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  1. approaches and proposals to improve the integration of migrant children.
  2. El e-portafolio profesional docente como instrumento formativo para la adquisición de la CDD
  3. This article is aimed at exploring how secondary school teachers learn.
  4. Reception of immigrant children in education systems from a child-centred approach
  5. Expanding perspectives on secondary education teachers’ learning ecosystems: implications for teachers’ professional development
  6. Fostering teacher’s digital competence at university: The perception of students and teacher
  7. Results of implementation of the European project DIYLab at the Barcelona University
  8. DIY culture in primary school. Transdisciplinar and collaborative learning shared in DIYLabHub
  9. Research-based insights on initial teacher education in Spain
  10. Do it Yourself in Education: Leadership for Learning across Physical and Virtual Borders
  11. Researching on and with Young People: Collaborating and Educating
  12. Classroom 2.0 Experiences and Building on the Use of ICT in Teaching
  13. Cómo aprendemos el profesorado de universidad. Implicaciones para la formación docente