All Stories

  1. Rehabilitate Defectology! Teaching Foundation Reading as Compensation
  2. Meeting the Needs and Potentials of High-Ability, High-Performing, and Gifted Students via Differentiation
  3. Guided to Guider: the “∼ed” and “∼er” roles in professional development materials for guided Reading
  4. The shared reading of digital storybooks with young children: Parents’ perspectives
  5. Cross-sector collaborations via Facebook: teachers’ use of social media
  6. Transition into school-aged care – how do services support children starting school?
  7. Literacy learning in infant-toddler programs: Practice architectures as a lens for examining educator pedagogy
  8. Examining the paradoxes children experience in language and literacy learning
  9. The Barometer of Agency: Reconceptualising the ‘Guided Reading’ Teaching Approach
  10. Guided reading – Working within a child's zone of proximal development
  11. Cross-sector early years teacher collaboration: using professional learning workshops as boundary objects for professional boundary crossing
  12. Child-Centred Teaching: Helping Each Child to Reach Their Full Potential
  13. Learning to read: where should early childhood educators begin?
  14. School readiness – what does this mean? Educators’ perceptions using a cross sector comparison
  15. Mothers’ views on shared reading with their two-year olds using printed and electronic texts: Purpose, confidence and practice
  16. Digital Literacies in Middle Years Classrooms: Teachers’ Perspectives and Self-reported Practices
  17. Using Digital Devices in a First Year Classroom: A Focus on the Design and Use of Phonics Software Applications
  18. Using Multiple Videoed Events to generate data
  19. Insights into casual relief teaching: casual relief teachers’ perceptions of their knowledge and skills
  20. Teacher Practice: A Spotlight on the Use of Feedback and Conferencing in the First Year of Schooling