All Stories

  1. Stress at work: The case of municipal police officers
  2. Interactive Nutrition Education Is More Effective in Terms of Improved Levels of Glycated Hemoglobin in Adolescent Patients with Poorly Controlled Type 1 Diabetes – A Randomized Study
  3. May gender influence the quality of life in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes?
  4. EBP e-Toolkit: Providing a Teaching and Learning Open and Innovative Toolkit for Evidence-Based Practice to Nursing European Curriculum – the second transnational project meeting in Warsaw
  5. Eating Disorders in Males: An 8-Year Population-Based Observational Study
  6. Analysis of the diet quality and dietary habits of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes
  7. Promoting evidence-based practice – perceived knowledge, behaviours and attitudes of Polish nurses: a cross-sectional validation study
  8. Risk assessment of night-eating syndrome occurrence in women in Poland, considering the obesity factor in particular
  9. Does Repetition of the Same Test Questions in Consecutive Years Affect their Psychometric Indicators? – Five-year Analysis of In-house Exams at Medical University of Warsaw
  10. Validation of the positive health behaviours scale: a nationwide survey of nurses in Poland
  11. Analysis of adolescents' opinions on suicide prevention
  12. Adherence to dietary recommendations in diabetes mellitus: disease acceptance as a potential mediator
  13. The Effectiveness of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet Intervention in Persons with Arterial Hypertension and Obesity: A Key Role of the Patients’ Personality Profile
  14. Analysis of the opinions of adolescents on the risk factors of suicide
  15. Evidence-based selection process to the Master of Public Health program at Medical University
  16. Validation study of the Polish version of the Evidence-Based Practice Profile Questionnaire
  17. Analysis concerning nutritional behaviors in the context of the risk of orthorexia
  18. Opinie na temat szczepienia przeciwko grypie wśród pracowników ochrony zdrowia – doniesienie wstępne
  19. Evidence-based midwifery practice – przegląd światowego piśmiennictwa
  20. Ocena poziomu wiedzy pacjentów Instytutu Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu na temat przyczyn powstawania niedosłuchu
  21. Prawo w pielęgniarstwie – przegląd aktualnego, dostępnego polskiego piśmiennictwa naukowego z zakresu pielęgniarstwa
  22. Ocena wiedzy pacjentek oddziału chirurgicznego na temat zasad samoopieki po zabiegu mastektomii
  23. Wyniki kwalifikacji kandydatów na studia a osiągnięcia edukacyjne podczas studiów drugiego stopnia na kierunku położnictwo — badanie predykcyjne jednoośrodkowe
  24. Próba szacowania edukacyjnej wartości dodanej jako miary efektywności kształcenia studentów pielęgniarstwa — badanie wstępne jednoośrodkowe
  27. Egzamin wstępny w kwalifikacji kandydatów na studia II stopnia na kierunek pielęgniarstwo — 5-letnia analiza retrospektywna
  28. Ocena efektów kształcenia studentów kierunku pielęgniarstwo z zakresu Evidence-Based Medicine z wykorzystaniem platformy e-learningowej Moodle™
  29. Evidence-based Practice Profile Questionnaire — wierność rekonstrukcyjna kwestionariusza do badania wiedzy, postaw i umiejętności w zakresie EBM i EBP w grupie polskich pielęgniarek
  30. Quality test entrance examination for full-time second-level in Midwifery faculty – 5-year retrospective analysis
  31. Assessment of reliability and validity of original questionnaire to evaluate knowledge of and attitudes towards extending professional powers of nurses and midwives with respect to independent prescription of certain drugs, writing out prescriptions, a...
  32. Przegląd piśmiennictwa pielęgniarskiego na podstawie czasopisma „Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku” / Review of nursing literature on the basis of journal “Nursing in the 21st Century”
  33. Attempt at the assessment of the infuence of the education on the level of knowledge of legal regulations concerning nursing profession among nurses
  34. Knowledge of students of selected universities about expanding professional competence of nurses and midwives with reference to prescribing medicines, writing out prescriptions, and referring for diagnostic tests
  35. Risk of Attritionfrom Master of Science in Pharmacy Degree Program: 15-year Predictive Evaluation.
  36. Anti-plagiarism analysis of exam projects concerning Patients’ rights prepared by the students of Nursing
  37. Risk of attrition from Bachelor’s degree of Nursing programme – predictive evaluation
  38. Measuring nurses’ knowledge of preventive vaccination
  39. Ocena przygotowania kandydatów do podjęcia studiów I stopnia na kierunku pielęgniarstwo
  40. Ocena wiedzy i postaw pielęgniarek na temat praktyki zawodowej opartej na dowodach naukowych
  41. Wiedza i postawy pielęgniarek po ukończeniu szkolenia specjalizacyjnego z pielęgniarstwa epidemiologicznego wobec praktyki zawodowej opartej na dowodach naukowych — doniesienie wstępne
  42. Analiza dyskryminacyjna kryteriów rekrutacyjnych na studia II stopnia na kierunku Pielęgniarstwo na Warszawskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym
  43. Assessment of knowledge of Mental Health Act among nurses
  44. Assessment of predictive value of admission criteria of candidates for pharmaceutical studies – an empirical investigation
  45. Assessment of reliability, sensitivity, objectivity and validity of MCQ Pharmacology Exams as a potential output variable for predictive analysis
  46. The Analysis of Opinions and Attitudes of Students of Nursing with Respect to the Observance of Patient's Rights in Poland
  47. Comparison of Knowledge and Attitudes Towards the Use of Scientific Research in Clinical Practice Among Departmental and Charge Nurses
  48. Pharmacogenetics research on chemotherapy resistance in colorectal cancer over the last 20 years
  49. Assessment of students’ satisfaction with nursing studies at the Faculty of Health Science, Warsaw Medical University. Pilot study
  50. ABCB1/MDR1 gene polymorphisms as a prognostic factor in colorectal cancer
  51. ABCB1 gene polymorphisms and haplotype analysis in colorectal cancer
  52. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 4-Methylideneisoxazolidin-5-ones — A New Class of Highly Cytotoxic α-Methylidene-γ-Lactones.
  53. Synthesis and biological evaluation of 4-methylideneisoxazolidin-5-ones – A new class of highly cytotoxic α-methylidene-γ-lactones
  54. Cyclin D1 protein and CCND1 gene expression in colorectal cancer