All Stories

  1. The role of universities in accelerating the sustainable development goals in Europe
  2. The role of artificial intelligence in the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 11: Fostering sustainable cities and communities
  3. An assessment of priorities in handling climate change impacts on infrastructures
  4. An Object-Based Detection Approach for Automating City Accessibility Constraints Mapping
  5. Short Motivational Program for Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence: A Feasibility Study
  6. Assessing climate change and health provisions among staff in higher education institutions: A preliminary investigation
  7. Handling the growing problem of offshore food waste
  8. Influence of Clinical and Psychosocial Factors on the Adherence to Topical Treatment in Psoriasis
  9. A ticket to where? Dwindling snow cover impacts the winter tourism sector as a consequence of climate change
  10. Climate-friendly healthcare: reducing the impacts of the healthcare sector on the world’s climate
  11. Online Sexual Grooming of Children
  12. Violence, Victimization and Prevention
  13. Reducing the carbon footprint of the textile sector: an overview of impacts and solutions
  14. Editor’s Introduction: Violence, Victimization and Prevention
  15. Fostering students’ participation in the implementation of the sustainable development goals at higher education institutions
  16. Physical space characteristics and official statistics of crime in the historic centre of Porto, Portugal: the crucial role played by crime prevention through environmental design
  17. Assessing the provisions for sustainability in economics degree programmes
  18. The added value of partnerships in implementing the UN sustainable development goals
  19. Editorial: Sustainability challenges around energy poverty in an era of global environmental and economic crisis
  20. On the (melting) rocks: Climate change and the global issue of permafrost depletion
  21. The central role of climate action in achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
  22. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) and innovation in the construction sector: Systematic Literature Review
  23. Dermatological Side Effects of Cancer Treatment: Psychosocial Implications—A Systematic Review of the Literature
  24. Climate change: Why higher education matters?
  25. Influences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the impact factor of a sample of environment/sustainability-related journals
  26. Mapping universities-communities partnerships in the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals
  27. International trends on transformative learning for urban sustainability
  28. Using data science for sustainable development in higher education
  29. When the alarm bells ring: Why the UN sustainable development goals may not be achieved by 2030
  30. Correction : Low carbon futures: assessing the status of decarbonisation efforts at universities within a 2050 perspective
  31. Governance in the implementation of the UN sustainable development goals in higher education: global trends
  32. Minding the gap: The moderating role of education between subjective health and social life perception and Internet use time
  33. Chemical characteristics of bottom ash from biomedical waste incinerators in Ghana
  34. Low carbon futures: assessing the status of decarbonisation efforts at universities within a 2050 perspective
  35. Ensuring sustainability in internationalisation efforts at higher education institutions
  36. Author Correction: Towards symbiotic approaches between universities, sustainable development, and cities
  37. SDGs in the European Region
  38. Well-Being at Work and Sustainability in Public Services: Brazilian University Case
  39. Perceptions of Women Waste Handlers in Ghana, Africa
  40. Climate Change and Health Hazards
  41. Contribution to Social Sustainability and the Gender Equality at Public Universities: Women Empowerment in the Brazilian Context
  42. Future Interdisciplinary Waste Ecological Challenges
  43. Industrial Waste Management in Ghana: Environmental Challenges and Climate Change Impacts on Human Health
  44. Mental Health, Well-Being and Climate Change: Scope and Challenges
  45. South Asian Coalesced Realities: SDG 3 and SDG 6 During COVID-19 Pandemic
  46. Sustainable Development Within Higher Education Institutions: The Occupational Health Field Example
  47. Well-Being at Work and Sustainability in Public Services: Brazilian University Case
  48. Adaptation of the Phubbing Scale and of the Generic Scale of Being Phubbed for the Portuguese population
  49. Adaptation of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale for a sample of Portuguese population
  50. Living labs in the context of the UN sustainable development goals: state of the art
  51. Assessment of biomedical waste handling in Ghana
  52. COVID-19 and sustainability in textile, apparel and fashion use: An assessment of trends
  53. Promoting gender equality across the sustainable development goals
  54. An overview of the contribution of the textiles sector to climate change
  55. Barriers and Challenges to Waste Management Hindering the Circular Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa
  56. Editorial: Waste Challenges in the Context of Broad Sustainability Challenges
  57. Barriers to institutional social sustainability
  58. Commentary - empty promises: why declarations and international cooperation on sustainable development often fail to deliver
  59. Riverine Plastic Pollution in Asia: Results from a Bibliometric Assessment
  60. Towards symbiotic approaches between universities, sustainable development, and cities
  61. An assessment of requirements in investments, new technologies, and infrastructures to achieve the SDGs
  62. Direct and Indirect Victims of Urban Crime in the Historic Centre of Porto (Portugal): Prevalence, Dynamics and Associated Variables
  63. BR-174 highway, geotourism and socio-environmental conflicts in the northern remote regions of the Amazon
  64. The economics of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: does sustainability make financial sense?
  65. The influences of the COVID-19 pandemic on sustainable consumption: an international study
  66. Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence Victimization during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Behaviors and Attitudes
  67. A Educação Ambiental por meio do uso das metodologias ativasum estudo de caso na cidade de Cabo Frio (RJ)
  68. Deploying digitalisation and artificial intelligence in sustainable development research
  69. Predicting Frequent and Feared Crime Typologies: Individual and Social/Environmental Variables, and Incivilities
  70. Distance Learning and Social Issues
  71. Influence of psoriasis lesions' location and severity on psychosocial disability and psychopathology. Observational study and psychometric validation of the SAPASI Portuguese version
  72. Relevance of international partnerships in the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  73. Transient poverty in a sustainable development context
  74. Linking Low Family Income to Waste Recycling in a Brazilian Public University
  75. Sustainable Pharmaceutical Waste Management: Pharmacist and Patient Perception in Ghanaian Hospitals
  76. Building Bridges Between Indigenous Peoples and Geotourism Activity: The Case of the Raposa Ethnoregion in Roraima, Brazil
  77. Educação em saúde para indivíduos com dor crônica: ensaio clínico
  78. Geotourism Social Constraints and Protection Instruments from a Sustainability Perspective
  79. Sustainable Policies and Practices in Energy, Environment and Health Research
  80. Recovering from COVID-19 Environment and Social Impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Social Engagement
  81. Vulnerabilities of Waste Scavengers to COVID-19 Impacts: Outcomes of an Exploratory Study in Ghana
  82. A Review on the Cultural Ecosystem Services Provision of Urban Green Spaces: Perception, Use and Health Benefits
  83. Climate Change and Gender-Based Violence: Outcomes, Challenges and Future Perspectives
  84. Ecological Walk: A Proposed Digital Game to Reduce Solid Waste and Safeguard Marine Ecosystems in Brazil
  85. Environmental Waste Sustainability: Organic Valorisation and Socioeconomic Benefits Towards Sustainable Development in Ghana
  86. Environmental and Health Research Methodologies: Integrating a Transdisciplinary Approach in a Higher Education Cross-Cutting Curricular Unit
  87. Measuring Environmental Concern of Urban Green Spaces’ Users (UGSU) Through the Application of the New Ecological Paradigm Scale (NEPS): Evidence from a Southern European City
  88. Social Responsibility and Bioethics in Higher Education: Transversal Dialogues
  89. Sustainability Perception of Lotic and Lentic Ecosystems in the Amazon Basin Through the Lens of a Local Community
  90. Sustainability Practices in a Public University in Bahia, Brazil
  91. Spirituality in Coping with Pain in Cancer Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study
  92. Looking at crime-communities and physical spaces: A curated dataset
  93. Sustainability practices at higher education institutions in Asia
  94. Social Networks, the Internet, and risks: Portuguese parents' perception of online grooming
  95. Toxicity of Antiretrovirals on the Sea Urchin Echinometra lucunter and Its Predicted Environmental Concentration in Seawater from Santos Bay (Brazilian Coastal Zone)
  96. Managing medical waste in Ghana – the reality
  97. Associations between Cues of Sexual Desire and Sexual Attitudes in Portuguese Women
  98. Child and Adolescent Multiple Victimization and/or Polyvictimization: A Portuguese Comparative Study
  99. Handling climate change education at universities: an overview
  100. Psychological Factors Explaining Perceived Impact of COVID-19 on Travel
  101. School climate and students’ disruptive behavior: Perceptions of school professionals
  102. Portuguese Version of COVID-19 Perceived Risk Scale and COVID-19 Phobia Scale: Psychometric Properties
  103. Preliminary Validation Study of the Intrinsic Religious Motivation Scale and the Centrality of Religiosity Scale for the Portuguese Population
  104. The Future Health Workforce: Integrated Solutions and Models of Care
  105. The davi trail in Mucajaí, Roraima, Brazil: an experience to (re)connect and protect nature
  106. Patterns of dosage regimen instructions regarding topical medicines: how is the information perceived by patients?
  107. Occupational health resource classification instrument (OHRCI) in the oil industry, Brazil
  108. Person-centred care-based crisis management: facing COVID-19 in an oil industry
  109. Suicide postvention in the oil industry: innovation in mental health and care with life in the world of work
  110. Telemedicine applied to offshore medical emergencies: impacts on a Brazilian oil industry
  111. Psychosocial profiles of college students: chemical and Behavioural addictions
  112. Leaving a Violent Relationship
  113. Knowledge and Practices of Community Pharmacists in Topical Dermatological Treatments
  114. Development of an innovative index to assess worker’s health risk: the WHRI applied to an oil industry in Bahia, Brazil
  115. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Human Value Priorities and Associations with Subjective Well-Being, Subjective General Health, Social Life, and Depression across Europe
  116. Human Values and Religion: Evidence from the European Social Survey
  117. Application of the bootstrap method in low-sampled Upper Miocene sandstone hydrocarbon reservoirs: a case study
  118. Innovative Use of Plastic for a Clean and Sustainable Environmental Management: Learning Cases from Ghana, Africa
  119. Raising Awareness on Solid Waste Management through Formal Education for Sustainability: A Developing Countries Evidence Review
  120. Validation and Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese Version of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) and Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) and Associations with Travel, Tourism and Hospitality
  121. Gender Equality Indicators in Higher Education: The SDG 5 Perspective and Bioethical Approach
  122. Distance Learning and Social Issues
  123. Environmental Bioethics, Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility in Higher Education
  124. Environmental Education in School as a Contributor for Social Responsibility Towards the Sustainability of the Historical and Natural Heritage of Cabo Frio, RJ, Brazil
  125. Pedagogical Sustainability Project Addressing Environmental Problems in Cabo Frio, RJ, Brazil
  126. Rufina Beach and Sustainable Development: The Role of Women in Mucajaí, RR, Brazil
  127. Exploring Associations between Attitudes towards Climate Change and Motivational Human Values
  128. Cyber and Offline Dating Abuse in a Portuguese Sample: Prevalence and Context of Abuse
  129. The Mediator Role of Body Image-Related Cognitive Fusion in the Relationship between Disease Severity Perception, Acceptance and Psoriasis Disability
  130. School Personnel Perception of Parental Involvement and Students’ Behavior Problems: Practical Implications
  131. The Mediating Effect of Parental Involvement on School Climate and Behavior Problems: School Personnel Perceptions
  132. Atas do X Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Universidade da Madeira, 2019
  133. Sustainable Management Systems Standards (SMSS): Structures, Roles, and Practices in Corporate Sustainability
  134. Generation Z: Fitting Project Management Soft Skills Competencies—A Mixed-Method Approach
  135. Prevalence of nursing diagnostics in oil industry workers in Bahia, Brazil
  136. Geological Risk Calculation through Probability of Success (PoS), Applied to Radioactive Waste Disposal in Deep Wells: A Conceptual Study in the Pre-Neogene Basement in the Northern Croatia
  137. For a Healthy (and) Higher Education: Evidences from Learning Outcomes in Health Sciences
  138. Geological Risk Calculation through Probability of Success (PoS), Applied to Radioactive Waste Disposal in Deep Wells: A Case Study in the Pre-neogene Basement in the Northern Croatia
  139. Recent Advances in Geomathematics in Croatia: Examples from Subsurface Geological Mapping and Biostatistics
  140. Stay or Leave Abusive Dating Relationships: Portuguese Victims’ Reasons and Barriers
  141. Comparing Psychopathological Symptoms in Portuguese Football Fans and Non-fans
  142. Workers’ Healthcare Assistance Model (WHAM): Development, Validation, and Assessment of Sustainable Return on Investment (S-ROI)
  143. Recent Advances in Geomathematics: Croatian Examples from Subsurface Geological Mapping and Biostatistics
  144. The Relevance of God to Religious Believers and Non-Believers
  145. Desenvolvimento de um instrumento quantitativo para inspeção sanitária em serviços de alimentação e nutrição, Brasil
  146. Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment Programs: Predictors of Treatment Effectiveness
  147. Psychopathological Symptoms and Loneliness in Adult Internet Users: A Contemporary Public Health Concern
  148. Communication of Environmental Risks to Potentially Exposed Workers: An Experience in the Oil Industry, Bahia, Brazil
  149. Effectiveness of an Oral Health Program Among Brazilian Oil Workers
  150. Health Risk Assessment in Oil Industry in Bahia, Brazil: The Worker’s Health Risk Index (WHRI)
  151. Medical Emergency Resource Classification Instrument (MERCI) in the Oil Industry, Brazil
  152. Gender Equality Indicators in Higher Education: SDG 5 Perspective and Bioethical Approach
  153. Landscape Sustainability: Contribution of Mucajaí-RR (Brazil) Region
  154. New Pervious Concrete Construction Material for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
  155. Finding a path for happiness in the context of sustainable development: a possible key
  156. New Pervious Concrete Construction Material for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
  157. Who Is Concerned about Terrorist Attacks? A Religious Profile
  158. Motivations Influencing the Surgeon’s Healthcare Unit Choice to Perform Surgery: A Confirmatory Study in Portugal
  159. Implicaciones ambientales de la absorción de CO2 por pavimento de concreto permeable en caminos urbanos
  160. Bioethical Reflections on the UN 2030 Agenda and its Repercussions for Teachers' Health
  161. The Use of Mobile Devices in Environmental Education
  162. Development and Validation of an Interdisciplinary Worker’s Health Approach Instrument (IWHAI)
  163. Health Behaviors as a Mediator of the Association Between Interpersonal Relationships and Physical Health in a Workplace Context
  164. Implementation of an Interdisciplinary Approach to Promote Workers Global Health Status in the Oil Industry, Brazil (2006–2015)
  165. Recognising the Significance of Bioethical Reflections for the Promotion of Teachers' Health in Higher Education: A Cross-Sectional Study
  166. Recognising the Significance of Bioethical Reflections for the Promotion of Teachers' Health in Higher Education: A Cross-Sectional Study
  167. Long-term Negative Psychological Impact of Presymptomatic Testing on Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy
  168. Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Fluids in 2018
  169. Phenomenological reflections of Edmund Husserl and Edith Stein: establishing dialogues with the bioethical paradigm and the teachers health promotion
  171. Tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs) na promoção da saúde: considerações bioéticasInformation and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the health promotion: Bioethics considerations
  172. Bioethics, Health Promotion and Sustainability: Interfaces in Higher Education
  173. Pervious Concrete Pavement on Highway BR-319, Amazonas, Brazil
  174. Security and victimization of university students in the city of Oporto
  175. Long-term predictors for psychological outcome of pre-symptomatic testing for LONDs
  176. Gas compressibility factor estimation in coal sorption isotherms
  177. Bioética e promoção da saúde docente na educação superior
  178. Risk perception in subjects at-risk for Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy
  179. Motivation to perform presymptomatic testing in Portuguese subjects at-risk for LONDS
  180. Subjects at Risk for Genetic Late-Onset Neurological Diseases: Objective Knowledge
  181. Precious metal nano composites based on autoxidized unsaturated plant oils/fatty acids
  182. Biocompatible poly(Aspartic Acid) derivative-coated USPIO nanoparticles incorporated with anticancer drug for theranostic applications
  183. Gas compressibility factor estimation in coal sorption isotherms
  184. Environment and Human Health
  185. Gas content derivative data
  186. Illness representations
  187. Mid- and long-term anxiety levels associated with presymptomatic testing
  188. Coal gas adsorption/desorption isotherms versus diffusion process
  189. Depression as the Middle- and Long-Term Impact for Pre-Symptomatic Testing of Late-Onset Neurodegenerative Disorders
  190. Gas diffusion coefficient in coal: calculation of tangent slope accuracy through the inflection point determination
  191. Increasing sorption isotherms accuracy
  192. Subjects At-Risk for Genetic Diseases in Portugal
  193. Review of European energy policies regarding the recent “carbon capture, utilization and storage” technologies scenario and the role of coal seams
  194. The coal cleat system
  195. Sewage sludge disposal with energy recovery
  196. Coal reservoir for CO2 safe geological sequestration
  197. Effect of Cr (VI) in Four Portuguese Microalgae Growth
  198. GAS Storage versus gas circulation
  199. Volume preface
  200. Air Pollution, Legislation and Health