All Stories

  1. Peritoneal Expression of SGLT-2, GLUT1, and GLUT3 in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
  2. Under-recognition of Acute Kidney Injury after Cardiac Surgery in the ICU Impedes Early Detection and Prevention
  3. Medical diagnosis as a linguistic game
  4. Urinary TIMP2·IGFBP7 for the prediction of platinum-induced acute renal injury
  5. Das kardiorenale Syndrom verstehen und behandeln
  6. Chronische Nierenerkrankung: Wie hoch sind die Risiken? - Die Progression der chronischen Nierenerkrankung muss beeinflusst werden
  7. Transcriptional Patterns in Peritoneal Tissue of Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis, a Complication of Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis
  8. Efficacy and morbidity of surgical therapy in late-stage encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis
  9. Involvement of α-klotho, fibroblast growth factor-, vitamin-D- and calcium-sensing receptor in 53 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism
  10. Analysis of a-Klotho, Fibroblast Growth Factor-, Vitamin-D and Calcium-Sensing Receptor in 70 Patients with Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
  11. The Spectrum of Podoplanin Expression in Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis
  12. Risk Factors Predicting the Successful Function and Use of Autogenous Arteriovenous Fistulae for Hemodialysis
  13. Histological Criteria for Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis – A Standardized Approach
  14. Arzneimittelassoziierte Störungen des Säure-Basen-Haushalts
  15. Tubulointerstitial nephritis in active tuberculosis – a single center experience
  16. Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: a rare, serious but potentially curable complication of peritoneal dialysis–experience of a referral centre in Germany
  17. Life-threatening hyperkalemia - an overlooked acute kidney injury with a serum creatinine rise in the 'normal' range
  18. A 56-year-old woman with stress-induced hoarseness
  19. Peritonitisbehandlung: Was ändert sich mit den neuen, internationalen ISPDLeitlinien von 2010?
  20. TKTL-1 expression in lung cancer
  21. Sichere Platzierung von Hämodialysekathetern mit Ultraschallsicht
  22. Hantavirus and acute appendicitis—The diagnosis behind the diagnosis?
  23. Kardiorenales Syndrom
  24. Influence of Thyroid Function on Different Kidney Function Tests
  25. Extraosseous Calcification in Chronic Renal Failure: Erratum
  26. Coronary artery spasm as a cause for myocardial infarction in patients with systemic inflammatory disease
  27. Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis – an overview
  28. Hypertonie bei Aortenisthmusstenose - eine übersehene klinische Diagnose
  29. Macroaneurysm in a Renal Fibromuscular Dysplasia
  30. A Mysterious Leak in a Peritoneal Dialysis Patient’s Catheter
  31. Early Stages of Calciphylaxis: Are Skin Biopsies the Answer
  32. Hantavirusinduzierte Nephropathia epidemica
  33. Salzhunger, Krämpfe und Palpitationen bei einer 21-jährigen Arzthelferin
  34. Computerized history-taking as a tool to manage dyslipidemia
  35. Deutsches Peritonealbiopsieregister (DPR)
  36. The Impact of Thyroid Disease on the Regulation, Expression, and Function of ABCB1 (MDR1/P Glycoprotein) and Consequences for the Disposition of Digoxin
  37. Podoplanin-positive cells are a hallmark of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis
  38. Should we recommend precautions during a hantavirus endemic?
  39. Angiogenesis and cellularity in encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis
  40. Claudicatio intermittens, palpable Purpura und Livedo reticularis bei einem 65-jährigen Patienten
  41. Characterization and outcome following Puumala virus infection: a retrospective analysis of 75 cases
  42. Predictors for Treatment Success and Expression of Glucocorticoid Receptor in Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica
  43. Fibrogenic Growth Factors in Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis
  44. Underutilization of information and knowledge in everyday medical practice: Evaluation of a computer-based solution
  45. Reply
  46. Magnetic Resonance Assessment and Therapy Monitoring of Cardiac Involvement in Churg-Strauss Syndrome
  47. Unchanged serum levels of advanced glycation endproducts in patients with liver disease
  48. Induction of Metallothionein in Mesothelial Cells by Zinc
  49. Peritoneal Mast Cells in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients, Particularly in Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis Patients
  50. Improved estimation of glomerular filtration rate by serum cystatin C in preventing contrast induced nephropathy by N-acetylcysteine or zinc--preliminary results
  51. Volumen- und Elektrolytstörungen bei Darm- und Nierenerkrankungen
  52. Hepatic expression of galectin-3 and receptor for advanced glycation end products in patients with liver disease
  53. The role of micro-inflammation in the pathogenesis of uraemic pruritus in haemodialysis patients
  54. Unbehandelte Homocystinurie im Erwachsenenalter
  55. Induction of Metallothionein in Proximal Tubular Cells by Zinc and Its Potential as an Endogenous Antioxidant
  56. Kann eine Immunsuppression nach Transplantation abgesetzt werden?
  57. Osteoarthritis of the knee – clinical assessments and inflammatory markers11Supported by a grant from the Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart, Germany.
  58. Ist es sinnvoll, eine schwere Niereninsuffizienz mit Thiaziden zu behandeln?
  59. Apoptosis of Mesothelial Cells Caused by Unphysiological Characteristics of Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids
  60. Drug interaction of herbal tea containing St. John's wort with cyclosporine
  61. Wie kann ein Faxtor-X-Mangelbei Nephropathie erklärt werden?
  62. Kann man zu oft dialysieren?
  63. Lost in the bedside game of gaps
  64. Eine seltene Ursache rezidivierender Hämoptoe
  65. Lebererkrankungen durch Alkoholkonsum und Hepatitis-C-Virusinfektion: Assoziation, Addition oder Potenzierung?
  66. Cure of lifelong fatigue by calcium supplementation
  67. Stimulated IFNγ and IL‐10 Secretion of Blood Mononuclear Cells in Patients on Renal Replacement Therapies Show Different Secretion Patterns