All Stories

  1. Essential oil of Cymbopogon martini, source of geraniol, as a potential antibacterial agent against Bacillus subtilis, a pathogen of the bakery industry
  2. Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis of the Inorganic Components from Teeth Exposed to Psychotherapeutic Drugs
  3. Essential oil of Cymbopogon martini, source of geraniol, as a potential antibacterial agent against Bacillus subtilis, a pathogen of the bakery industry
  4. Pathological and Therapeutic Approach to Endotoxin-Secreting Bacteria Involved in Periodontal Disease
  5. Airborne Microorganisms Present in the Atmosphere in Valladolid, Spain
  6. Contaminations contaminate common databases
  7. Unexpected Toxicity of Green Tea Polyphenols in Combination with the Sambucus RIL Ebulin
  8. Haemosporidian prevalence in Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis nestlings in the Iberian Peninsula: lower prevalence than previously reported
  9. Galactose very present in food and pharmaceutical products, leads to disorders in metabolism
  10. Bird Ringing and Molecular Genetics: Two Complementary Ways for Describing the Movements of White-Throated Dippers Cinclus cinclus
  11. Haemosporidian prevalence in Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis nestlings: impact on body condition and geographic distribution in the Iberian Peninsula
  12. Is isolation by distance the cause of the genetic structure of the Iberian white‐throated dipper populations?
  13. The Iberian Peninsula is an Area of Infection byHaemoproteus payevskyiandHaemoproteus nucleocondensusfor the White-Throated DipperCinclus cinclus
  14. Haemosporidians in Iberian BluethroatsLuscinia svecica
  15. Prevalence of haematozoan parasites in the White-throated DipperCinclus cinclusin southern Europe
  16. Transient Injury-Dependent Up-Regulation of CD105 and its Specific Targeting with an Anti-Vascular Anti-Mouse Endoglin-Nigrin b Immunotoxin
  17. In vitro and in vivo effects of an anti-mouse endoglin (CD105)–immunotoxin on the early stages of mouse B16MEL4A5 melanoma tumours
  18. Transient Injury-Dependent Up-Regulation of CD105 and its Specific Targeting with an Anti-Vascular Anti-Mouse Endoglin-Nigrin b Immunotoxin
  19. Genetic Differences Among Iberian White-Throated DipperCinclus cinclusPopulations Based on the CytochromebSequence
  20. High prevalence of haemosporidians in Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus and Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus in Spain
  21. Transient occurrence of an ebulin-related d-galactose-lectin in shoots of Sambucus ebulus L.
  22. Targeting a marker of the tumour neovasculature using a novel anti-human CD105-immunotoxin containing the non-toxic type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein nigrin b
  23. Elderberry Bark Lectins Evolved to Recognize Neu5Ac 2,6Gal/GalNAc Sequence from a Gal/GalNAc Binding Lectin Through the Substitution of Amino-Acid Residues Critical for the Binding to Sialic Acid
  24. Specific dose-dependent damage of Lieberkühn crypts promoted by large doses of type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein nigrin b intravenous injection to mice
  25. Molecular characterization and systemic induction of single-chain ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) leaves
  26. Bacterial expression of biologically active recombinant musarmin 1 from bulbs of Muscari armeniacum L. and Miller
  27. Characterization and cDNA Cloning of Monomeric Lectins That Correspond to the B-Chain of a Type 2 Ribosome-Inactivating Protein from the Bark of Japanese Elderberry (Sambucus sieboldiana)
  28. cDNA molecular cloning and seasonal acumulation of an ebulin l-related dimeric lectin of dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus L.) leaves
  29. Isolation and Characterization of a new Dgalactose- Binding Lectin from Sambucus Racemosa L.
  30. Musarmins: three single-chain ribosome-inactivating protein isoforms from bulbs of Muscari armeniacum L. and Miller
  31. Sensitivity of cancer cell lines to the novel non-toxic type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein nigrin b
  32. Isolation, cDNA Cloning, Biological Properties, and Carbohydrate Binding Specificity of Sieboldin-b, a Type II Ribosome-Inactivating Protein from the Bark of Japanese Elderberry (Sambucus sieboldiana)
  33. Isolation and characterization of two new N-glycosidase type-1 ribosome-inactivating proteins, unrelated in amino-acid sequence, from Petrocoptis species
  34. Cusativin, a new cytidine-specific ribonuclease accumulated in seeds of Cucumis sativus L.
  35. Distribution and properties of major ribosome-inactivating proteins (28 S rRNA N-glycosidases) of the plant Saponaria officinalis L. (Caryophyllaceae)
  36. Isolation and partial characterization of nigrin b, a non-toxic novel type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein from the bark ofSambucus nigra L.
  37. Molecular mechanism of inhibition of mammalian protein synthesis by some four-chain agglutinins
  38. Molecular action of the type 1 ribosome-inactivating protein saporin 5 on Vicia sativa ribosomes
  39. Effects of ribosome-inactivating proteins on Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens translation systems.
  40. Partial characterization of the translational inhibitor present in seeds of Cucumis melo L
  41. Isolation and partial characterization of a new ribosome-inactivating protein from Petrocoptis glaucifolia (Lag.) Boiss
  42. Fusidic acid-dependent wheat germ ribosomal complexes require unphosphorylated elongation factor 2
  43. Changes in sensitivity of in vitro rat brain protein synthesis to the acute action of ethanol and isopropanol as a consequence of the long-term ingestion of isopropanol
  44. Effect of l-azetidine 2-carboxilic acid on the activity of the general amino-acid permease from Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus