All Stories

  1. Disclosures of Coca-Cola funding: transparent or opaque?
  2. Assessment of a University Campus Food Environment, California, 2015
  3. Project Energize: intervention development and 10 years of progress in preventing childhood obesity
  4. Acculturation and Insulin Resistance Among US Chinese Immigrant Women
  5. Introducing PRISMA as a requirement
  6. Programmes, policies and implementation
  7. Is neighbourhood obesogenicity associated with body mass index in women? Application of an obesogenicity index in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhoods
  8. Profiling foods and diets
  9. Acculturation and Dietary Change Among Chinese Immigrant Women in the United States
  10. Sugar: moving from evidence to action
  11. Acculturative Stress and Inflammation Among Chinese Immigrant Women
  12. Editorial
  13. Towards comprehensive global monitoring of food environments and policies to reduce diet-related non-communicable diseases
  14. Diet and nutritional status during pregnancy
  15. Culture and Sun Exposure in Immigrant East Asian Women Living in Australia
  16. Vitamin D status is associated with sun exposure, vitamin D and calcium intake, acculturation and attitudes in immigrant East Asian women living in Sydney
  17. Are dietary guidelines sensible to consumers?
  18. A wake-up call for nutrition labelling
  19. Childhood obesity
  20. Parental nutrient intake and risk of retinoblastoma resulting from new germline RB1 mutation
  21. Editorial
  22. A robust and knowledgeable workforce is essential for public health nutrition policy implementation
  23. Interpreting success and failure in food fortification
  24. Nutrition of infants and young children
  25. Making soft drinks the dietary version of the cigarette
  26. Cooking in this issue – back to basics!
  27. Parental diet and risk of retinoblastoma resulting from new germline RB1 mutation
  28. Nutritional environments affecting the future of our children
  29. Food labels for consumers, motivated or otherwise
  30. World Nutrition 2012 – a global Public Health Nutrition opportunity
  31. A refresher in research publication ethics
  32. Acculturation and Post-migration Stress in Middle-aged Chinese Immigrant Women in Philadelphia: Variation between the Fujianese and the non-Fujianese Women
  33. Public health nutrition and the environment
  34. 2012 – starting with overweight and obesity
  35. The year that passed – 2011
  36. Nutritional well-being among older people
  37. The vulnerable child
  38. Vitamin D, dietary patterns, and food acquisition
  39. Socio-economic position and lower dietary moderation among Chinese immigrant women in the USA
  40. Public health nutrition interventions can be simple and effective
  41. Children in public health nutrition
  42. Diabetes prevalence is associated with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in US middle-aged Caucasian men and women: a cross-sectional analysis within the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial
  43. The local touch
  44. Is the emperor nude? Impact factor or health impact factor?
  45. Vitamin D – the big D-bate
  46. Adolescent Lifestyle Factors and Adult Breast Density in U.S. Chinese Immigrant Women
  47. Stress Is Associated with Unfavorable Patterns of Dietary Intake Among Female Chinese Immigrants
  48. Assessment of diet and physical activity: new tools; old challenges
  49. Improving the quality of meals eaten or prepared outside the home
  50. The epidemic of obesity publications, award to legend and more
  51. Adiposity, adult weight gain and mammographic breast density in US Chinese women
  52. The fantastic year of 2010 – and the really hot topic: breast-feeding
  53. Where does your food come from?
  54. Congress in Porto September 2010 and increased impact factor
  55. Dietary guidelines and goal-setting
  56. Breastfeeding – still not reaching the target
  57. Salt: importance in iodine deficiency and sodium excess
  58. Climate change: time to redefine our profession
  59. Improved Dietary Variety and Adequacy but Lower Dietary Moderation with Acculturation in Chinese Women in the United States
  60. World Food Summits: what for, and what value?
  61. Public Health Nutrition for this decade
  62. Reproducibility of reported nutrient intake and supplement use during a past pregnancy: a report from the Children's Oncology Group
  63. Public health: someone must have been doing something right!
  64. Food insecurity – not just about rural communities in Africa and Asia
  65. Editorial on the occasion of the International Congress of Nutrition. World hunger: A good fight or a losing cause?
  66. Dairy intake and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels in men at high risk for prostate cancer
  67. Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D status in African American men
  68. Diet, cancer and public health nutrition
  69. Dietary Patterns and Colon Cancer Risk in Whites and African Americans in the North Carolina Colon Cancer Study
  70. Mediterranean Diet and Breast Density in the Minnesota Breast Cancer Family Study
  71. Food Frequency Questionnaires and Overnight Urines Are Valid Indicators of Daidzein and Genistein Intake in U.S. Women Relative to Multiple 24-h Urine Samples
  72. Dietary patterns and breast density in the Minnesota Breast Cancer Family Study
  73. Dietary intake and breast density in high-risk women: a cross-sectional study
  74. On Previous Findings Concerning Preserved Meat Intake and Respiratory Disease
  75. Fruit and vegetables revisited
  76. Gene–environment interactions and public health nutrition
  77. Breast-feeding: part of the slow food movement?
  78. Food purchasing patterns in purchase-driven societies
  79. On the Usage of Principal Components Analysis and Multiple Testing
  80. Prospective Study of Dietary Patterns and Persistent Cough with Phlegm among Chinese Singaporeans
  81. Correlates of Soy Food Consumption in Women at Increased Risk for Breast Cancer
  82. Conceptualizing dietary Westernization, observing dietary transitions
  83. Comparison of Intakes of US Chinese Women Based on Food Frequency and 24-Hour Recall Data
  84. Considering the when and the where of eating
  85. Editorial
  86. Social circumstances and dietary intake
  87. Dietary Patterns and Dietary Makeovers
  88. Editorial
  90. Area-Level Characteristics and Smoking in Women
  91. Fundamental Dietary Patterns and Their Correlates Among US Whites
  92. Food intake patterns and gallbladder disease in Mexican Americans
  93. Eating Frequency and Risk of Colorectal Cancer
  94. Dietary intake and gallbladder disease: a review
  95. Genetic admixture and gallbladder disease in Mexican Americans
  96. Genetic admixture and gallbladder disease in Mexican Americans