wind Tunnel Manoeuvre Rig
  87. Efficient Prediction and Uncertainty Propagation of Correlated Loads
  89. A bifurcation study to guide the design of a landing gear with a combined uplock/downlock mechanism
  90. Bifurcation analysis using rigorous branch and bound methods
  91. Dynamic gain-scheduled control and extended linearisation: extensions, explicit formulae and stability
  92. Continuation and Bifurcation Analysis in Helicopter Aeroelastic Stability Problems
  93. Computational and Experimental Validation of the Active Morphing Wing
  94. Sensitivity of the Generic Transport Model upset dynamics to time delay
  95. Numerical Continuation Analysis of a Dual-Sidestay Main Landing Gear Mechanism
  96. Bifurcation Analysis of a Coupled Nose-Landing-Gear–Fuselage System
  97. Upset Dynamics of an Airliner Model: A Nonlinear Bifurcation Analysis
  98. Effects of Freeplay on Dynamic Stability of an Aircraft Main Landing Gear
  99. Investigation of Poststall Pitch Oscillations of an Aircraft Wind-Tunnel Model
  100. Spin Susceptibility of the NASA Generic Transport Model
  101. Bifurcation Analysis of the Generic Transport Model for Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Configurations
  102. Experimental Implementation of a Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Controller with Antiwindup
  103. Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Wind-Tunnel Maneuver Rig for Dynamic Simulation and Aerodynamic Model Identification
  104. Continuation Analysis of Aircraft Ground Loads During High-Speed Turns
  105. Influence of Variable Side-Stay Geometry on the Shimmy Dynamics of an Aircraft Dual-Wheel Main Landing Gear
  106. Two-state dynamic gain scheduling control applied to an F16 aircraft model
  107. Numerical continuation analysis of a three-dimensional aircraft main landing gear mechanism
  108. Multi-parameter bifurcation study of shimmy oscillations in a dual-wheel aircraft nose landing gear
  109. Numerical Continuation Analysis of a Dual-sidestay Main Landing Gear Mechanism
  110. Bifurcation analysis of a flapping wing MAV in longitudinal flight
  111. Towards Industrialisation of Bifurcation Analysis in Rotorcraft Aeroelastic Problems
  112. Bifurcation Analysis of a Coupled Nose Landing Gear-Fuselage System
  113. Bifurcation Analysis of the NASA GTM with a View to Upset Recovery
  114. Effects of Freeplay on Aircraft Main Landing Gear Stability
  115. Analysis of Medium-Speed Runway Exit Maneuvers
  116. Synthesis of flatness control for a multi-axis robot manipulator: An experimental approach
  117. Characterisation of wind tunnel observed, large-amplitude pitch limit-cycles
  118. Numerical Continuation Applied to Landing Gear Mechanism Analysis
  119. Analysis of Flexible Aircraft Dynamics Using Bifurcation Methods
  120. Canard cycles in aircraft ground dynamics
  121. Dynamic gain scheduled control in a multi-variable control framework
  122. Nonlinear Analysis of Lateral Loading During Taxiway Turns
  123. Influence of Tire Inflation Pressure on Nose Landing Gear Shimmy
  124. Numerical Continuation Applied to Landing Gear Mechanism Analysis
  125. Analysis of Medium-Speed Runway Exit Maneuvers
  126. Application of Bifurcation Methods to the Prediction of Low-Speed Aircraft Ground Performance
  127. Dynamic gain scheduled control of a satellite with a robot manipulator
  128. Operational Parameter Study of Aircraft Dynamics on the Ground
  129. Bifurcation Analysis of Nose-Landing-Gear Shimmy with Lateral and Longitudinal Bending
  130. A Combined Numerical/Experimental Continuation Approach Applied to Nonlinear Rotor Dynamics
  131. Geometric Nonlinearities of Aircraft Systems
  132. Minisymposium Dynamical Systems Methods in Aerospace Engineering
  133. Operational Parameter Study of an Aircraft Turning on the Ground
  134. Nonlinear Analysis of Lateral Loading During Ground Manoeuvres
  135. Nonlinear Analysis of the Influence of Tire Inflation Pressure on Nose Landing Gear Shimmy
  136. Application of Bifurcation Methods for the Prediction of Low-Speed Aircraft Ground Performance
  137. Application of Bifurcation and Continuation Methods to Nonlinear Flexible Aircraft Dynamics
  138. A Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Rig for the Wind Tunnel Determination of Dynamic Data
  139. Bifurcation and Stability Analysis of Aircraft Turning on the Ground
  140. Methods for Conceptual Flight Control System Design
  141. Operational Parameter Study of Aircraft Ground Dynamics
  142. Experimental Evaluation of Numerical Continuation and Bifurcation Methods Applied to Autogyro Rotor Blade Aeromechanical Stability
  143. Interaction of torsion and lateral bending in aircraft nose landing gear shimmy
  144. Dynamic Gain Scheduled Control of an F16 Model
  145. Dynamic Wind Tunnel Rig Implementation of Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion-Based Anti-Windup Scheme
  146. Modelling Continuously Morphing Aircraft for Flight Control
  147. Nonlinear Ground Dynamics of Aircraft: Bifurcation Analysis of Turning Solutions
  148. Modeling of Nose Landing Gear Shimmy with Lateral and Longitudinal Bending and a Non-Zero Rake Angle
  149. Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Based Anti-windup - An Aerospace Application
  150. An Analysable Nonlinear Criterion for Clearance of Flight Control Laws
  151. Modelling the Dynamic Response of a Morphing Wing with Active Winglets
  152. Evaluation of a Three Degree of Freedom Test Rig for Stability Derivative Estimation
  153. Tailored Dynamic Gain-Scheduled Control
  154. Flight Dynamics Analysis of Periodically Forced Rotorcraft Model
  155. Integration of Control Allocation Methods in Bifurcation Analysis Framework
  156. Design of a Gain-Scheduled Flight Control System Using Bifurcation Analysis
  157. Fuzzy Decision Tree Cloning of Flight Trajectory Optimisation for Rapid Path Planning
  158. Stability and Control Assessment of a Blended-Wing-Body Airliner Configuration
  159. Tailored dynamic gain-scheduled control of a nonlinear UCAV model
  160. Wind-Tunnel Testing of a Dynamic State-Feedback Gain Scheduled Control System
  161. Non-Linear Vehicle Dynamics Using Bifurcation Methods
  162. Comparative Evaluation of Unsteady Aerodynamic Modelling Approaches
  163. Bifurcation Analysis of Rotorcraft Dynamics with an Underslung Load
  164. Dynamic State-Feedback Gain Scheduled Control of the ICE 101-TV
  165. Continuation Methods for Aircraft Models Subject to Integrator Wind-Up
  166. Modelling Non-linear Behaviour in a Single Degree-of-Freedom Dynamic Wind Tunnel Rig
  167. Control of Nonlinear Aircraft Models Using Dynamic State-Feedback Gain Scheduling
  168. Aircraft Control Law Clearance Analysis Using Bifurcation and Continuation Methods
  169. Experimental Analysis and Modeling of Limit Cycles in a Dynamic Wind-Tunnel Rig
  171. Development of a Pendulum Support Rig Dynamic Wind Tunnel Apparatus
  172. Aircraft Flight Dynamics Analysis and Controller Design Using Bifurcation Tailoring
  173. The continuation design framework for nonlinear aircraft control
  175. Nonlinear sensitivity studies for flight mechanics design
  176. Derivation of non-linear control strategies via numerical continuation
  177. Bifurcation analysis of multiple–attractor flight dynamics
  178. Development of control schedules to modify spin behaviour
  179. Bifurcation analysis as a tool for post-departure stability enhancement
  180. Stability and controllability evaluation of sustained flight manoeuvres
  181. Model selection for high incidence flight mechanics analysis
  182. Bifurcation-Based Clearance of Linear Stability Criteria
  183. Bifurcation and Continuation Method
  184. Continuation based control of aircraft dynamics