All Stories

  1. Physiotherapy in Chronic Venous Disease
  2. Physiotherapy after Breast Cancer treatment
  3. Comparison of two teaching techniques in practical physiotherapy eduation: online and face-to-face
  4. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures With Leg Lymphedemas
  5. Development of an interdisciplinary journal club concept at a University of Applied Sciences
  6. Manual lymphatic drainage with infantile klippel-trenaunay syndrome
  7. Chronic vein insufficiency
  8. Medical staffs´ journal club
  9. Physiotherapy and science
  10. Belly pain and distension
  11. Neurological letal disease
  12. Effektivität von Manueller Lymphdrainage zur Behandlung eines Seroms nach Latissimus-dorsi-flap-Brustrekonstruktion